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International Students

SEVIS I-901 Fee Frequently Asked Questions

Return to I-901 FAQ

3. Who pays – or does not pay – the SEVIS I-901 fee and when is it paid?

3.A. Do I need to pay the SEVIS I-901 Fee?

3.B. Who Does Not Pay the Fee

3.C. How much is the SEVIS I-901 fee?

3.D. How does the SEVIS I-901 fee payment process impact getting a visa?

3.E. How do I apply to become a student (F or M)?

3.F. How do I apply to become an exchange visitor (J)?

3.G. How do I know if I need a visa?

3.H. When to Pay the Fee

3.I. More General Questions on Who Pays the Fee

3.J. Specific Questions About F and M Students and SEVIS I-901 Fee Payment

3.K. Specific Questions about J Exchange Visitors and SEVIS I-901 Fee Payment

3.K.1.I applied for several exchange visitor programs. I did not have a final answer from my preferred program in time to enter before the start of my preferred program. So I entered the United States in another program and was subsequently accepted by my preferred program. Do I have to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee when I apply to DoS to change programs?

3.K.2. If I am an exchange visitor who is reentering with a valid J-1 visa but with an initial DS-2019 form (non-transfer), do I need to pay the fee?

3.K.3. If I participated as an exchange visitor short-term scholar and will be returning to the same exchange visitor program for another short-term stay, do I have to pay the fee again?

3.K.4. If I participated in a short-term program and then decide to participate in another short-term program, do I have to pay the fee again?

3.K.5. What if I plan to participate in more than one exchange visitor program while in the United States?

3.L. What happens if I should pay the fee and I did not?

3.M. What happens if my Form I-20 or DS-2019 was issued before October 27, 2008, but was corrected and reissued after October 27, 2008. Do I have to pay the new SEVIS I-901 fee?

3.A. Do I need to pay the SEVIS I-901 Fee?

New Applicants for Student Status (F-1, F-3, M-1, or M-3)

Applicants Reapplying for Student Status (F-1, F-3, M-1, or M-3) after a Denial of that Status

Continuing Students (F-1, F-3, M-1, or M-3) in the United States

Continuing Students (F-1, F-3, M-1 or M-3) not in the United States

New Applicants for Exchange Visitor Status (J-1)

Applicants Reapplying for Exchange Visitor Status (J-1) after a Denial of that Status

Continuing Exchange Visitors (J-1) in the United States

Spouse or Minor Children of Students or Exchange Visitors

New Applicants for Student Status (F-1, F-3, M-1, or M-3)

If you are applying to become a student, pay the new SEVIS I-901 Fee if your initial Form I-20 is issued on or after October 27, 2008, (see Item 10 on the form).

Applicants Reapplying for Student Status (F-1, F-3, M-1, or M-3) after a Denial of that Status

If you have not previously paid the SEVIS I-901 fee, pay the new SEVIS I-901 fee if your initial Form I-20 is issued on or after October 27, 2008, (see Item 10 on the form).

Do not pay the SEVIS I-901 fee, if you already paid the SEVIS I-901 fee and are:

  • Reapplying for a visa within twelve months of the date of initial denial
  • From a visa exempt country and reapplying for status as a student at the POE within 12 months of the date of initial denial
  • Filing a motion to reopen a denied change of status application for a change of status to F-1, F-3, M-1, or M-3

Continuing Students (F-1, F-3, M-1, or M-3) in the United States

If you are a continuing student, who has maintained status and has not completed your program of study, do not pay the SEVIS I-901 fee.
If you are a continuing student, who has maintained status and is transferring or changing program levels, do not pay the SEVIS I-901 fee.
If you are a F-1 student who wishes to change status to F-3, do not pay the SEVIS I-901 fee.
If you are a F-3 student who wishes to change status to F-1, do not pay the SEVIS I-901 fee.
If you are a F-1 or F-3 student who wishes to change status to M-1, M-3 or J-1, pay the SEVIS I-901 fee before you file for change of status.
If you are a M-1 student who wishes to change status to M-3, do not pay the SEVIS I-901 fee.
If you are a M-3 student who wishes to change status to an M-1, do not pay the SEVIS I-901 fee.
If you are a M-1 or M-3 student who wishes to change status to J-1, pay the SEVIS I-901 Fee before you file for change of status.
If you are student who has been out of status for less than five months, do not pay the SEVIS I-901 fee.
If you are a student who has been out of status for more than five months, pay the SEVIS I-901 Fee before you file for reinstatement.

