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Physical Activity
skateboarding xpert Kanten Russell began skateboarding when he was 14, turned pro at 19, and he's still pushing the limits today! Kanten's a street skater from San Diego, California. His awesome showing in The Storm, a video voted #1 by Transworld Skateboarding magazine, at the ESPN X Games, and on the cover of Big Brother skating magazine, puts him on top of the street skating scene. You can buy the video and check him out, but remember, he's a definitely shouldn't try this stuff at home!

Kanten started skateboarding because he liked to practice on his own schedule, learn at his own pace, and express his creativity. He also loved "the feeling you get when you defy gravity!"

This pro achieved his most famous skateboarding moment yet, when he jumped over 19 stairs on his board. He's known for "big tricks," such as his backside 180° kick flip down 14 stairs and backside 360° ollie (type of jump) over a pyramid! Does he get scared? Yep. All skateboarders get the jitters. Kanten sometimes has to work up his courage to try new tricks, but insists, "that's what makes it challenging." Nothing beats the fun you have when you conquer your goal!

Roll With It

Kanten also speaks out for safety, advising skaters to roll with a fall to avoid hurting themselves and saying, "when I was learning, kids didn't wear safety equipment, but they do now, and I think that's really important."

Image of Kanten Russell SkateboardingWant to try skateboarding? If so, grab a board, put on protective gear, and practice, practice, practice! Kanten says, "learning to skateboard starts with imitating experienced skaters — trial and error," but points out that magazines and videos provide tips. When you practice, steer clear of high-traffic areas. Skating on quiet streets and in parks helps you control your safety, so that you can concentrate on your ollies. You could even sign up for a skate camp where counselors help you learn skateboarding skills.

What's Ahead?

Now that Kanten has two daughters and his own clothing brand on top of his skating career, he exclaims, "Everyone wants you to be everywhere!" Kanten's serious about skating, but he has fun too! Get this... The day that he was to film the last trick for The Storm, he took twin boys from his neighborhood skateboarding for their birthday. He told them that he had to make a quick stop, and pulled into a construction site. The film crew was ready, the boys' mom showed up with a picnic, and they all watched Kanten show off his moves. Betcha wish that Kanten lived in your neighborhood!

Check out more info on skateboarding!

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