State Library of North Carolina

The State Library of North Carolina is the catalyst for exceptional library services in North Carolina. We are the principal library of state government, we build the capacity of all libraries in North Carolina, and we develop and support access to specialized collections for the people of North Carolina, including genealogy, North Caroliniana, and resources for the blind and physically handicapped.

Read the State Librarian's welcome.


arrow 11.25.2008. Last day to book children's videos is January 31, 2009. Children's videos from the collection will be distributed to interested public libraries in North Carolina. <more information>

arrow 11.24.2008. NC Encyclopedia has been updated to include the 2008 NC Awards winners. View biographical profiles and pictures of current and past recipients here.

arrow 11.14.2008. The State Publications Digital Collection now contains over 1,000 items (comprising over 400 titles), including the first born-digital-only title, The 2006 N.C. skills market survey: Reconnecting public education with economic reality.