Continuing Students (F-1, F-3, M-1 or M-3) not in the United States

If you are a continuing student who has been out of the United States for less than five months and maintained your status prior to leaving the United States, do not pay the SEVIS I-901 fee.
If you are a continuing student who has been out of the United States for more than five months, maintained your status prior to leaving the United States, and have been participating in authorized overseas study, do not pay the SEVIS I-901 fee.
If you are a student who has been out of the United States for more than five months and have not participated in authorized overseas study, you are no longer considered a continuing s tudent by DHS. You need a new initial Form I-20 from a school and you need to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee.
If you are a student who did not maintain status or you completed a previous program, you are no longer considered a continuing student by DHS. You need a new initial Form I-20 from a school and you need to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee.

New Applicants for Exchange Visitor Status (J-1)

If you are applying to become an exchange visitor, pay the new SEVIS I-901 fee if your initial DS-2019 is dated on or after October 27, 2008 (see Item 7 on your Form DS-2019) UNLESS you are participating in a federally sponsored program that has a program code starting with G-1, G-2, G-3, or G-7

Applicants Reapplying for Exchange Visitor Status (J-1) after a Denial of that Status

If you have not previously paid the SEVIS I-901 fee, pay the new SEVIS I-901 fee if your initial DS-2019 is dated on or after October 27, 2008 (see Item 7 on your Form DS-2019) UNLESS you are participating in a federally sponsored program that has a program code starting with G-1, G-2, G-3, or G-7
Do not pay the SEVIS I-901 fee if you already paid a SEVIS I-901 fee for same exchange visitor category you are applying to, the SEVIS I-901 fee is equal or less than the SEVIS I-901 fee already paid, and you are:
  • Reapplying for a visa within twelve months of the date of initial denial
  • From a visa exempt country and reapplying for status as an exchange visitor at the POE within 12 months of the date of initial denial
  • Filing a motion to reopen or a motion to reconsider a denied change of status application for a change of status to J-1

Continuing Exchange Visitors (J-1) in the United States

If you are a continuing exchange visitor and have maintained status, do not pay the SEVIS I-901 Fee.
If you are a continuing exchange visitor who wishes to transfer from a SEVIS I-901 fee exempt program (the program code starts with G-1, G-2, G-3, or G-7) to one where the SEVIS I-901 fee is required, pay the SEVIS I-901 fee.
If you are an exchange visitor who wishes to change exchange visitor categories, pay the SEVIS I-901 fee before applying for a change of category UNLESS the new program code starts with G-1, G-2, G-3, or G-7.
If you are an exchange visitor who has completed an exchange visitor program and you want to participate in another exchange visitor program, you are no longer considered a continuing exchange visitor by DHS and DoS. You need a new initial Form DS-2019. Pay the SEVIS I-901 Fee UNLESS the new program code starts with G-1, G-2, G-3, or G-7.
If you are an exchange visitor and are filing for reinstatement after a substantive violation or you have been out of status between 121 and 269 days, pay the SEVIS I-901 fee before filing for reinstatement.

For more information on exchange visitor status violations see the DOS website at

Continuing Exchange Visitors (J-1) not in the United States

If you are an exchange visitor outside the United States who maintained status prior to leaving the United States and are returning to continue in the same exchange visitor program, do not pay the SEVIS I-901 fee.
If you are an exchange visitor outside the United States, who did not maintain status prior to leaving the United States, you are no longer considered a continuing exchange visitor by DHS and DoS. You need a new initial Form DS-2019. Pay the SEVIS I-901 Fee UNLESS the new program code starts with G-1, G-2, G-3, or G-7.

