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Homeless Assistance News Stories

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The following are news stories that are relevant to HUD's Homeless Assistance Programs.


HUD’s Homeless Program Awards Announced!
 -   2007 Homeless Assistance Program Awards page
 -   Deputy Secretary Bernardi's Announcement

Secretary Alponson Jackson giving a speech HUD Reports Drop in Chronic Homelessness Decrease largely attributed to increase in supportive housing.

ANNOUNCING: The Homelessness Resource Exchange at HUDHRE.info
The Homelessness Resource Exchange is your one-stop shop for information and resources for providers who are assisting persons who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
Click here to visit!

Defining Chronic Homelessness: A Technical Guide for HUD Programs
This technical guide is intended for non-profit local housing and service providers as well as local government agencies that are under contract with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to provide housing and related support services to the target population of chronically homeless persons.
Learn more...

Guidebook on Military Base Reuse and Homeless Assistance
To read the updated version of the Guidebook on Military Base Reuse and Homeless Assistance from HUD's Office of Special Needs and Assistance Programs, click here!

Approved Base Realignments and Closures
To see the latest plans that have been approved, click here!

Title V Property Survey
Federal Property Information Checklist

With authority delegated by the McKinney Act, HUD must canvass federal landholding agencies on a quarterly basis to collect information about properties identified as unutilized, underutilized, excess, or surplus in surveys conducted by the agencies. To view the checklist, click here.

Report to Congress: HUD's Strategy for Homeless Data Collection, Reporting and Analysis
This report focuses on concerns about data quality and usage issues. They are important because as communities generate more valid data, they will be able to facilitate analysis of housing and service patterns used to evaluate program effectiveness, improve systems of care, better target limited resources, and advocate for increased private investment.

Q & A for the 2007 Housing Inventory Chart
This Questions and Answer (Q&A) document is designed to help Continuums of Care (CoCs) complete the sections of their Chart I — Housing Inventory Chart (HIC).

2007 NOFA Chart V Worksheet
This worksheet will help you complete Exhibit 1, Part IV, Chart V - CoC Chronic Homeless (CH) Progress Chart question 3 on the development and operation costs of new permanent supportive housing (PSH) beds for chronically homeless (CH) individuals.

HUD’s first Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) to Congress is now available.
more ...


Bellewood Presbyterian Home For Children Receives HUD Monies
The Bellewood Presbyterian Home for Children was enthusiastic about the news that they were awarded $420,830 in permanent supportive housing grant funds to aid homeless disabled clients.

Jacksonville Field Office presents Continuum of Care Grants, addresses Base closings (BRAC) and develops plans for hurricane season in "on the road" sessions

HUD Joins with Florida Department of Children & Families and Florida Housing Finance Corporation at Check Presentation for Homeless Program Grants
HUD announces $65 million in grant funding to support homeless programs in Florida

Homeless Assistance Providers of Vets Programs Conference Call, May 18, 2006
This conference call briefly reviewed 11 mainstream resources for homeless veteran client/consumers, discussed basic linkage protocols, and presented "real world" examples of providers that have experienced success with the linkage process.

Birmingham HUD Homeless Coordinator receives White Wolf Award
On April 3, 2006 the Alabama Alliance to End Homelessness (ALAEH) presented the White Wolf Award to HUD's Community Planning and Development employee, Beverly Gosnell.

Base Realignment and Closure
the congressionally authorized process the U.S. Department of Defense has previously used to reorganize its base structure to more efficiently and effectively support our military forces, increase operational readiness and facilitate new ways of doing business.

Homeless Assistance Programs Listserv
Find out about policy changes and clarifications, upcoming events, program management tools, and other items of general interest regarding HUD's Homeless Assistance Programs.
more... | Homeless Assistance Programs

IDIS Version 10.0 Online Tutorial
The purpose of this tutorial is to introduce grantees to the IDIS Performance Measurement Release Version 10.0.
more... | IDIS Website

A Place at the Table: Homeless Veterans and Local Homeless Assistance Planning Networks revised December 2005
This revised and updated guidebook is designed to help organizations serving homeless veterans participate in homeless assistance program planning networks in their communities and access the resources that are available through these networks.

HUD Joins So Others Might Eat In Recognition Of National Volunteer Week
Today, Housing and Urban Development Secretary Alphonso Jackson joined volunteers from the local community and members of the HUD staff to serve lunch at So Others Might Eat (SOME).more...

Pinellas County Commissioner Kenneth T. Welch Opens Ceremony.Opening Doors of Opportunity: A Ten Year Plan to End Homelessnessin Pinellas County, Florida
During the summer of 2004, various community and elected representatives in Pinellas County, Florida met to discuss the possibility of forming a unified approach to ending chronic homelessness. HUD facilitated these discussions, resulting in the formation of The Pinellas County Homeless Policy Group.

Continuum of Care/ Education Rights Coordination
The 2006 Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Programs application requires Continuums to assess its local homeless system's overall strategic planning and coordination efforts. Two documents are provided to assist with this effort.

