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October 2008

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The International Investment Division (IID) of the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) collects and analyzes data on U.S. direct investment abroad (USDIA), foreign direct investment in the United States (FDIUS), and selected services transactions with unaffiliated foreign persons. As outlined below, the data are published in the Survey of Current Business (SCB), other publications, or available electronically as free downloadable compressed files. Just click on the title of a file, or its product ID number, in this Guide.

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Publications and data files

Most data on direct investment published by BEA are available in the form of free downloads. It is also possible to order paper copies of publications.

  • The SCB is the monthly journal of the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) and is available online and in published form from the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO).
  • BEA publications listed in this guide that have a with a GPO stock number may be ordered on the GPO Web site.
  • BEA publications with a National Technical Information Service (NTIS) stock number may be ordered on the NTIS Web site.

Press Releases

The full text of BEA's news releases are available at <www.bea.gov> within minutes of their release. For information about how to obtain U.S. Department of Commerce's other press releases, please contact the Economics and Statistics Administration at (202) 482-1986.

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A. Direct Investment Position and Related Balance of Payments Flows

Preliminary annual estimates are published in the summer of the year following the year covered; revised estimates are published a year later. Written analyses of data for the most recent year are based on preliminary estimates. Prior to 1996, quarterly estimates of the flows (but not the position) were published, in limited detail, in the U.S. international transactions articles in the March, June, September, and December Survey of Current Business (SCB) issues. Beginning in 1996, these articles appeared in the April, July, October, and January SCB.

From 1985 to 1993, summary estimates of the position and a brief analysis of current developments appeared in the June SCB as part of the article on the U.S. international investment position (see section IV.A). In 1994 and 1995, these estimates and analyses appeared in a separate article in the June SCB. Detailed tables on the position and related capital and income flows appeared in the August SCB (July in 1993). In earlier years, both detailed tables and an analysis usually had appeared in the August SCB. Beginning in 1996, summary estimates of the position and analyses appeared in an article in the July SCB, and detailed tables on the position and related capital and income flows appeared in the September SCB.

Available on BEA's Web site: Data on the historical-cost position for 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007, as well as related annual and quarterly flows of capital and income for 1994-2008:Q2.

Also available: The 2006-2007 international investment position of the United States.

Past estimates for one or more years are revised each year, sometimes because the series have been "rebenchmarked" to a more recent benchmark, or census, of direct investment.

Survey of Current Business Articles

SCB issue, years covered, author, and comments

  • 7/08 & 9/08, 2007, Ibarra & Koncz
  • 7/07 & 9/07, 2006, Ibarra & Koncz
  • 7/06 & 9/06, 2005, Koncz & Yorgason
    Lowe prepared details of 9/06.
  • 7/05 & 9/05, 2004, Koncz & Yorgason
    Lowe prepared details of 9/05.
  • 7/04 & 9/04, 2003, Borga & Yorgason
    Lowe prepared details of 9/04.
  • 7/03 & 9/03, 2002, Borga
    Estimates for 1999-2001 re-benchmarked to 1999 benchmark survey.
  • 7/02 & 9/02, 2001, Borga & Yorgason
    Lowe prepared details of 9/02.
  • 7/01 & 9/01, 2000, Borga & Mataloni
    Lowe prepared details of 9/01.
  • 7/00 & 9/00, 1999, Bargas
    Lowe prepared details of 9/00.
  • 7/99 & 9/99, 1998, Bargas & Troia
    Lowe prepared details of 9/99.
  • 7/98 & 10/98, 1997, Bargas
    Estimates for 1994-96 re-benchmarked to 1994 benchmark survey.
  • 7/97 & 9/97, 1996, Bargas
    Lowe prepared details of 9/97.
  • 7&9/96, 1995, Lowe
  • 6&8/95, 1994, Lowe
  • 6&8/94, 1993, Lowe
  • 6&7/93, 1992, Lowe
    Estimates for 1989-92 re-benchmarked to 1989 benchmark survey.
  • 6&8/92, 1991, Mataloni
    Estimates incorporate various methodological changes.
  • 6&8/91, 1990, Lowe
  • 6&8/90, 1989, Lowe
  • 6&8/89, 1988, Lowe
  • 6&8/88, 1987, Lowe
  • 6&8/87, 1986, Lowe
  • 6&8/86, 1985, Brereton
    Estimates for 1982-84 re-benchmarked to 1982 benchmark survey.
  • 6&8/85, 1984, Belli
  • 8/84, 1983, Howenstine
  • 8/83, 1982, Whichard
  • 8/82, 1981, Whichard
  • 8/81, 1980, Whichard
    Estimates for 1977-79 re-benchmarked to 1977 benchmark survey.
  • 8/80, 1979, Whichard
  • 8/79, 1978, Whichard
  • 8/78, 1977, Kozlow, Rutter & Walker
  • 8/77, 1976, Whichard
    Estimates for 1966-75 revised.
  • 8/76, 1975, Whichard & Freidlin
  • 10/75, 1974, Freidlin & Lupo
    Estimates for 1966-73 re-benchmarked to 1966 benchmark survey.

Detailed Tables

Annual estimates of the U.S. direct investment position abroad, and of balance of payments flows between U.S. parents and their foreign affiliates, including capital flows (with their components--equity, intercompany debt, and reinvested earnings--shown separately), income, and services are available at various levels of country and/or industry detail from BEA (see below).

Zipped files

Please note:

Data for 2005-07 in these zipped files have been superseded by revised data that can be accessed under "country by industry" detail, found at http://www.bea.gov/international/di1fdibal.htm

USDIA: Balance of Payments and Direct Investment Position Estimates, 1982-2007

Free Downloads: (EXE) (ZIP)
(Data for the years 1982-88, in hard copy, see next section.)