Spouse or Minor Children of Students or Exchange Visitors

If you are the spouse or minor child of a student or exchange visitor, do not pay the SEVIS I-901 fee unless you are applying to change status to F-1, M-1, or J-1.

3.B. Who Does Not Pay the Fee

3.B.1 In general, who does not pay the fee?

In general, the following people do not have to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee:

  • Students or exchange visitors who meet all of the following criteria:
    • Started at a school or a program with a Form I-20 or DS-2019 dated before the fee first came into effect on September 1, 2004;
    • Have not completed that program, including students who transfer schools or changed program levels; and
    • Have maintained status
  • Spouses and dependent children who have an F-2, J-2 or M-2 visa.
  • Applicants who paid the SEVIS I-901 fee, were denied a visa and are applying again for the same type of visa within 12 months of the date of the denial (exchange visitors must applying in the same category as the previous application and the SEVIS I-901 fee amount must be the same or less than the fee originally paid)
  • Applicants who paid the SEVIS I-901 fee, were denied a change of status and are applying for a motion to reopen
  • F or M students who fell out of status, but who are applying for a reinstatement within five months of the status violation
  • J exchange visitors who fall out of status for minor or technical reasons as defined by DoS at
  • Government sponsored exchange visitors who are participating in programs with a program code that begins with G-1, G-2, G-3, or G-7.

For more information on who pays the fees and the exceptions, see the section, Do I pay the fee?.

3.B.2. If I am a student or exchange visitor who started school or a program before October 27, 2008, do I need to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee?

Payment is determined by the original issuance date of the Form I-20 or DS-2019.

Any continuing student or exchange visitor who received an initial Form I-20 or DS-2019 dated on or after October 27, 2008, will pay the new SEVIS I-901 fee.

Any continuing student or exchange visitor who received an initial Form I-20 or DS-2019 dated before October 27, 2008, will pay the old SEVIS I-901 fee.

For more information and any exceptions, see the section, Do I pay the fee?

Continuing students or exchange visitors who have not completed their schooling or exchange visitor program and have maintained status do not need to pay the new increased SEVIS I-901 fee.

Original Issuance Date of Form I-20 or DS-2019

On or after October 27, 2008 Pay new fee   
Before October 27, 2008 Pay old fee
Before September 1, 2004 - Continuing No fee

3.B.3. Do I have to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee if I already paid it and my visa was denied?

You do not have to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee again if you:

  • Reapply for a student visa within 12 months of the initial denial if the original application was for a student visa
  • Reapply for an exchange visitor visa within 12 months of the initial denial if the original application and the reapplication are for the same exchange visitor category. See the instructions for requesting that SEVP transfer your fee payment information.

3.B.4. If I am a government visitor, do I need to pay the fee?

Government sponsored exchange visitors who are participating in programs with a program code that begins with G-1, G-2, G-3, or G-7 do not need to pay the fee. All other exchange visitors need to pay the fee.

3.B.5. When is paying a SEVIS I-901 fee not required for continuing students?

Return to the United States to Continue Studies

Continuing students do not have to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee when returning to United States or applying for a visa to return to the United States after:

  • An absence of less than five months to continue the same program of study
  • Completing authorized overseas study as part of the current program (this absence may exceed five months)

Apply for Employment Authorization

You do not have to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee when applying for employment authorization of any type.


You do not have to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee if you apply for reinstatement after being out of status for less than five months.


You do not have to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee if you transfer between approved schools at the same educational level. If you are an F-1 or F-3, your I-20 will have Initial attendance at this school in block 3, but your SEVIS records will show that you have maintained your status and are continuing your education. It will be helpful if you ask your DSO to put Continuing student – transfer in the remarks (block 9). This will help prevent issues with visa issuance, reentry into the United States and fee payment.

Change of Educational Level

You do not have to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee if you are an F-1 or F-3 who is changing educational levels. Examples are:

  • You graduated from high school and are going directly into college
  • You received your Master’s degree and going directly into a doctoral program

However, if you are transferring to another school your I-20 will have Initial attendance at this school in block 3, but your SEVIS records will show that you have transferred. It will be helpful if you ask your DSO to put in the remarks Continuing student – transfer in the remarks (block 9). This will help prevent issues with visa issuance, reentry into the United States and fee payment.

