Table 2.1. How mistake-proofing fits into common patient safety improvement efforts

Direction Relationship Comment
Safety culture Enabler Efforts to shape the norms and values of an organization to focus on creating safety-conscious behaviors and to commit significant organizational resources to achieve patient and worker safety.
Just culture Enabler A subset of safety culture. Provides an open environment—one in which errors are viewed as opportunities to learn rather than events to be punished—which encourages increased event reporting.
Event reporting Enabler Disclosing adverse events and errors that need remedial action to prevent them in the future.
Root cause analysis Enabler Identifies causes "that we can act upon such that it meets our goals and objectives and is within our control."2

Mistake-proofing cannot be done without a clear knowledge of the cause and effect relationships in the process.
Corrective action systems Area of opportunity Policies and procedures that ensure causes of events are properly resolved and remedial actions are taken.
Specific foci Area of opportunity Those efforts in which the special focus is on particular outcomes or events, including falls, nosocomial infections, medication errors, and wrong-site surgery.
Simulation Area of opportunity and venue for validation Builds correct, conditioned responses; provides a laboratory for identifying and validating the effectiveness of mistake-proofing projects.
Technology Subset Includes bar coding, computerized physician order entry (CPOE), and robotic pharmacies; expensive, complex, more technologically sophisticated version of mistake-proofing.
Facility design Complementary or a subset Using building layout and design to put knowledge in the world is effective but difficult with large, long-lived existing infrastructure.
Revise standard operating procedures (SOPs) Competing or complementary Choosing to lengthen SOPs or increase their complexity is an easy but often ineffective alternative to mistake-proofing.

Simplifying processes and providing clever work aids can complement or border on being mistake-proofing.
Attention management Competing (partially) Mistake-proofing can reduce the need for some aspects of attentiveness; it frees staff members to attend to more important issues that are more difficult to mistake-proof.
Crew resource management (CRM) Complementary Some mistake-proofing devices reduce the need to attend to process details. This reduced cognitive load can free resources and facilitate effective participation in decisionmaking typical in CRM.
Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) or failure modes, effects, and criticality analysis (FMECA) Area of opportunity design tool FMEA and FMECA identify and prioritize improvement efforts. Effective FMEA requires actions that lead to redundancy or mistake-proofing.
Fault trees/probabilistic risk assessment Area of opportunity design tool Identify all known causes of an event and the probabilities of their occurrence. This is vital information in creating informed design decisions about mistake-proofing devices. A non-traditional application of this tool is presented in Chapter 3.

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