BOP Career Opportunities: Safety Specialist
How to Apply - Safety Specialist
Interested parties should search USAJobs for current vacancies.
(hint: search for the series number "GS-018")

Safety Specialist - GS-018-5/7/9/11. Safety Specialists direct and administer the application of safety and occupational health laws, standards, and regulations at correctional institutions.

Qualifications: GS-5: must have a 4-year course in an accredited college or university with major study in safety or occupational health fields (safety, occupational health, industrial hygiene) or a degree in related fields that included or was supplemented by at least 24 semester hours of study among the following disciplines: safety, occupational health, industrial hygiene, occupational medicine, toxicology, public health, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biological sciences, engineering, or industrial psychology; or experience in scientific or technical work that provided an understanding of the basic principles and concepts of the safety and occupational health field. GS-7: must meet the requirements of a GS-5, plus 1 year of specialized full-time experience. GS-9: must meet the requirements of a GS-5, plus two years of specialized experience. Specialized experience is described as experience related to safety and occupational health that provides the specific knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform successfully the duties of the position.

Note: Certification as a Certified Safety Professional (CSP), Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH), or Certified Health Physicist (CHP), or similar certification that included successful completion of a written examination meets the requirements for GS-5. Safety Specialist positions are usually handled through Staffing. This position is normally not advertised externally as a "Specialist," but as a trainee.