Establishment Size Data Available from QCEW

In addition to richly detailed employment and wage data, the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) program also produces data on establishments, employment, and wage by size of establishment for the first quarter of each year.   The size category of each establishment is determined by the March employment level. These size class data are available at the national level by 6-digit NAICS, and at the State level by NAICS sector. It is important to note that each establishment of a multi-establishment firm is tabulated separately into the appropriate size category. The total employment level of the reporting multi-establishment company is not used in the size tabulation.

For the 2005 final national data table, click here (PDF).  For the 2005 final data by state table, click here (PDF).  Both tables are available in our annual bulletin, Employment and Wages. For our detailed national and state data files, select 

 based on NAICS, or 

which are based on SIC.  


Last Modified Date: November 1, 2007