Frequently Asked Questions — Education News Parents Can Use

  Select a link below to jump to the relevant page section.
  1. How can I view Education News?
  2. How do I register for a program or the series?
  3. Why do I need to register?
  4. How do I know if I am registered?
  5. Where do I obtain satellite coordinates?
  6. Do you offer copies of Education News?
  7. What if I don't have a satellite dish, but still wish to broadcast Education News?
  8. Who can I contact for other questions?

1. How can I view Education News?
  1. Tune in: A number of state educational television systems, Public Broadcasting Service member stations, and scores of public, education and government access television channels broadcast Education News live and rebroadcast it in cities and towns around the United States. Major national cable outlets, including The Learning Channel and the Channel One networks, also rebroadcast the program. Check local listings for air times or search "viewing options" listed for each broadcast.

    If Education News does not air in your community, you can call your local cable provider or public access channel to request it. The program is available free to television and cable outlets, including community cable access stations, school board stations, and government and public access stations. Many of these outlets will broadcast or cable-cast Education News if a community member requests it. If you need further assistance please contact us at 1-800-USA-LEARN or

  2. Create a "downlink" site: You can take part in Education News as part of an organized group meeting at a "downlink" site. All it takes is for one person to invite the key people in the community, school or neighborhood who care about education, and then to find a site that has a satellite dish.

    In most communities, that site will often be a school building. If your local school or school district is not equipped with satellite capability, there are national organizations that encourage their local affiliates to serve as downlink facilities for Education News. These include Public Broadcasting System member stations and local chambers of commerce. Other possible downlink sites are public libraries, community colleges, television stations, government offices, businesses, hospitals, hotels, and even private homes with backyard satellite dishes.

  3. Join Education News on-line: Archived web casts of each show are available at


2. How do I register for a program or the series?
  • To access our on-line registration system, visit

  • Go to the "Broadcast Shows" option to register for the Education News season or for individual broadcasts.


3. Why do I need to register?
  • TV stations and downlink sites must register before receiving satellite coordinates for our free programming.

  • Your registration allows us to notify you of any last minute content or technical changes.

  • Your registration helps ensure we can continue to offer this free service.


4. How do I know if I am registered?

The registration system will automatically send you a confirmation email upon registration. However, if you are uncertain if you are registered, go to

  • Select "Broadcast Shows."
  • Login with your username and password.
  • The system will indicate your registration information.

5. Where do I obtain satellite coordinates?

There are 2 ways to obtain coordinates.

  1. Coordinates are sent via e-mail within 1-2 business days, after you have registered, or as soon as they become available.

  2. You can obtain coordinates yourself by visiting Select "Broadcast Shows," login with your username and password. Select "Tech Info" for the satellite coordinates of the upcoming broadcast.

Do not hesitate to e-mail or call 1-800-USA-LEARN if you experience any problems accessing the coordinates or need assistance.


6. Do you offer copies of Education News?

Due to budget constraints, we have a very limited supply of Education News copies. However, we do offer a monthly mailing list for broadcast facilities without satellite capability. If you have an emergency need or wish to be added to our list please e-mail with your request. Please include your name, title, address, phone number and tape preference (options below).

Copies of the most recent programs are available free of charge. Tapes are usually ready for distribution about 14-21 days after the original broadcast. All copies are closed-captioned. Permission is granted to broadcast, duplicate and distribute all programs.

DVD and BETA SP formats are available in English or dubbed into Spanish.


7. What if I don't have a satellite dish, but still wish to broadcast Education News?
  • Stations without satellite capability can receive Education News videos every month for broadcast, by sending a request to
  • Requests should include a full mailing address and format preference.
  • Options are listed above.

8. Who can I contact for other questions?

Please contact 800-USA-LEARN or e-mail:


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Last Modified: 11/21/2007