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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Research Activities

December 2002, No. 268


About Research Activities

Feature Story

Patients cared for by both a cardiologist and a primary care doctor after heart attack have a lower risk of death

Heart Disease

Researchers examine the risk factors for sudden cardiac death and management of at-risk patients
Researchers recount lessons learned from the past two decades of cardiovascular clinical research


High-risk cardiovascular procedures, but not cancer operations, are becoming safer
Referring high-risk surgeries to high-volume hospitals may save lives but not money
Endometrial ablation may not prevent hysterectomy for many women with benign uterine conditions
Most hip fracture patients do not have medical complications following surgery
Cultural and language problems can lead to dire consequences during pediatric emergencies
Published reports of in-hospital deaths for certain conditions may not accurately portray outcomes of hospital care
Researchers assess optimal timing of surgery following one or more attacks of uncomplicated diverticulitis

Outcomes/Effectiveness Research

Researchers examine age and race differences in treatment of breast cancer
Prenatal use of erythromycin does not appear to increase the risk of infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
Task Force finds evidence lacking on whether routine screening for prostate cancer improves health outcomes
Researchers assess the performance of radiographic imaging of spinal injuries
Community radiologists vary widely in how they interpret the same screening mammograms
Back pain patients seen by chiropractors receive more information and advice than those seen by physicians
Studies show that early nephrologist referral and frequent visits improve survival among ESRD patients
Patient satisfaction seems to lead to higher quality of care for depression

Primary Care

Many elderly people believe they are unlikely to get the flu and don't realize they need the pneumonia vaccine
Rates of colon cancer screening remain low among patients seen in primary care practices
Preventive health care could be improved for patients with chronic kidney disease who are receiving renal dialysis
Practice-based research network for registered nurses provides a forum for studying nursing-related practice problems

HIV/AIDS Research

HIV studies examine impact of opportunistic infections, HIV load, and other factors on death and life quality

Patient Safety/Quality of Care

Physicians' involvement in patient safety and quality of care may be pivotal to maintaining medicine's credibility

Bioterrorism Research

Only one-fourth of family doctors believe they are prepared to respond to a bioterrorist attack
Researchers calculate staff needed for antibiotic distribution centers after bioterrorism-related disease exposure
Experts identify the challenges facing the health care community in becoming better prepared for biological terrorism

Health Care Costs and Financing

Managed care's selective contracting with physicians slowed growth in physician fees during the early 1990s
Provider-sponsored managed care organizations work best when community leaders and health professionals are involved

Agency News and Notes

Impact of health services research: Moving beyond serendipity
AHRQ encourages nurses to become involved in health services research

Research Briefs

Current as of December 2002
AHRQ Publication No. 03-0011

Internet Citation:

Research Activities newsletter. December 2002, No. 268. AHRQ Publication 03-0011. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.


AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care