Table 4.—Chain-Type Price Indexes for Gross Output, Intermediate Inputs, and Gross Product by Industry Group, 1977-96


1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996
Gross domestic product 47.42 50.88 55.22 60.34 66.01 70.18 73.16 75.92 78.53 80.58 83.06 86.10 89.72 93.64 97.32 100.00 102.64 105.09 107.76 110.22
Private industries/1/ 48.25 52.71 56.93 61.99 67.98 72.12 74.60 77.36 79.31 81.77 84.41 86.90 90.35 94.38 97.67 100.00 102.50 104.34 106.42 108.95
Agriculture, forestry, and fishing:
Gross output 74.61 84.31 94.90 97.52 100.87 92.54 101.06 101.78 89.18 89.52 91.89 99.49 105.05 104.32 100.86 100.00 102.64 102.04 102.94 113.59
Intermediate inputs 62.77 71.86 77.48 80.25 85.63 89.68 89.73 94.90 85.87 83.42 89.26 94.88 99.28 99.69 100.11 100.00 101.88 104.12 105.92 111.43
Gross product 88.50 106.90 115.57 106.01 104.84 96.18 107.72 107.52 92.96 90.95 94.56 104.57 111.54 109.46 101.66 100.00 103.70 100.08 99.66 116.21
Gross output 62.14 68.15 85.82 114.64 148.19 151.99 143.11 138.48 131.96 97.22 97.46 93.46 100.46 110.85 102.45 100.00 99.46 95.55 95.94 112.36
Intermediate inputs 55.48 60.11 70.83 87.62 105.53 109.44 107.83 107.67 106.11 88.49 90.37 90.31 95.55 103.24 100.64 100.00 101.31 100.09 101.91 112.95
Gross product 65.71 72.71 96.80 137.46 186.43 189.80 173.13 163.70 152.44 103.32 102.26 95.67 103.74 115.93 103.70 100.00 98.14 92.52 92.09 111.46
Gross output 48.54 53.81 59.48 65.70 71.91 77.19 78.86 80.85 82.47 85.56 88.62 92.17 94.94 97.86 98.99 100.00 103.25 106.89 111.21 113.81
Intermediate inputs 53.05 57.44 63.98 71.32 77.24 79.14 80.88 83.00 85.13 84.08 86.35 90.24 93.50 96.40 97.94 100.00 103.02 106.10 109.45 111.43
Gross product 43.86 49.98 54.76 59.89 66.33 75.12 76.70 78.55 79.65 86.75 90.56 93.80 96.16 99.08 99.88 100.00 103.45 107.58 112.71 115.82
Gross output 57.71 61.59 68.21 77.00 83.49 85.44 86.33 88.32 88.06 86.42 88.20 91.90 95.94 98.64 99.36 100.00 101.02 102.28 104.64 104.39
Intermediate inputs 57.51 61.47 69.77 80.62 88.01 88.66 89.87 91.99 91.63 86.75 90.02 94.53 98.51 101.06 100.17 100.00 100.79 102.48 106.81 106.62
Gross product 58.08 61.81 66.06 71.04 75.95 80.22 80.56 82.33 82.24 86.11 85.36 87.44 91.64 94.63 97.89 100.00 101.42 101.92 100.99 100.63
Durable goods:
Gross output 60.02 64.44 70.35 76.61 82.29 85.67 87.40 89.14 89.24 89.69 90.56 93.53 96.76 98.07 99.22 100.00 101.12 102.42 102.55 100.05
Intermediate inputs 57.70 61.88 68.68 76.10 81.87 83.95 86.50 88.50 89.14 87.89 90.30 95.60 98.69 99.79 99.80 100.00 101.07 103.20 105.44 103.06
Gross product 63.82 68.64 73.00 77.28 82.81 88.21 88.64 89.98 89.24 92.35 90.85 90.37 93.79 95.41 98.30 100.00 101.21 101.17 98.03 95.36
Nondurable goods:
Gross output 54.85 58.13 66.04 77.46 84.79 85.33 85.43 87.67 87.04 83.18 85.91 90.18 95.14 99.35 99.47 100.00 100.91 102.13 107.12 109.67
Intermediate inputs 57.17 60.91 70.67 84.85 93.76 93.11 93.15 95.38 94.03 85.61 89.72 93.46 98.31 102.26 100.52 100.00 100.51 101.75 108.37 110.72
Gross product 51.11 53.51 57.63 63.44 67.59 70.52 70.76 73.01 73.73 78.50 78.64 83.84 89.01 93.70 97.41 100.00 101.70 102.86 104.84 107.77
Transportation and public utilities/1/ 51.65 55.73 57.83 62.88 70.63 77.20 80.99 84.77 88.85 93.37 92.64 94.70 97.13 98.06 99.78 100.00 101.76 102.49 104.80 105.97
Transportation/1/ 54.30 59.34 63.03 68.93 77.25 77.48 76.83 80.85 84.45 87.49 90.09 96.92 98.29 99.82 100.16 100.00 101.12 102.60 105.87 106.46
