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Current Funding Information
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Region 9 CARE Projects

EPA provides financial assistance grants to qualified applicants to support a variety of environmental programs and activities. EPA Region 9 works within the context of EPA's national grants program to provide funding opportunities specific to EPA's Pacific Southwest Region.

Information for Applicants

Before You Apply
You should be familiar with federal grant requirements before you apply. These requirements, established in law , Executive Order, federal regulation, and the OMB Circulars, often vary depending on the type of organization applying. For example, they establish which costs may be charged to a federal grant, how open competition is required for equipment, supplies, and contracts procured under a grant, and what efforts that must be taken to contract with women- and minority-owned firms.

Applying for a Grant
If you have been asked to submit a formal application for a grant by an EPA project officer or your proposal has been formally selected for funding by EPA Region 9, please follow these guidelines. In many cases, EPA Region 9 will send you additional guidance information with a Region 9 tracking number to help you apply for your specific program/project. If you are submitting a grant proposal, however, there is a different procedure (see Requests for Proposals).

Managing Your Grant
Information for EPA grant recipients, including regulations, common forms, reports, and required certifications.

Available Grants in Region 9

EPA supports two major types of grants:

Available Grants in Region 9
Provides summaries of current Region 9 funding opportunities, contacts, and links to related documents. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) provides a complete listing of all EPA grants.

Funding Solicitations
Includes details about many of EPA Region 9's current funding opportunities, and how to submit a proposal.

Region 9 Topics and Programs | A-Z Index

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