Procurement Outreach Program Workshp

How to Do Business with UNR, Business Center North

November 13, 2008
9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Nevada Commission on Economic Development Conference Room
108 E. Proctor Street
Carson City, NV

Call 775/687-1813 or

Seating is limited!!



The Global Trade and Investment programs are aimed at both assisting Nevada businesses to begin or expand activities in international markets and also attracting foreign investment to the state.

The state's trade program, located in the Nevada Commission on Economic Development, works with partners such as the Northern Nevada International Center, the Nevada World Trade Council (NEWTRAC), the Las Vegas and Reno Export assistance Centers (EAC) and the Nevada District Export Council (DEC) and the Western U.S. Agricultural Trade Association (WUSATA).

Export Readiness Programs
These programs, in seminar or individual counseling session format, are designed to assess a company’s readiness, and potential for success, in exporting products or services. They can also be used for existing exporters to enter new unfamiliar markets.

Export Seminars and Counseling Services
These seminars are designed to give potential exporters information on: new potential markets (e.g., China); information on federal grant and related programs. The individual counseling services are designed to help an individual company deal with a specific issue or opportunity.

International Trade Shows and Trade Missions
We help organize a section of a U.S. pavilion at an international trade show along with assisting companies with the services they need to successfully exhibit. In some cases this is providing interpreters, arranging individual meetings with foreign buyers during the exhibition, conducting in-market research in conjunction with the exhibition, etc. A Trade Mission, done on its own or in conjunction with an international exhibition, is designed to take Nevada companies to meet with distributors or buyers in other countries who may be interested in purchasing the Nevada companies’ products/services or forming some other type of relationship (e.g., a joint-venture). For some industry segments, substantial grant funding may be available to help defray the cost of the trade show or trade mission.

Inbound Buying Missions
We bring pre-screened buyers from various countries and market segments to meet with our companies in Nevada, at their place of business or some other venue, specifically to speak individually with Nevada companies about their products and services.

Administration of Federal Export Grant Programs
For some market sectors, such as food, agriculture and related products and some environmental markets, we administer Federal Grant programs in Nevada for export promotion of your products.

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Activities
We work closely with companies from other countries who are interested in setting up U.S. operations in Nevada and work closely with our local Development Authorities to get the necessary assistance for these companies.

International Trade Representatives
Through our network of 9 international representative offices throughout the world these representatives can help Nevada companies to access their country markets as well as assist companies in their countries to set up operations in Nevada or partner with Nevada companies.

On our Web site, we maintain: the export Directory of Nevada exporters in a searchable database; Nevada’s trade statistics; the listing of foreign companies in Nevada; trade links to sources for exporting assistance; Nevada Investment Guide for Japanese companies; a listing of the supported trade shows, trade missions and events.