Change of Status Between F-1 and F-3 or Between M-1 and M-3

You do not have to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee for a change of status if the change is:

  • Between an F-1 and an F-3
  • Between an M-1 and an M-3

Extension of Stay

You do not have to the pay the SEVIS I-901 fee if you are applying for an extension of stay so you can have additional time to complete your current program.

Visa Denial

You do not have to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee if you have already paid a SEVIS I-901 fee and you are reapplying for the same type of visa within twelve months of the date of initial denial.

Change of Status Denial

You do not have to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee if you have already paid a SEVIS I-901 fee and you are applying for a motion to reopen or a motion to reconsider denied change of status application within 30 days of the date of denial.

3.B.6. When is paying a SEVIS I-901 fee not required for continuing exchange visitors?

Continuing exchange visitors do not pay the SEVIS I-901 fee when they:

  • Apply for reinstatement after a minor violation or technical infraction (For more information on exchange visitor status violations see the DOS website at
  • Return to the United States or apply for a visa to return to the United States to continue participation in a single program
  • Apply to change between programs in the same exchange visitor category when the fee for the new program category is the same or less than that for the initial program category
  • Apply to extend their stay in order to complete the current program
  • Apply for a motion to reopen or a motion to reconsider a denied change of status application within 30 days of denial of the status

3.B.7. Which exchange visitors do not have to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee?

You do not have to pay the fee if you are already in the United States as an exchange visitor and have maintained your status.

You do not have to the pay the fee if the program code on your DS-2019 starts with G-1, G-2, G-3, or G-7. You are exempt from the fee because the United States federal government sponsors your program.

You do not have to pay the fee if you are reentering the United States to continue an exchange visitor program or program of study as long as you maintain your status and have not completed your program.

You do not have to pay the fee if you are transferring between programs in the same exchange visitor category unless the new program requires a higher fee. For more information, see the section, Do I pay the fee?.

You do not have to pay the fee if you are applying for an extension of stay so you can have additional time to complete your current program.

You do not have to pay the fee if you have already paid, your visa was denied within the last twelve months and you are applying again for a visa in the same exchange visitor category.

3.B.8. Can the fee be waived in accordance with 8 CFR 103.7(c)?

No. There are no fee waivers available for the SEVIS I-901 fee. However, third parties may pay the fee on the behalf of the student or exchange visitor.

3.C. How much is the SEVIS I-901 fee?

For students (F-1, F-3, M-1 or M-3) $200
For spouses and dependent children (F-2, M-2 or J-2) of students or exchange visitors None
For exchange visitors (J-1) $180
UNLESS participating in:
  • Federally sponsored exchange visitor program (program codes start with G-1, G-2, G-3, or G-7)
  • Summer work/travel program
  • Au pair program
  • Camp counselor program

3.D. How does the SEVIS I-901 fee payment process impact getting a visa?

If you are required to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee (for more information, see the section, Do I pay the fee?) and need a visa to enter the United States as student or exchange visitor, you must pay the SEVIS I-901 fee before going to the United States embassy or consulate for your visa interview.

If you are required to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee and do not pay it, your visa application will be denied by DOS.

3.E. How do I apply to become a student (F or M)?

You must apply to a SEVP approved school. If the school accepts you, you will receive a Form I-20 from the school. Pay the SEVIS I-901 fee before applying for a visa, status at a POE, or filing for a change of status.

If you are outside of the United States, and not from a visa exempt country, apply to the local United States embassy or consulate for a visa. See the DOS website at for more information on visas.

If you are outside the United States and are from a visa exempt country, apply for student status at the POE.

If you are in the United States in another nonimmigrant status, submit your application for change of status to USCIS.

3.F. How do I apply to become an exchange visitor (J)?

You must apply to a DOS approved exchange visitor program. If accepted, you will receive a Form DS-2019. Determine if you need to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee. For more information, see the section, Do I pay the fee? If you are subject to the SEVIS I-901 fee, pay it before applying for a visa, status at a POE, or filing for a change of status.

