BOP Career Opportunities: Contract Specialist
How to Apply - Contract Specialist
Interested parties should search USAJobs for current vacancies.
(hint: search for the series number "GS-1102")

Contract Specialist, GS-1102-05. Contract Specialists execute and administer contracts for the procurement of supplies, services, construction, or research and development. Tasks involve the use of formal advertising or negotiation methods, evaluation of contract price/cost proposals, administration or termination and close-out of contracts, and the development of policies and procedures for contracting/procurement work.

Qualifications: Applicants can qualify with a four year course of study leading to a bachelor’s degree with a major in any field or at least 24 semester hours in any combination of the following fields: accounting, business, finance, law, contracts, purchasing, economics, industrial management, marketing, quantitative methods, or organization and management.