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Personal Property

Excess Property

Donation Programs

There are several programs for REE agencies to participate in that will allow them to donate excess personal property to eligible non-profit educational institutions. The following information is a brief description of these programs. Each program has a link to a specific legislation. The Property Support Services Branch (PSSB) will work with you to coordinate the donation process.


Eligibility Criteria

Use the following criteria when determining whether an organization is an eligible non-profit organization:

The organization has a current tax-exempt certificate and identification number issued by the Internal Revenue Service.

  • The organization is owned or operated exclusively for education or scientific purposes.

  • If these two criteria are met, the nonprofit organization is eligible to receive donations of Federal excess equipment under the various donation programs.

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Stevenson-Wydler Technology Act

The Stevenson-Wydler Technology Act (S/W) allows Federal agencies to transfer excess research and scientific equipment to eligible nonprofit tax exempt education institutions or Government-sponsored research organizations that conduct technical and scientific education and research.

Ensure that eligible recipient will submit a justification statement.

Before property is eligible for donation, it must be made available for department-wide screening. If there are no requests from any other USDA agency, the Property Officer will authorize the transfer. APO's will:

prepare a SF-120, Report of Excess Personal property, include a statement that the property will be transferred under S/W.

Once the Property Officer has authorized transfer they will prepare a SF-122, Transfer Order - Excess Personal Property , stating the property is being transferred under S/W and forward to donee for signature. The Donee signs and returns completed form to the Property Officer.


ARS Field Locations

ARS field employees should consult with their appropriate Area property office to determine procedures for preparing a SF-122, etc.

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Executive Order 12999, Education Technology

This executive order encourages Federal agencies to work with the private sector to promote four major developments in American education:

  • Making modern computer technology an integral part of classrooms;
  • helping teachers with professional development needed for new technologies;
  • connecting classrooms to the National Information Infrastructure; and
  • encouraging the creation of excellent education software.

It allows Federal agencies to donate excess computers and related tools to schools and nonprofit educational institutions. Title to the property will transfer from USDA to the institution. Eligible institutions are:

  • public/private schools, pre-K through 12th grade
  • non-profit community institutions that are engaged in projects with schools to promote education

However, once you have determined eligibility, offices should identify transfer opportunities within pre-K, elementary, junior/middle school, and/or high school populations before agreeing to transfer computers to a nonprofit organizations that serves a different population. This is because the Executive Order targets these specific populations for receipt of computer equipment.

Types of Equipment. Agencies can donate computers, monitors, printers, modems, routers, servers, telecommunications equipment, and research equipment. You may also donate computer software. However, you must first check to see if donation is allowed under the software's licensing agreement.

Procedures. Follow the same procedures established under the S/W.

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Federal Excess Personal Property (FEPP Program) Under CSREES

PSSB provides administrative support to the CSREES FEPP Program. Under this program CSREES sponsors 1862/1890 Land Grant Universities and allows them to acquire Federal excess personal property. These institutions can acquire property for direct use in a research or extension project in one of the following CSREES program areas:

  • Cooperative Extension Services
  • Agricultural Experiment Stations
  • Schools of Forestry
  • Colleges of AG Veterinary Medicine

However, property is only on-loan to the University and title remains with USDA. The property is subject to USDA accountability and control.

REE agencies can participate in transferring excess property to 1862/1890 institutions by contacting the PSSB staff to coordinate transfers to eligible institutions with approval from the FEPP Coordinator, REE agencies can transfer excess directly to the eligible land grant institutions without reporting as excess.

PSSB will work with the REE APO and the FEPP Coordinator to ensure all paperwork is complete and signed with the appropriate signatures.

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Federal Agriculture Improvement Reform (FAIR) Act

The FAIR act allows USDA to sponsor 1890 Land Grant Institutions, 1994 Institutions (Native American), and Hispanic-Serving Institutions to acquire Federal excess personal property to support agricultural research, extension service, educational, technical, and scientific activities to promote agricultural educations. The Assistant Secretary for Administration has the authority to provide administrative support for this program.

REE agencies can participate in transferring excess property under the FAIR Act by contacting the PSSB staff to coordinate transfers to eligible institutions.

PSSB will work with the Department Coordinator and the REE APO to ensure all paperwork is complete with the appropriate signatures from the USDA Coordinator and University.

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Last Updated: 10/31/2005