Photo of Clothing Drive with CPH Students

Public Health Students Utilize Their Leadership and Organizing Skills to Help Families in Eastern Kentucky + More

Students, faculty and staff at the University of Kentucky donated used coats, shoes, and other items in a campus-wide collection drive organized and sponsored by students in the College of Public Health to benefit families in Kentucky’s Appalachian region. Organizers said the goal was to help raise awareness of the economic and health disparity in the Appalachian region, where 28 percent of the residents live below the poverty level.

The collection drive received support from the UK Athletics Department, several student organizations and other colleges. Donations also came from Asbury Seminary and from as far away as Baton Rouge, LA, where a sister of a graduate student in the public health program drove to Lexington on Thanksgiving Day with more than 20 bags of clothing.

More than 150 coats, 100 pairs of shoes, and hundreds of bags containing blankets and clothing were collected and delivered by Dr. Richard Crosby, Professor and Chair of the Department of Health Behavior in the College of Public Health.

Photo of student and faculty working in a lab
Research at the College of Public Health



Photo of College of Public Health Students
Photo of Dr. Holsinger
Why the University of Kentucky for your Public Health Training?
  • The opportunity to learn from College of Public Health faculty who have distinguished themselves during their public health careers, including a Surgeon General nominee and faculty who held senior leadership positions at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

  • The program is large enough to offer students many exciting learning/research/service opportunities, but small enough that you can really get to know faculty and colleague-students.

  • The opportunity to study with faculty who generated $19 million in collaborative research during a single fiscal year.

  • The opportunity to study on a comprehensive health sciences campus, that also includes Colleges of Dentistry, Health Sciences, Medicine, Nursing and Pharmacy.

  • The opportunity to live and study in one of the most beautiful areas of the United States, the bluegrass region of central Kentucky.

Link to CEPH website
Confronting the public Health Workforce Crisis

The U.S. faces a future public health workforce crisis. Are you interested in learning more?