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Collocated Satellite, Surface and Sounding Data Emerges On-line from CAVE (CERES ARM Validation Experiment) at SGP

Rose, F.G., Rutan, D.A., Smith, N.M., and Alberta, T.L., Analytical Services and Materials, Inc.; Charlock, T.P., National Aeronautics and Space Administration-Langley Research Center
Ninth Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting

Top-of-the-atmosphere (TOA) broadband observations from the Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) instrument on the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) spacecraft for January through June 1998 have been collocated with half-hourly means from the surface radiometric record at 21 of the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program's Southern Great Plains (SGP) sites. This core data set of CAVE (CERES ARM Validation Experiment) is on-line for public access at (current URL) http://www-cave.html/cave/ (up in March) The half-hourly CAVE record of surface measurements is continuous. Collocated CERE measurements are obtained twice per day on average, but this coverage is highly variable, drifting with the TRMM orbit. Those half-hourly intervals with CERES permit a form of energy closure for the atmospheric column, wherein broadband net fluxes (irradiances) are available for both shortwave (SW) and longwave (LW) at the 21 sites. Each site has been characterized by the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programe (IGBP) vegetation scene type. CAVE is still under construction. Data sets for the temperature and humidity profiles are available (Goddard Earth Observing System [GEOS]-1.3 and GEOS-2 for January 1998; Eta/EDAS for January-April 1998). SMOS surface meteorology is available at 21 sites half-hourly January-August 1998. At the central facility, Multifilter Rotating Shadowband Radiometer (MFRSR) spectral optical depths (State University of New York [SUNY] at Albany) and Microwave Radiometer (MWR) are subset for January-July 1998. For January 1998, specialized cloud and radiation data sets are available; in-progress estimates of the surface and atmospheric radiation budget (SARB) based on CERES (broadband) and VIRS (a cloud imager) on TRMM and on the Fu-Liou code; Minnis' Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES)-8 half-hourly cloud retrievals.

Note: This is the poster abstract presented at the meeting; an extended version was not provided by the author(s).