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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality


Announcing, a new Web site that provides information on how Federal programs perform

The Federal government is working to ensure its programs perform well and wants everyone to know how well its programs are performing. is a new website that provides candid information about programs that are successful and programs that fall short, and, in both situations, what they are doing to improve their performance next year.

What should you know about

  • Assessments of programs you may be interested in will be available on These include a program overview, some of the key findings of the assessment, and the follow-up actions we are taking to address those findings.
  • is being publicized in the press and on Capitol Hill as a comprehensive site to learn about program performance and what programs are doing to improve.
  • There will be increased attention to results from Sharing this information with you in a clear, accessible way will increase attention to these performance improvement efforts.
  • Consider suggesting additions to a program's improvement plan to help it achieve greater results.

For more information, go to

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