BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

New Hampshire

Creating an Export Management Compliance Program

When: December 10-11, 2008, 9:00am-3:00pm
Where: International Trade Resource Center, Portsmouth, NH
Fee: $175.00

This is a two day class running December 10th and 11th. The New Hampshire International Trade Resource Center in cooperation with Jeanette Reed would like to help you put together an EMCP (Export Management Compliance Program) manual to use as a company guide for all of your exporting.

Staying on top of the documentation means organization and structure within the shipping department. The chain of responsible parties should also include the sales, R & D, and accounting departments as well as upper management. We would like to help you walk out with your own EMCP so that you will have knowledge of what procedures are followed within the company.

  • The first day of the course we will be talking about implementing a system, who the responsible parties are for the exports, and what is needed to avoid any complications with the Export Enforcement Office (EEO).
  • The second day will involve outlining in a notebook everything that you will need to insert from within your company so that you will have a procedure in place if anyone comes looking into your exporting process.

This workshop will cover:

  • Compliance Policies
  • Operating Procedures
  • Need for appropriate documentation
  • How to organize export codes on spreadsheets
  • Screening the lists before exporting
  • Accountability
  • What to include in your EMCP manual
  • How to implement the program

For any questions, and to register, please contact Katy Reno at 603.334.6074 or