If you are outside the United States, and not from a visa exempt country, apply to the local United States embassy or consulate for a visa. See the DOS website at for more information on visas.

If you are outside the United States and are from a visa exempt country, apply for exchange visitor status at the POE.

If you are in the United States in another nonimmigrant status, submit your application for change of status to USCIS.

3.G. How do I know if I need a visa?

If you wish to enter the United States as F-1, F-3, M-1, M-3 or J-1 nonimmigrant (a student or exchange visitor), you must have a visa unless you are from a visa exempt country.

If you are from a visa exempt country, you will need to apply for student or exchange visitor status at the POE. You will need proof of payment.

For more information, see the section on when to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee.

See the DOS website at for more information on visas.

3.H. When to Pay the Fee

3.H.1 When do prospective students or exchange visitors pay the SEVIS I-901 fee?

The following chart will tell you when in the process of applying to become a student or exchange visitor you must pay the fee. See how long it takes to get a receipt for an estimate of the time needed to process a fee payment.

Are you in the United States? Do you need an F, M or J visa? When to submit
No Yes Pay the fee before you go to your visa interview at a United States embassy or consulate.

The SEVIS I-901 fee payment does not have to be completed until you appear for the interview. You can schedule an interview before you make the SEVIS I-901 fee payment. Allow time for the payment to be received and verified.
No No, I am from a country that does not require a visa Pay the fee and allow time for processing before you appear at the U. S. POE. You will not be able to pay the fee at the POE.
Yes No Pay the fee before you apply for a change of status or reinstatement (For more information, see the section, Do I pay the fee?, to determine if you must pay the fee)

3.H.2. When must continuing exchange visitors (J-1 nonimmigrants who have begun, but not finished a program) pay the SEVIS I-901 fee?

Continuing exchange visitors must pay the SEVIS I-901 fee before:

  • Filing a reinstatement application after a substantive violation
  • Filing a reinstatement application after they have been out of status between 121 and 269 days
  • Applying for a change of exchange visitor category unless the new exchange visitor category is fee exempt (federally sponsored programs with program codes that start with G-1, G-2, G-3, or G-7)

3.H.3. When must continuing students (F-1, F-3, M-1 or M-3 nonimmigrants that have begun, but not finished, a program) pay the SEVIS I-901 fee?

Continuing students must pay the SEVIS I-901 fee before:

  • Filing an application for reinstatement when they have been out of status for more than five months
  • Applying for a new visa or returning to the United States after an absence of five months or more that did not involve authorized overseas study
  • Filing an application for a change of status to an F, M or J classification except for changes between F-1 and F-3 or between M-1 and M-3.

3.H.4. Do I need to pay the fee before I receive a Form I-20 or DS-2019?

No, you must have a Form I-20 or DS-2019 before you pay the fee.

3.H.5. Do I pay the fee for every Form I-20 or DS-2019 I receive?

No. If you receive acceptance packages from several schools or Exchange Visitor Program Sponsors, please select a school or program and use that Form I-20 or DS-2019 to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee.

We highly recommend that you pay the SEVIS I-901 fee using the form from the sponsor or school you will attend. Fee payment is made for a specific SEVIS ID number. Each Form I-20 or DS-Form DS-2019 has a SEVIS ID number. All SEVIS ID numbers start with the letter N.

  • On the Form I-20, the number is on the top right hand side of the first page under the words Student’s Copy and above the barcode.
  • On the DS-2019, the number is on the top right hand side of the page in the block about the barcode.

3.I. More General Questions on Who Pays the Fee

3.I.1. Do I need to pay the fee if I am already enrolled as a F-1, F-3, M-1, M-3 or J-1?

No. You do not have to pay the fee if you are currently in the United States as a nonimmigrant student or exchange visitor and you have maintained your status. See the section, Do I pay the fee?, for exceptions.

3.I.2. Do I have to pay the fee every time I apply for a student or exchange visitor visa?

Not necessarily. If you are a continuing student or continuing to participate in the same exchange visitor program and you have continued to maintain your status, you do not need to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee before applying for a new visa. See the question on continuing studies for more information.

