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USA Freedom Corps Partnering to Answer the President’s Call to Service

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

CONTACT: Mikel Herrington
Phone: 202-606-6706


Disability Inclusion "Train the Trainer" Institute


Dear State Commission Executive Directors,

The National Service Inclusion Project (NSIP), the Corporation’s disability inclusion training and technical assistance provider, will hold the first Disability Inclusion Train the Trainer Institute from April 18-21, 2007 in Boston, MA.

This Institute is designed to strengthen the capacity of State Commission Disability Coordinators (or their designate) and partnering UCED representatives to conduct disability inclusion training using the Corporation’s disability inclusion handbook: Creating an Inclusive Environment: A Handbook for the Inclusion of People with Disabilities in National and Community Service Programs. NSIP has developed a multi-module curriculum based on this Handbook that is used to train national service programs and their partners.

Participants in the Disability Inclusion Train the Trainer Institute will:

  • deepen their understanding of disability inclusion concepts;
  • practice a variety of activities and methods used to conduct disability inclusion training;
  • strengthen their ability to address complex questions regarding access and accommodations;
  • understand and be able to apply adult learning principles and techniques;
  • understand and be able to use the curriculum’s evaluation instruments; and
  • become aware of and know how to access a variety of related resources.

For this first Institute, space is available for 30 State Commission Disability Coordinators and UCEDD partners on a first-come-first-served basis on Reg-On-Line beginning at 2:00pm EST March 1, 2007. It targets individuals who have a commitment to the inclusion of individuals with disabilities in service and volunteerism; are familiar with and have used the disability inclusion Handbook; wish to improve their training/facilitation skills; and who will be available to provide disability inclusion training in their States and possibly in other States as a part of a team of national peer disability inclusion trainers. A general agenda outline is as follows:

Day I ~ Noon to 5:00 p.m.

In large and small group interactive sessions, trainees will rigorously examine all modules of the curriculum including all related activities, supplemental resources and evaluation processes. Trainees will also share and discuss their materials and products.

Day II ~ 9:00 A.M. to 5 P.M.

Continue curriculum overview. Review adult learning principles and training methodologies.

Day III ~ 9:00 A.M. to 5 P.M.

Based on the curriculum and materials review, trainees will design and practice mini-trainings, receive feedback, and develop self-assessment/improvement plans.

Day IV ~ 9:00 A.M ~ 12:00 P.M.

Complete practice mini-trainings. Discuss next steps. Award Certificates of Completion

Registration instructions, logistical information and a detailed agenda will follow shortly. We look forward to the participation of a representative from your Commission. Please call Paula Sotnik at (617) 287-4343 or email for further information.

Mikel Herrington
Deputy Director
AmeriCorps State Programs
1201 New York Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20525
phone: (202) 606 - 6706
fax: (202) 606 - 3476

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