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 You are in: Under Secretary for Political Affairs > Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs > Releases > Remarks > 2005 East Asian and Pacific Affairs Remarks, Testimony, and Speeches 

Remarks by the President After Signing A Book of Condolence at the Indonesian Embassy

President George W. Bush
The Indonesia Embassy
Washington, DC
January 3, 2005

10:40 A.M. EST

THE PRESIDENT:  It's our honor to come today to pay our respects for those in Indonesia who suffered under this tremendous disaster.  I appreciate the former Presidents joining me.  I'm proud Laura is here, too, as we sign the condolence book.

We're also committed to helping the Indonesian government and the people of Indonesia.  Presidents Clinton and Bush have agreed to help tap into the great generosity of the American people by serving as co-chairmen of what will be a massive private relief effort.  Of course, I will continue to make sure our government provides relief, as well.  I look forward to working with the Indonesian government to help those who need food and medicine and water and shelter, to get their lives back in order so that the great country of Indonesia can rise up from this disaster and provide the hope necessary for the people of that important country.  

It's our honor to be here with our friend and ally.  Mr. Ambassador, thank you for having us.  May God bless the people of Indonesia. 

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