However, you do need to pay the fee if you are starting a new program or course of study (excluding F students who are transferring schools or changing program levels).

For more information, see the related questions:

3.I.3. Do I need to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee if I need a new visa to return to the United States to continue my studies or participate in an exchange visitor program?

No. When you are applying for a new visa to return the United States, you do not have to pay the fee if you are reentering to continue a program of study and:

  • You maintained your status
  • You have not completed your program unless you are an F student transferring to another school or program within five months of leaving the United States
  • You have not been out of the United States for more than five months except to participate in a study abroad program approved by your school

3.I.4. Do spouses and minor children of students and exchange visitors pay the SEVIS I-901 fee?

No. Spouses and minor child of students and exchange visitors (F-2, M-2 or J-2 nonimmigrants) do not have to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee. However, if the spouse or minor child wishes to change status to F-1, M-1, or J-1, he or she must pay the SEVIS I-901 fee before filing a change of status application.

3.I.5. Which students or exchange visitors are visa exempt and can apply for F-1, F-3, J-1, M-1 or M-3 status at the POE?

Potential students or exchange visitors from visa exempt countries can apply for F-1, F-3, J-1, M-1 or M-3 status at the POE. You must pay the fee and have evidence of payment prior to arrival at the POE. The following people qualify as visa exempt.

Citizens of Canada or Bermuda Applying for F-1, F-3, M-1, M-3 or J-1 status upon entry
Bahamian nationals

British subject residents in the Bahamian, Cayman, Turks or Caicos Islands
Entering the United States without a visa as described in 8 CFR 212.1a and applying for F-1, F-3, M-1, M-3 or J-1 status upon entry

3.J. Specific Questions About F and M Students and SEVIS I-901 Fee Payment

3.J.1. If I am a student who is reentering with an existing visa, but a new I-20 for initial attendance, do I need to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee?

Students who are applying for initial F or M status with a Form I-20 issued on or after October 27, 2008, (e.g. are new students or are students who departed the United States without status and reentering) must pay the new SEVIS I-901 fee.

However, if you are an F-1 or F-3 student changing educational levels or transferring to another school and have maintained your status, you do not need to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee. Your I-20 will have Initial attendance at this school in block 3, but your SEVIS records will show that you have maintained your status and are continuing your education. It will be helpful if you ask your DSO to put in the remarks Continuing student change of education level or Continuing student – transfer in the remarks (block 9). This will help prevent issues with reentry and fee payment.

If you are an M-1 or M-3 student transferring to another school and have maintained your status, you do not need to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee. It will be helpful if you ask your DSO to put Continuing student – transfer in the remarks (block 9). This will help prevent issues with reentry and fee payment.

3.J.2. If I am a student applying for a new visa with an initial Form I-20 but I have been out of the United States for less than five months, do I need to pay the fee?

It depends on your circumstances. If you did not maintain your student status prior to departing the United States, you are starting a new program from the perspective of your nonimmigrant status– even if you are returning to the same school and pursuing the same degree. In this case, you must pay the SEVIS I-901 fee. If you have questions about whether or not you have maintained your student status, contact the DSO from your school.

However, if you are an F-1 or F-3 changing educational levels or any student transferring to another school and have maintained your status, you do not need to pay the fee. Your I-20 will have Initial attendance at this school in block 3, but your SEVIS records will show that you have maintained your status and are continuing your education. It will be helpful if you ask your DSO to put in the remarks Continuing student change of education level or Continuing student – transfer in the remarks (block 9). This will help prevent issues with visa issuance, reentry into the United States and fee payment.

3.J.3. If I am a student who has changed educational levels and am returning home to renew an expired visa, do I need to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee?

No. A change of level is considered a continuation of your current program. However, your I-20 will have Initial attendance at this school in block 3, but your SEVIS records will show that you have maintained your status and are continuing your education. It will be helpful if you ask your DSO to put Continuing student change of education level in the remarks (block 9). This will help prevent issues with reentry and fee payment.

3.J.4. I am a commuter student and I receive an initial Form I-20 every semester, do I need to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee every semester?

