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A 1.6 Mm Rotating Shadow-band Radiometer

Joseph Michalsky DOC/NOAA/OAR/ESRL
Dan Nelson ARM SGP Site Operations
Craig Webb ARM SGP Cart Site Operations
Mikhail Alexandrov Columbia University
Gary Hodges NOAA/ESRL/GMD & CU-Boulder/CIRES
John Schmelzer Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Category: Aerosols

To better define the retrieval of bimodal particle size distributions, Alexandrov (reference) has demonstrated the usefulness of a longer wavelength measurement of aerosol optical depth than the 870-nm wavelength now available with the multi-filter rotating shadowband radiometer (MFRSR; 940 nm is in a strong water band and therefore cannot provide aerosol information). At Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), a demonstration unit with a single channel was assembled in the open channel position of an MFRSR; the size of the detector used limited the normal MFRSR housing to this single channel. The sensor is a Large Area Perkin-Elmer InGaAs detector with an Intor filter centered near 1550 nm. Measurements during the summer of 2006 at PNNL were used to derive a preliminary Langley calibration for the unit. The retrieved optical depth has contributions from water vapor, carbon dioxide, some Rayleigh component, and, of course, what we are after aerosol. The probable uncertainty of a retrieved aerosol optical depth given these contaminants and the Langley calibration process will be determined. Retrievals of aerosol size distributions from the Southern Great Plains Central Facility with the normal MFRSR channels and with or without the 1550-nm channel and will be demonstrated.

This poster will be displayed at ARM Science Team Meeting.

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