BOP Career Opportunities: Pharmacist
If you have questions concerning the application process, please e-mail the Medical Recruitment Office or call 1-800-800-2676.
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Please Note: This is a Federal Civil Service position. Applicants interested in joining the Bureau of Prisons via the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps (PHS) should visit the PHS website to apply.

Pharmacist, GS-660-11. Pharmacists provide a full range of work including the compounding of prescriptions for physicians, dentists, and other licensed practitioners and the formulation, preparation, bulk compounding, selection, dispensing, and preservation of drugs, medicines, and chemicals.

Qualifications: Basic qualification requirements: Applicants must have completed a four-year bachelor’s degree in pharmacy recognized by the American Council on Pharmaceutical Education and be licensed to practice pharmacy in a state, territory of the United States, or the District of Columbia. In addition to the basic qualifications, applicants at the GS-11 level must have completed a six-year course of study leading to a Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degree and one year of professional pharmacy experience.