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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Research Activities

August 2000, No. 240


About Research Activities

Feature Story

Bystanders inexperienced in CPR can use chest compression alone to revive victims of cardiac arrest

Children's Health

Critically ill children have better outcomes when treated in high- vs. low-volume pediatric ICUs
Study of ER care for febrile infants finds that system changes may be the best way to reduce medical errors
Physicians may underestimate preterm infants' chances for survival and freedom from handicap
Adolescents who weighed 2 pounds or less at birth are smaller overall than those who had a normal birthweight
Researchers examine outcomes of newborns who leave the hospital 1 to 2 days after birth
Later effects of persistent middle-ear fluid in the first 3 years of life are questionable
Primary care providers report most but not all cases of suspected child abuse
Expanded Medicaid and higher reimbursement rates only marginally improve access to dental services for poor children

Women's Health

Age, race, income, and other factors contribute to disparities in screening for breast and cervical cancer
After age 80, women are less likely to receive full range of treatments for breast cancer
Women who have c-sections or assisted vaginal deliveries are at increased risk for rehospitalization
Lack of insurance may not be the only barrier to timely prenatal care for low-income women

Heart Disease and Stroke

Older age, high blood pressure, and other factors increase the risk of complications from cardiac catheterization
Invasive treatments for heart attack may be underused in patients who do not have insurance
Stroke type influences chance of recurrence, survival, and poststroke functioning

Primary Care

Coordination between primary care physicians and specialists improves the quality of the referral process

HIV/AIDS Research

Serum albumin level can predict disease progression in patients with HIV infection

Mental Health

Satisfaction and clinical outcomes are similar for patients with schizophrenia treated in VA and non-VA facilities
Materials now available for quality improvement of depression care in primary care practices
Monograph and summary focusing on children's mental health issues now available from AHRQ

Access to Care

Access to medical care is worse for Asians and Pacific Islanders than for whites and other ethnic groups

Health Care Costs and Financing

Patients often do not understand information about the financial incentives offered to physicians by insurers

Agency News and Notes

AHRQ, HRSA, and other agencies team up to fund grants for medical faculty training in genetics


AHRQ establishes centers of excellence to conduct research on market forces affecting health care
AHRQ announces new MEPS publications on the cost of health care
Attention researchers
Grant final reports now available from NTIS
AHRQ funds new projects

Research Briefs

Current as of August 2000
AHRQ Publication No. 00-0051

Internet Citation:

Research Activities newsletter. August 2000, No. 240. AHRQ Publication 00-0051. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.


AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care