HUD's Homeless Assistance Programs Brochure
An overview of grants and eligibility requirements

Bush Administration Proposes $33.6 Billion HUD Budget
Increases in Programs will Help Homebuyers, Renters and Homeless
more... | CPD Budget

Help and Hope for the Homeless in Delaware
Angelina Sarro was a homeless alcoholic when she arrived at the Mary Mother of Hope Transitional Residence in Wilmington, Delaware in 1996. She credits the shelter and the services provided at the facility with enabling her to restructure her life in a positive direction.


CPD Notice 05-02 - April 13, 2005
Implementation of Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended, (URA) Final Rule Effective February 3, 2005.
PDF | WORD | Real Estate Acquisition and Relocation

FY2005 CoC and ESG Awards
HUD awards approximately $1.180 billion for competitive programs and approximately $160 million for ESG.
more... | Press Release

Using CPD Grants to Address Re-aligned Priorities in the Wake of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita
ESG Hurricane Katrina Waiver | ESG Hurricane Rita Waiver | All CPD Waivers

Provide Feedback on Draft CDBG, ESG, and HOPWA IDIS Screens
December, 2005
The CDBG, ESG, and HOPWA Programs would like your feedback on their proposed new IDIS Performance Measurement Screens. These screens will be available in IDIS in Spring 2006. Therefore, comments on the proposed screens are requested by January 6, 2006.

ConPlan Waiver - 2004 Program Year CAPER
December 12, 2005
Waiver of 24 CFR 91.520(a)(2) to Extend Time For Submission of Performance Reports

Notice of Opportunity To Register Early for Electronic Submission of Grant Applications for Fiscal Year (FY) 2006 HUD Funding Opportunities
December 9, 2005
A notice was published in the Federal Register on December 9, 2005, which describes the steps that HUD applicants must take to register successfully at the Grants.gov website. Registering now, in advance of HUD posting its FY 2006 funding opportunities, can provide applicants sufficient time to address questions with the registration process. Related information is available on theGrants.gov website. Note also that a new governmentwide SF-424 form will be used this year.
more... | SF-424 form Instructions

[Photo: Assistant Secretary Pam Patenaude speaking]Assistant Secretary Pamela Hughes Patenaude announced major HUD pilot homeless grant in Chattanooga, Tennessee for the chronically homeless
October 3, 2005

The Community Planning and Development Monitoring Handbook 6509.2 REV-5 has been completely revised.
October, 2005
more... | Handbook

Photo of Architectural Rendering of the HouseLending a Hand to Homeless Veterans in Massachusetts
September 1, 2005
Homeless veterans had access to free food clothing and health care, as well as psychiatric and social work services during the 14th annual Massachusetts Stand Down for Homeless Veterans.

Photo of Region IV Director Bob Young shaking hands with Jacksonville Mayor John PeytonRegion IV Director Bob Young meets Jacksonville Mayor John Peyton as "mayor to mayor"
August 22, 2005
Jacksonville, Florida Mayor John Peyton greeted the new HUD Region IV Director Bob Young in his office following a press conference announcing the HUD award of $900 thousand dollars to The Emergency Services and Homeless Coalition of Jacksonville (ESHC).

HUD Awards $10 Million to Help Provide Permanent Housing to Persons Experiencing Chronic Homelessness
August 10, 2005
Funding targeted to persons living on the streets and addicted to alcohol

HMIS.Info Newsletter
July, 2005
The HMIS.Info newsletter contains important announcements, information on HMIS events and trainings, as well as a community profile on "best practices" in the field. We encourage you to send an Email, share your story, or provide suggestions on how this newsletter can better serve you.
PDF | All Newsletters | HMIS

SuperNOFA ImageContinuum of Care Homeless Assistance Programs (CoC)

 -   Webcast (April 7, 2005)
 -   Without Captions
 -   With Captions
 -   Slides

 -   Webcast Questions & Answers
 -   5/5/2005
 -   5/13/2005
 -   5/25/2005
 -   Geocodes and Initial Pro Rata Need
 -   Continuums of Care 2002-2004, Listed by State
 -   Announcement
 -   SuperNOFA for CPD Programs

HMIS Project Management Topics and Tools
January 27, 2005
This paper provides guidance to CoCs implementing HMIS in their communities and assists HMIS project managers by describing primary tasks associated with managing an HMIS and providing sample documents to support those activities.
more... | HMIS | Continuum of Care

Image of a Homeless ManBush Administration Announces Record $1.4 Billion to Help Hundreds of Thousands of Homeless Individuals and Families
January 25, 2005
HUD funds will support unprecedented number of local programs.
HUD Secretary Alphonso Jackson said the funding announced today represents the largest level of support for an unprecedented number of local projects on the front lines of caring for people who might otherwise be living on the streets.
more... | Homeless Awards

Cover image from the Customized BibliographyDischarge Planning From Publicly Funded Institutions: Customized Bibliography
January 11, 2005
This bibliography represents a selection of the literature on discharge planning from the systems that people who experience chronic homelessness are most often in contact with.
Sorted by Title | Sorted by Author

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