Gross output 59.05 60.78 62.12 64.56 70.48 75.90 79.13 83.58 88.91 92.02 91.39 92.43 95.84 97.59 98.59 100.00 101.26 101.92 102.86 104.78
Intermediate inputs 52.32 55.68 59.96 66.22 71.50 75.12 78.35 81.07 84.31 86.53 88.13 90.43 94.42 96.70 98.77 100.00 99.50 97.32 95.32 96.45
Gross product 62.77 63.76 63.75 64.53 70.06 77.06 80.35 85.83 92.49 96.18 93.98 94.14 97.02 98.29 98.53 100.00 102.17 104.38 107.40 110.29
Electric, gas, and sanitary services:
Gross output 43.70 47.94 53.71 64.48 75.07 88.05 95.91 97.52 97.64 96.08 92.62 91.45 94.39 96.50 99.38 100.00 102.65 101.92 101.69 104.37
Intermediate inputs 48.94 52.68 62.46 76.75 89.37 102.90 109.64 110.88 108.48 97.25 93.80 93.47 97.04 100.42 99.03 100.00 103.71 104.72 102.04 112.27
Gross product 40.05 44.84 46.49 53.72 62.55 75.52 84.89 86.90 89.34 95.79 92.27 90.52 93.07 94.44 99.55 100.00 102.11 100.57 101.19 101.45
Wholesale trade:
Gross output 62.37 66.08 71.36 78.22 82.97 83.89 86.30 88.19 90.26 86.34 90.62 94.81 95.65 99.98 100.73 100.00 101.82 104.53 106.83 106.82
Intermediate inputs 48.81 52.07 57.14 64.10 70.50 73.92 76.95 80.27 82.44 82.67 85.34 88.70 92.24 96.05 98.36 100.00 102.25 104.94 108.81 111.11
Gross product 70.76 74.67 79.89 86.40 89.74 89.08 91.12 92.19 94.20 88.15 93.21 97.85 97.26 101.86 101.81 100.00 101.62 104.34 105.88 104.75
Retail trade:
Gross output 50.49 53.76 58.70 64.62 69.74 73.83 76.08 78.72 80.59 80.52 85.78 86.72 90.18 93.86 97.71 100.00 101.55 103.19 104.35 105.71
Intermediate inputs 47.48 51.02 56.01 62.63 68.94 72.70 75.94 80.02 82.41 83.73 85.95 88.90 92.97 96.82 99.13 100.00 102.08 104.60 107.67 110.49
Gross product 52.19 55.30 60.20 65.66 70.01 74.28 76.16 77.89 79.51 78.84 85.59 85.44 88.57 92.15 96.88 100.00 101.24 102.36 102.43 102.99
Finance, insurance, and real estate/1/ 38.16 41.73 44.61 48.48 53.63 57.54 62.80 66.20 71.33 78.47 81.69 83.36 87.07 92.35 97.82 100.00 103.73 105.91 110.57 115.10
Services/1/ 35.85 38.78 42.33 46.54 51.36 56.30 60.45 64.12 67.55 71.45 75.35 79.87 84.00 89.65 94.33 100.00 103.55 107.47 110.90 114.64
Government/1/ 40.92 43.72 47.09 51.48 56.92 61.73 65.40 70.23 74.38 77.29 80.65 83.83 87.20 91.40 96.08 100.00 103.07 106.29 109.87 113.98
Private goods-producing industries/2/:
Gross output 57.48 61.94 69.36 78.56 86.30 88.33 88.96 90.57 89.80 87.08 88.99 92.47 96.58 99.45 99.53 100.00 101.54 102.76 105.18 106.46
Intermediate inputs 57.22 61.42 69.77 80.54 87.95 89.06 89.92 91.80 91.41 86.49 89.68 94.05 98.02 100.64 99.98 100.00 101.20 102.97 107.03 107.56
Gross product 57.91 63.08 68.99 75.56 83.37 87.31 87.41 88.38 86.91 87.67 87.96 90.15 94.47 97.71 98.84 100.00 102.08 102.46 102.48 104.86
Private services-producing industries/1//3/ 44.41 47.80 51.27 55.88 61.05 65.32 69.27 72.35 75.98 79.21 82.58 85.27 88.33 93.26 96.94 100.00 102.63 105.04 108.08 110.74

1. Gross product price index.

2. Consists of agriculture, forestry, and fishing; mining; construction; and manufacturing.

3. Consists of transportation and public utilities; wholesale trade; retail trade; finance, insurance, and real estate; and services.

NOTES.—Estimates for gross output and for intermediate inputs are shown only for industry groups for which the double-deflation method is used for each detailed industry in the group. See footnote 2 in the text.

Estimates for 1977-86 are shown on the basis of the 1972 Standard Industrial Classification (SIC). Estimates for 1987-96 are shown on the basis of the 1987 SIC.