Table B-7. Diffusion indexes of employment change

ESTABLISHMENT DATA                                                                                              ESTABLISHMENT DATA

Table B-7.  Diffusion indexes of employment change


       Time span           Jan.     Feb.     Mar.     Apr.      May     June     July     Aug.    Sept.     Oct.     Nov.     Dec.

                                                        Private nonfarm payrolls, 274 industries(1)

Over 1-month span:
     2004 ..............   50.5     50.5     64.1     62.6     61.7     58.9     56.0     50.0     56.9     56.9     51.3     51.8
     2005 ..............   52.2     60.6     54.2     58.2     55.8     58.2     58.0     61.3     54.7     53.6     62.4     54.7
     2006 ..............   65.1     60.9     64.4     59.3     53.3     52.7     60.4     58.9     53.5     55.8     57.1     56.0
     2007 ..............   51.6     51.8     52.7     51.1     56.6     50.4     52.2     51.6     56.4     54.6     48.2     48.5
     2008 ..............   45.4     41.4     47.4     45.6     46.4     42.3     38.3    p44.7    p38.1

Over 3-month span:
     2004 ..............   54.4     52.9     57.3     63.5     68.8     66.6     61.3     56.4     57.7     59.5     61.9     54.6
     2005 ..............   52.2     55.5     57.5     60.8     58.9     61.9     60.4     63.9     61.1     54.4     54.9     61.3
     2006 ..............   67.2     66.2     66.6     65.5     60.6     58.2     56.0     58.9     55.7     56.4     57.1     58.4
     2007 ..............   58.4     54.7     55.3     54.7     56.2     53.3     53.1     54.7     58.4     56.8     54.7     52.4
     2008 ..............   46.7     42.7     42.3     44.0     43.1     44.0     36.3    p38.3    p36.1

Over 6-month span:
     2004 ..............   50.0     51.6     55.3     60.9     63.7     65.1     65.1     63.9     60.4     61.7     58.2     56.0
     2005 ..............   54.6     57.3     56.8     57.5     57.5     58.2     64.4     62.8     62.0     59.3     61.5     62.0
     2006 ..............   63.1     64.4     67.2     67.0     64.4     66.4     61.5     61.7     60.4     59.7     60.8     56.0
     2007 ..............   59.1     56.4     57.5     56.8     58.8     58.2     56.2     58.0     58.2     57.1     54.6     53.8
     2008 ..............   51.5     49.8     44.7     46.5     43.6     39.1     37.6    p38.9    p37.2

Over 12-month span:
     2004 ..............   40.5     42.3     45.1     48.9     51.3     58.2     57.5     55.7     57.3     58.8     60.6     60.8
     2005 ..............   60.6     60.8     59.7     58.9     58.0     60.0     60.9     63.3     60.4     58.9     59.5     61.7
     2006 ..............   67.2     65.1     65.5     62.6     64.8     66.4     64.4     64.4     66.2     65.1     64.4     65.5
     2007 ..............   62.6     59.1     60.4     58.9     59.5     58.4     57.5     58.8     61.7     60.4     59.9     57.7
     2008 ..............   53.8     54.6     52.6     50.4     49.3     45.8     44.7    p42.3    p41.2

                                                        Manufacturing payrolls, 84 industries(1)

Over 1-month span:
     2004 ..............   43.5     47.6     47.0     63.7     50.6     51.2     58.3     42.9     42.9     48.2     42.3     39.9
     2005 ..............   36.3     48.8     42.9     44.6     42.3     35.1     38.1     47.0     45.8     46.4     47.0     47.0
     2006 ..............   57.7     45.8     54.8     48.8     38.1     53.0     50.6     44.0     36.3     40.5     38.1     39.3
     2007 ..............   47.6     35.7     30.4     29.8     37.5     39.3     41.7     33.3     40.5     45.2     44.6     36.3
     2008 ..............   40.5     28.6     38.1     35.1     44.6     30.4     26.8    p34.5    p26.8

Over 3-month span:
     2004 ..............   41.1     40.5     43.5     56.5     58.9     61.3     57.7     47.0     46.4     41.7     44.6     38.7
     2005 ..............   38.1     39.3     42.3     44.6     36.3     37.5     33.3     39.9     45.8     41.7     38.7     49.4
     2006 ..............   54.8     52.4     47.6     48.8     44.6     50.6     42.9     47.6     36.3     37.5     32.1     34.5
     2007 ..............   33.9     28.6     32.1     27.4     29.8     32.7     31.0     34.5     32.1     39.3     44.0     41.7
     2008 ..............   35.7     27.4     26.8     29.2     29.8     35.7     24.4    p23.2    p20.8

Over 6-month span:
     2004 ..............   29.2     31.5     32.7     44.6     49.4     54.8     59.5     56.0     51.2     51.8     44.0     38.7
     2005 ..............   33.9     38.1     35.1     36.9     32.1     32.1     41.7     35.7     36.3     36.9     37.5     42.3
     2006 ..............   42.9     45.2     50.6     47.6     48.2     47.6     46.4     48.8     43.5     41.7     38.7     29.8
     2007 ..............   34.5     27.4     23.8     27.4     31.5     34.5     33.3     31.0     29.2     35.1     34.5     32.7
     2008 ..............   34.5     33.9     32.1     28.0     26.8     20.8     19.6    p20.2    p21.4

Over 12-month span:
     2004 ..............   13.1     14.3     13.1     20.2     23.2     35.7     36.9     38.1     36.9     44.0     44.6     44.6
     2005 ..............   44.6     43.5     41.7     40.5     36.3     35.1     32.1     33.9     32.7     33.3     33.3     38.1
     2006 ..............   44.6     40.5     40.5     39.3     39.3     44.6     41.7     42.3     46.4     48.2     45.2     44.0
     2007 ..............   39.3     36.3     36.9     28.6     29.8     26.2     26.8     29.2     30.4     29.8     33.3     33.9
     2008 ..............   29.8     29.8     29.8     24.4     27.4     24.4     23.8    p22.0    p25.0

  1 Based on seasonally adjusted data for 1-, 3-, 6-month spans and unadjusted data for the 12-month span.
  p = preliminary.
  NOTE:  Figures are the percent of industries with employment increasing plus one-half of the industries with
unchanged employment, where 50 percent indicates an equal balance between industries with increasing and decreasing
  Data reflect the conversion to the 2007 version of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
as the basis for the assignment and tabulation of economic data by industry, replacing NAICS 2002.
See for more details.

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Last Modified Date: October 03, 2008