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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Medical Provider Component (MPC)

Amendment No. 2, Dated February 22, 2008 To Requests for Proposal (RFP) No. AHRQ-08-10009, issued January 18, 2008

Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) Medical Provider Component (MPC) Support

Proposal Due March 13, 2008, 12 Noon EST

The purpose of this modification is to revise and clarify Section L.11 Business Proposal, Paragraph A. Cost/Price Proposal to state: The bolded sections are revised or clarified.

  1. A Cost/Price Proposal

    1. The cost/price proposal must contain sufficient information to allow the Government to perform a basic cost analysis of the proposed cost or price of the work. This information shall include the amounts of the basic elements of the proposed cost or price. The proposal costs should be provided by task, per period, for the Base three and one-half (3½) years and each of the three 36-month options.  The proposal must also include costs broken down and summarized by contract year and cumulative costs for each period. That is there must be a cumulative cost for the base 3½ year period, a cumulative cost for each of the three 36-month option periods and a Cumulative total for the entire scope, including the options.

      A cost  proposal, in the amount of an original and five (5) copies, shall be provided.  As appropriate, cost breakdowns shall be provided for the following cost elements:

      1. Direct Labor

        The estimated cost for all personnel who will be assigned for direct work on this project shall be included.  Give the name, title, percent of effort or time, salary and fringe benefits, for each employee.

        Salary increases that are anticipated during performance of a resultant contract should be proposed as a cost. State the salary increase policy, as well as proposed increase factor. If it is company policy for employees to receive salary increases on their anniversary date of hire, please indicate the anniversary date of hire for each proposed employee. If escalation is included, state the degree (percent) and methodology, e.g., annual flat rate applied to a base rate as of a specific date or a mid-pointed rate for the period of performance. State whether any additional direct labor (new hires) will be required during the performance period of this procurement. If so, state the number required and anticipated date of hire. Also, specify the month and day on which your fiscal year commences.

Current as of February 2008

Internet Citation:

Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Medical Provider Component (MPC) Support: Requests for Proposal, Amendment 2. February 2008. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.


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