إذا كنت ترغب بالحصول على ال CPI عبر بريدك الإلكتروني إملأ كافة المعلومات في صفحة "للاتصال بنا"



تتعلن ادارة الاحصاء المركزي، في اطار تنفيذ مشروع الاستقصاء المنسق الخاص بالاسثمار المباشر FDI لعام 2008 والسنوات اللاحقة، عن قبولها طلبات الاستعانة بأشخاص من خارج ملاكها ولمدة خمسة عشر يوما اعتبارا من يوم الجمعة الواقع فيه 17/10/2008 من الساعة الثامنة والنصف صباحا ولغاية الساعة الثالثة والنصف بعد الظهر بمهام التسميات التالية:

  • محقق (اجازة جامعية معادلة ومعترف بها رسميا في العلوم الاقتصادية او ادارة الاعمال أو حائز على الامتياز الفني في المراجعة والخبرة في المحاسبة او اجازة تقنية في العلوم التطبيقية – اختصاص محاسبة).

  •  مدقق ومرمز مكتبي (شهادة الثانوية العامة اللبنانية أو ما يعادلها اضافة الى السنة الثانية الجامعية مصدقة رسميا في اختصاصات العلوم الاقتصادية او ادارة الاعمال او سنة ثانية امتياز فني في المراجعة والخبرة في المحاسبة او سنة ثانية اجازة في معهد العلوم التطبيقية والاقتصادية في الجامعة اللبنانية – اختصاص محاسبة

  • محضر جداول احصائية (شهادة الثانوية العامة اللبنانية اضافة الى اجازة جامعية معادلة ومعترف بها رسميا في الاحصاء او في الرياضيات الاحصائية).

  • اختصاصي معلوماتية (شهادة الثانوية العامة اللبنانية اضافة الى اجازة جامعية معادلة ومعترف بها رسميا في المعلوماتية او المعلوماتية الادارية).

على الراغبين مراجعة قلم الديوان في ادارة الاحصاء المركزي الكائنة في محلة القنطاري – قرب برج المر – شارع الجيش - مبنى التجارة والمال – الطابق الخامس للاطــلاع على الشروط والمؤهلات الخاصة أو الاتصال على الارقام التاليــة : 373162 - 373169 /01.

 مدير عام ادارة الاحصاء المركزي

الدكتورة مرال توتليان


Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Law of 22/2/1979

Law implemented through the decree n° 1793
issued on February 22, 1979 (official journal N°9)

Creation of a public administration called "Central 
administration of statistics at the presidency of the
Council of Ministers

The president of the Republic

  • By virtue of the constitution, especially its' article 58,

  • Whereas the government has referred to the parliament, through the decree
    n° 1078, dated on 18/3/1978, an urgent draft law aiming at the creation of a public administration called " administration of central statistics ".

  • Whereas more than 40 days have elapsed since the submission of the foresaid urgent draft law to the parliament, without deciding on it.

  • According to the proposal of the prime minister.

  • After the approval of the council of ministers on 3/1/1979

Decrees the following :

Article 1: The urgent draft law, referred to the parliament through the decree N° 1078, dated on 18/3/1978, aiming at the creation of a public administration called "Central Administration of Statistics " shall be enforced, Its text is the following :

  • Article 1 : A public administration called " Central Administration of statistics, is created at the presidency of the council of ministers.

  • Article 2 : The word administration in the law is intended to mean the public administrations, the public institutions, the municipalities and the other moral entities in the public sector.

Article 3 : The Central administration of Statistics assumes the following functions :

  1. To assume itself or in cooperation with the involved administrations to set forth all statistics related to the economical and social life of the country.

  2. To unify the data bases related to institutions or individuals used in the administrations to extract the statistical data from it, and to supervise technically the statistics that the administrations lay down and to centralize and coordinate it.

  3. To set up the internal economical accountings (the national accounts), the balance of payments, and the other annual statement regarding the economical and social activities of the country.

  4. To carry out the statistics, investigations, and studies requested by the Council of Development and Reconstruction, and the other economical studies requested by the other administrations.

  5. To carry out mandatory statistical surveying , should be considered as mandatory any statistical survey carried out by the central administrations of statistics directly, or through another institution, and published in the official journal.

  6. Analysis and publication of the statistics that are laid down.

  7. To contribute, with the Civil Service Council, to the preparation and training of the employees working with statistical units related to the administrations.

Article 4 :

  1. The Central administration of statistics is composed of administrative and technical units, created and cancelled by decrees enacted in the Council of ministers, after the approval of the civil service Council, in compliance with the provisions of clause 2 of this article.

  2. The government within one year of the inured date of this law should, determine through decrees enacted in the council of ministers, after the approval of the civil service council, the cadre of the central administration of statistics , the designation of the functions of this cadre, the special conditions of appointment, the hierarchy of its grades and salaries, the special indemnities of the employees working in said administration, and the conditions of the classification of the employees for the central statistics directorate at the cancelled general plan ministry of the created jobs.

  3. The units of the central administration of statistics shall be organized, and the functions and the powers of their functionaries shall be determined through decrees to be enacted in the council of ministers, after the approval of the Council of civil service.

Article 5 : All the administrations shall put at the disposal of the central administration central of statistics the documents, instruments and information it needs so as to set out the statistics; The physical and moral entities of the private sector shall respond to the statements and application forms related to mandatory investigations carried out by the central administration central of statistics provided that this matter would not prejudice the secret of the profession, nor any other secrecy provided for in the law.

Article 6 : Any physical entity refusing to give information requested from him during a mandatory investigation, or deliberately gives false information, shall be inflicted a fine ranging between 50 and 200 Lebanese pounds.
Are excepted from the provisions of the previous clause the information related to the private and familial life of the individuals, and those which the binding to give them constitutes violation of their individual and public freedom.
Any moral entity refusing to give the information requested from him in a mandatory investigation, or gives deliberately false or wrong information, shall be submitted to a fine ranging between 1000 and 5000 Lebanese pounds.
Are excepted from the provisions of the previous clause the information related to the identity of physical entities constituting the moral entities, and to their private and familial life, and those which the binding to give them constitutes a violation of their individual and public freedom.

Article 7 : The employees of the central administration of statistics, and the other workers, are prohibited from disclosing to other people, included administrations, the information related to private and familial life of individuals, and to the financial and professional situations of the physical and moral entities.

Article 8 : The employees of the central administration of statistics, and the other workers it, must administer, before taking office, the following oath before the civil court of first instance :
" I swear to God the greatest to keep the secret of the job and to carry out its tasks with fidelity and sincerity".

Article 9 : The central administration of statistics may sell its publications, cash the value of technical services it renders to other people, and determine the prices of each unit of publications and services, through a resolution issued by the prime minister.
The proceeds of such publications and services are considered an income for the treasury.

Article 10 : This law is enforced as of its promulgation in the official journal.

Article 2 : This decree shall be promulgated and notified where necessary, and shall be observed immediately after its promulgation in the official journal.

Baabda on February 22, 1979
signed : Elias Sarkis

Issued by the president of the Republic
The Prime Minister
signed : Salim El-Hoss

The Prime Minister
signed : Salim El-Hoss


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