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AFM Programs & Services

Frequently Asked Questions

The Cooperative Resolution Program is a voluntary program that uses mediation to resolve disputes quickly and at the earliest possible stage.


What is a mediator?
A mediator, trained in conflict resolution--specifically, the mediation process- -serves as an impartial party. He or she does not take sides or make a decision in the dispute. The mediator begins the mediation process with an introduction and presentation of ground rules for the session. Each involved person then tells about the situation from his or her personal perspective.

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Is mediation confidential?
All conversations held during medition and all materials produced are confidential. The mediator will not reveal anything that occured during mediation. And, the parties agree in writing not to disclose information without the consent of the mediator and the other party.

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Is mediation a type of litigation?
Mediation is NOT litigation. The mediator does not determine who is right or wrong. All points of view are valid and the parties work together to create a solution. Mediators do not provide legal advice. Each party may have a representative present during the mediation session.

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Who can ask for mediation?
See mediation services page for information.

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