National Income and Product Accounts Table

Table 3.15.5. Government Consumption Expenditures and Gross Investment by Function
[Millions of dollars]

Cautionary note on the use of data in millions of dollars -- The tables provided include estimates in millions of dollars for NIPA series that appear regularly in the national income and product account (NIPA) tables published in the Survey of Current Business. The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) generally does not include estimates at this level of precision in the published tables because the associated sampling and nonsampling errors are larger than this implied level of precision. Compared with the published aggregates, the million-dollar estimates are generally not any more accurate.
Today is: 11/5/2008   Last Revised on September 11, 2008 
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Line      2006       2007   
1         Government2,508,1062,674,830
2General public service221,462235,360
3   Executive and legislative64,22169,440
4   Tax collection and financial
5   Other107,424114,200
6National defense624,129662,164
7Public order and safety278,468301,170
8   Police117,459127,821
9   Fire37,59341,185
10   Law courts47,96150,843
11   Prisons75,45681,321
12Economic affairs363,281391,894
13   Transportation232,350248,687
14      Highways179,384192,403
15      Air26,56227,723
16      Water12,54012,673
17      Transit and railroad13,86515,888
18   Space18,17019,927
19   Other economic affairs112,760123,280
20      General economic and labor affairs30,71934,107
21      Agriculture17,79916,633
22      Energy22,96227,933
23      Natural resources36,72439,726
24      Postal service4,0884,406
25      Other467475
26Housing and community services57,10061,712
28Recreation and culture37,38741,361
30   Elementary and secondary546,781580,239
31   Higher122,010130,798
32   Libraries and other32,05034,048
33      Libraries10,46911,071
34      Other21,58122,977
35Income security98,60995,469
36   Disability5,5666,188
37   Retirement 1 2,1522,282
38   Welfare and social services76,81079,971
39   Unemployment244260
40   Other13,8376,768
41         Federal932,160979,304
42General public service48,97351,898
43   Executive and legislative34,69236,978
44   Tax collection and financial
45   Other 2 ---  ---  
46National defense624,129662,164
47Public order and safety43,51746,096
48   Police28,61530,901
49   Fire826546
50   Law courts8,2428,618
51   Prisons5,8346,031
52Economic affairs109,233114,962
53   Transportation32,12332,059
54      Highways2,0342,255
55      Air18,79519,010
56      Water10,88810,336
57      Transit and railroad406458
58   Space18,17019,927
59   Other economic affairs58,94062,976
60      General economic and labor affairs9,56711,664
61      Agriculture11,59810,168
62      Energy13,81314,973
63      Natural resources19,87421,765
64      Postal service4,0884,406
65Housing and community services1,1411,551
67Recreation and culture4,4264,486
69   Elementary and secondary996990
70   Higher618955
71   Other4,8285,152
72Income security25,17117,812
73   Disability616712
74   Retirement 1 2,1522,282
75   Welfare and social services8,3227,790
76   Unemployment244260
77   Other13,8376,768
78         State and local1,575,9461,695,526
79General public service172,489183,462
80   Executive and legislative29,52932,462
81   Tax collection and financial
82   Other 3 107,424114,200
83Public order and safety234,951255,074
84   Police88,84496,920
85   Fire36,76740,639
86   Law courts39,71942,225
87   Prisons69,62275,290
88Economic affairs254,048276,932
89   Transportation200,227216,628
90      Highways177,350190,148
91      Air7,7678,713
92      Water1,6522,337
93      Transit and railroad13,45915,430
94   Other economic affairs53,82060,304
95      General economic and labor affairs21,15222,443
96      Agriculture6,2016,465
97      Energy9,14912,960
98      Natural resources16,85017,961
99      Other467475
100Housing and community services55,95960,161
101   Water18,55918,906
102   Sewerage20,28521,931
103   Sanitation11,48212,161
104   Housing and other5,6337,164
106Recreation and culture32,96136,875
108   Elementary and secondary545,785579,249
109   Higher121,392129,843
110   Libraries and other27,22228,896
111      Libraries10,46911,071
112      Other16,75317,825
113Income security73,43877,657
114   Disability4,9505,476
115   Welfare and social services68,48872,181

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