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Kansas State University Mesonet (KSUMESO)

Instrument Categories: Surface Meteorology

General Overview

Surface meterology information are available from sixteen stations in Kansas. The data are provided and quality assured by the High Plains Climate Center. All stations are Campbell CR10 dataloggers with Phys-Chem Temp/ RH probes, Texas Instrument (0.01") tipping bucket rain gauges, Met One Anemometers, Met One Wind vanes, 107 soil temp probes at 2" and 4" depth, and Li-Cor Slicon Pyranometers (Sandyland has an Eppley). They are mounted on a 10 ft tripod, with wind and solar instruments at 10 ft, Air/RH at 5 ft, and top of rain gauge approximately 15" above ground.

Primary Measurements Taken

The following measurements are those considered scientifically relevant. Refer to the netCDF File Header Descriptions (Data Object Design Files) for the list of all available measurements, including those recorded for diagnostic or quality assurance purposes.

Available Datastreams

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