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Wind Energy in the News

Welcome to the AWEA Wind Energy in the News media resource center. This section features links to news articles, editorials, and press releases that highlight the benefits of the American wind energy industry in its host communities.


November 1, 2008
A Splash of Green for the Rust Belt
New York York Times

October 22,2008
US wind energy adds 1,400 MW of capacity
Boston Globe

Kansas has potential for wind jobs
- (October 17, 2008)

Windmills generate employment in state
- (October 17, 2008)

October 15, 2008
Kansas is at forefront of clean energy frontier
The Wichita Eagle

Wind company wants to add 300 more jobs in Newton
- (October 14, 2008)

October 13, 2008
A Gust of Green Jobs
New York Times

October 10, 2008
Goals Are High in Energy Plan Seen as Vital to the State
New York Times

October 9, 2008
Indian Tribes See Profit in Harnessing the Wind for Power
New York Times

October 8, 2008
One Small Step: It wasn't pretty, but Congress gave a needed boost to wind and solar energy
The Washington Post

October 7, 2008
Studies Lift Hopes for Great Lakes Wind Turbine Farms
The Washington Post

Oct. 4, 2008
Building Jobs With Renewable Energy
ABC News

October 3, 2008
New Jersey Grants Rights to Build a Wind Farm About 20 Miles Offshore
New York Times

October 3, 2008
Wind, Solar Tax Credits Extended in $700 Billion Bail-Out
Environment News Service

October 2, 2008
Wind and Solar Tax Credits Could Ride Into Law in Bailout Bill
The Washington Post

October 1, 2008
Crisis Puts Tax Moves Into Play
New York Times

September 30, 2008
Study: Offshore Wind Turbines Could Pack Punch
WWJ Newsradio

September 29, 2008
Lawmakers at Impasse on Incentives for Renewable Energy
New York Times

September 28, 2008
One More Chance on Energy
New York Times

September 24, 2008
Wind energy touted as a state export
The Hutchinson News

August 12, 2008
Farmers on the Cutting Edge of Energy
ABC News

July 28, 2008
Congress Blows Hot and Cold Over Tax Breaks for Wind Energy
U.S. News

July 17, 2008
Texas OKs Big-Bucks Wind Power Project

July 11, 2008
Capturing the wind
Uinta County Herald

AWEA Welcomes Pickens Energy Plan
Wind Energy Weekly

PTC Update: Congress Seeks Common Ground
Wind Energy Weekly

Wind Industry Employing 50,000:
AWEA to House Small Business Committee

Wind Energy Weekly

June 30, 2008
Cleaning the Transmission Process
Energy Biz Insider

June 20, 2008
Same Result, Different Week: PTC Stalls, But Latest Vote
May Lead to Negotiations

Wind Energy Weekly

Inflation Adjustment Bumps PTC Up to 2.1 Cents/kWh
Wind Energy Weekly

Wind Industry Testimony Receives Bipartisan Support in
Senate Hearing on Transmission

Wind Energy Weekly

June 18, 2008
Congressional stalemate over renewable energy
San Francisco Chronicle

Lack of power lines seen as obstacle in wind development
The Hill

June 15, 2008
Green Policy Ads Go Underground on Capitol Hill
Blog on AWEA’s Metro ads to extend the PTC

June 13, 2008
TRANSMISSION: Aging electric grid needs help carrying renewable power sources

Clean Energy Crunch Time
Living on Earth

June 10, 2008
Renewed anxiety:Renewables industry fears for future if Senate doesn't
extend tax credits


Stories from WINDPOWER 2008

July 3, 2008
AWEA Reaches Out to Utilities at WINDPOWER 2008
Energy Services Bulletin

Highlights from WINDPOWER 2008
American Wind Energy Association

June 9, 2008
Stumbling Blocks Still Exist for Wind Energy but the Future Looks Bright
Renewable Energy World

June 5, 2008
RENEWABLES: Wind industry tooling up in the U.S.


Other news stories

May 12, 2008
20% Wind Power: DOE Releases Report
Wind Energy Weekly

May 9, 2008
Renewables Trades Converge on Capitol Hill to Address Climate Change Issues
Wind Energy Weekly

Wind Power Industry Installs 1,400 MW in First Quarter; PTC Issue Still Looms
Wind Energy Weekly

May 5, 2008
Big Oil’s Friends in the Senate
The New York Times

April 30, 2008
Dumb as We Wanna Be
The New York Times

April 25, 2008
New Ohio Law Expected to Spawn 5,000-7,000 MW Wind Market
Wind Energy Weekly

April 18, 2008
Maine Legislature Unanimously Approves Wind Recommendations
Wind Energy Weekly

April 14, 2008
Big oil to big wind: Texas veteran sets up $10bn clean energy project
The Guardian

February 26, 2008
Wind energy confronts shortage of transmission lines




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