No. You are considered a continuing student and will not need to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee unless you meet one of the qualifications shown in the section Do I pay the fee?

If you start a program of study with a Form I-20, you will pay the SEVIS I-901 fee using the first Form I-20 your school issues. You will not need to pay the fee again unless you meet one of the qualifications shown in the section Do I pay the fee?

However, since all of your Forms I-20 will be initial Forms I-20, we highly recommend that you keep your first Form I-20 and a copy of your SEVIS I-901 fee receipt when crossing the border. In addition, ask your P/DSO to put Continuing Commuter Student in the remarks of your subsequent Forms I-20.

3.K. Specific Questions about J Exchange Visitors and SEVIS I-901 Fee Payment

3.K.1. I applied for several exchange visitor programs. I did not have a final answer from my preferred program in time to enter before the start of my preferred program. So I entered the United States in another program and was subsequently accepted by my preferred program. Do I have to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee when I apply to DOS to change programs?

It depends. If the two programs are in the same exchange visitor category, you do not need to pay an additional SEVIS I-901 fee. If you are changing exchange visitor categories, you must pay the fee.

3.K.2. If I am an exchange visitor who is reentering with a valid J-1 visa but with an initial DS-2019 form (non-transfer), do I need to pay the fee?

Yes. A new initial DS-2019 indicates you have started a new program. You must pay the SEVIS I-901 fee every time you start a new program.

3.K.3. If I participated as an exchange visitor short-term scholar and will be returning to the same exchange visitor program for another short-term stay, do I have to pay the fee again?

Yes. Anytime you complete a program and then apply again to become an exchange visitor, this is a new program for the purposes of SEVIS.

3.K.4. If I participated in a short-term program and then decide to participate in another short-term program, do I have to pay the fee again?

Yes. If you complete a program and then apply for another program – even if it is from the same exchange visitor program sponsor - you must pay the SEVIS I-901 fee. You must pay the fee every time you start a new program.

3.K.5. What if I plan to participate in more than one exchange visitor program while in the United States?

You must pay the SEVIS I-901 fee for each exchange visitor program you participate in.

You may, however, start in one exchange visitor program and, with approval, transfer to another exchange visitor program without paying the SEVIS I-901 fee.

3.L. What happens if I should pay the fee and I did not?

If you are required to pay the fee and do not, you will be denied a visa and or entry to the United States. If you are already in the United States and are required to pay the fee before submitting a benefit application, not paying the fee is grounds for denying your application.

If you did not pay the SEVIS I-901 fee when required, pay it as soon as you discover the error so that you will not be denied benefits you might otherwise be granted.

Not paying the SEVIS I-901 fee is also a basis for denying application for a benefit based on the nonimmigrant’s F-1, F-3, M-1, M-3 or J-1 status. For example, while an additional fee is not required when applying for a work permit, if you were subject to the fee when becoming a student or exchange visitor, you will be denied a work permit if you did not pay the initial fee.

Failure to pay the SEVIS I-901 fee is not a basis for removal. However, if you do not pay the SEVIS I-901 fee, you may jeopardize your status. Not maintaining status is a basis for removal.

3.M. What happens if my Form I-20 or DS-2019 was issued before October 27, 2008, but was corrected and reissued after October 27, 2008. Do I have to pay the new SEVIS I-901 fee?

Payment is determined by the original issuance date of the Form I-20 or DS-2019.

Any student or exchange visitor who received an initial Form I-20 or DS-2019 dated on or after October 27, 2008, will pay the new SEVIS I-901 fee.

Any student or exchange visitor who received an initial Form I-20 or DS-2019 dated before October 27, 2008, will pay the old SEVIS I-901 fee.

For more information and any exceptions, see the section, Do I pay the fee?

Continuing students or exchange visitors who have not completed their schooling or exchange visitor program and have maintained status do not need to pay the new increased SEVIS I-901 fee.

Original Issuance Date of Form I-20 or DS-2019

On or after October 27, 2008 Pay new fee   
Before October 27, 2008 Pay old fee
Before September 1, 2004 - Continuing No fee

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