National Income and Product Accounts Table

Table 3.12. Government Social Benefits
[Millions of dollars]

Cautionary note on the use of data in millions of dollars -- The tables provided include estimates in millions of dollars for NIPA series that appear regularly in the national income and product account (NIPA) tables published in the Survey of Current Business. The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) generally does not include estimates at this level of precision in the published tables because the associated sampling and nonsampling errors are larger than this implied level of precision. Compared with the published aggregates, the million-dollar estimates are generally not any more accurate.
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Line      2006       2007   
1         Government social benefits1,581,4151,685,001
2To persons1,578,0691,681,395
3   Federal1,177,1011,250,550
4      Benefits from social insurance
5         Old-age, survivors, and
             disability insurance
6         Hospital and supplementary
             medical insurance
7         Unemployment insurance30,37932,739
8            State29,63432,034
9            Railroad employees7883
10            Federal employees667622
11            Special unemployment
12         Railroad retirement9,5199,813
13         Pension benefit guaranty2,4542,621
14         Veterans life insurance1,5531,519
15         Workers' compensation2,4402,588
16         Military medical insurance 1 2,4522,480
17      Veterans benefits37,21239,971
18         Pension and disability34,94837,571
19         Readjustment2,2642,400
20         Other 2 ---  ---  
21      Food stamp benefits29,39030,926
22      Black lung benefits612566
23      Supplemental security income34,67336,654
24      Direct relief---  ---  
25      Earned income credit51,62954,704
26      Other 3 35,91536,527
27   State and local400,968430,845
28      Benefits from social insurance
29         Temporary disability insurance4,4074,639
30         Workers' compensation11,98512,104
31      Public assistance360,522387,765
32         Medical care311,398336,608
33            Medicaid299,119323,745
34            Other medical care 4 12,27912,863
35         Family assistance 5 18,30418,799
36         Supplemental security income 6 5,2195,405
37         General assistance7,9579,028
38         Energy assistance2,9962,743
39         Other 7 14,64815,182
40      Education20,86423,097
41      Employment and training1,3061,045
42      Other 8 1,8842,195
43To the rest of the world 9 3,3463,606

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