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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality


AHRQ research trainee in the spotlight

Anthony T. LoSasso, Ph.D., of the University of Chicago, was honored recently by AcademyHealth. Dr. LoSasso received the organization's Article-of-the-Year award at the 2005 annual AcademyHealth meeting held this year in Boston, MA.

This award recognizes the best scientific work produced and published during the previous calendar year in the fields of health services research and health policy. Dr. LoSasso received the award for his lead authorship of "The effect of the State Children's Health Insurance Program on health insurance coverage," which appeared in the September 2004 issue of the Journal of Health Economics.

Dr. LoSasso is the recipient of an AHRQ Independent Scientist (K02) award. He is in the final year of his 5-year AHRQ project entitled "Employer Health Benefits and Employee Health." Dr. LoSasso credits his K grant as being a critical element in his progression to becoming an independent health services researcher.

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