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Other Articles and Publications on Direct Investment Flows, Position, and Income:

SCB issue or publication date, title, and comments.

  • U.S. Direct Investment Abroad: Balance of Payments and Direct Investment Position Estimates, 1982-88 -- 9/95
    Publication available from BEA, BEA product ID number IPN-0042. Order by e-mail at OrderDesk@bea.gov or by phone at 1–800–704–0415 or 202-606-9666.
  • A Guide to BEA Statistics on U.S. Multinational Companies -- 3/95
    SCB article by Mataloni.
  • Rates of Return on Direct Investment -- 8/92
    SCB article by Landefeld, Lawson, & Weinberg.
  • Valuation of the U.S. Net International Investment Position -- 5/91
    SCB article by Landefeld & Lawson.
  • U.S. Direct Investment Abroad: Balance of Payments and Direct Investment Position Estimates, 1977-81 -- 11/86
    Updates the 1950-76 publication listed below. Available from NTIS, product number PB87-178265, domestic price $31.50, foreign price $64.00, per paper copy.(Click on NTIS for shipping and handling fees.)
  • Selected Data on U.S. Direct Investment Abroad, 1950-76 -- 2/82
    Publication covers the direct investment position and related capital and income flows; available from NTIS, product number PB87-121869, domestic price $58.50, foreign price $118.00, per paper copy. (Click on NTIS for shipping and handling fees.)
  • Trends in the U.S. Direct Investment Position Abroad, 1950-79 -- 2/81
    SCB article by Whichard.

Data Presentation Available On the Internet Only

Tables for U.S. direct investment abroad (USDIA) for position, capital flows, and income for 1966-81, for all countries in which there is U.S. direct investment (with no industry detail).

Also available, description of changes in methodology and presentation for USDIA balance of payments and position data: 1977, 1982, and 1994.

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B. Operations of U.S. Parent Companies and Their Foreign Affiliates

Data are from benchmark and annual sample surveys of U.S. direct investment abroad. The survey collects operating and financial data of U.S. companies and their foreign affiliates, such as balance sheets, income statements, employment and compensation of employees, trade in goods, and sales of goods and services. Published estimates are for the universe of nonbank affiliates of nonbank parents and are derived from the reported sample data. The first annual survey covered 1983. Benchmark surveys covered 1982, 1989, 1994, and 1999. Data are preliminary when first published; revised data are published a year later.

Survey of Current Business Articles

SCB issue, year covered, and author

  • 11/07, 2005, Mataloni
  • 11/06, 2004, Mataloni and Yorgason
  • 7/05, 2003, Mataloni
  • 7/04, 2002, Mataloni
  • 11/03, 2001, Mataloni
  • 12/02, 2000, Mataloni
  • 3/02, 1999, Mataloni and Yorgason
  • 7/00, 1998, Mataloni
  • 7/99, 1997, Mataloni
  • 9/98, 1996, Mataloni
  • 10/97, 1995, Mataloni
  • 12/96, 1994, Mataloni and Fahim-Nader
  • 6/95, 1993, Mataloni
  • 6/94, 1992, Mataloni
  • 7/93, 1991, Mataloni
  • 8/92, 1990, Mataloni
  • 10/91, 1989, Lowe and Mataloni
  • 6/90, 1988, Mataloni
  • 6/89, 1987, Whichard
  • 6/88, 1986, Whichard
  • 6/87, 1985, Brereton
  • 9/86, 1984, Brereton
  • 1/86, 1983, Belli
  • 12/85, 1982, Whichard and Shea

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NOTE: For 1982, 1989, 1994, and 1999 and for certain earlier years, see the information on benchmark surveys in section I.D.

Because of space constraints, full details cannot be published in the SCB articles. Supplementary tables, currently about 70 for each year, are available in separate publications and as electronic files. The publications for 1983-91 are available from NTIS, see below for product numbers and per-copy domestic and foreign prices. (Click on NTIS for shipping and handling fees.) The publications for 1992 and 1995-99 are available from GPO (see GPO for current prices); the publication for 1993 is available from BEA. Estimates for 1983-88, 1990-93, 1995-98 and 2000-01 may be obtained from BEA as free downloads (see section I.D. for 1989, 1994 and 1999.). BEA ID numbers for publication and electronic files, NTIS product numbers and domestic and foreign prices, and GPO stock numbers for the publications are shown below.

NOTE: The main title of the USDIA publications is: U.S. Direct Investment Abroad: Operations of U.S. Parent Companies and Their Foreign Affiliates with the following subtitles.

Comprehensive financial and operating data


  • Revised 2004 Estimates
  • Revised 2003 Estimates
  • Revised 2002 Estimates
  • Revised 2001 Estimates
  • Revised 2000 Estimates
  • Revised 1999 Estimates
    • XLS (EXE) (ZIP) -- Includes methodology PDF
    • PDF (EXE) (ZIP)
  • Revised 1998 Estimates
    • XLS (EXE) (ZIP)
    • PDF (EXE) (ZIP)
      GPO stock # publication: 003-010-00293-0
  • Revised 1997 Estimates
    BEA files: IDN-0254 (EXE) (ZIP)
    GPO stock # publication: 003-010-00285-9
  • Revised 1996 Estimates
    BEA files: IDN-0238 (EXE) (ZIP)
    GPO stock # publication: 003-010-00282-4
  • Revised 1995 Estimates
    BEA files: IDN-0213 (EXE) (ZIP)
    GPO stock # publication: 003-010-00276-0
  • Revised 1994 Estimates
    BEA files: IDN-0189 (EXE) (ZIP)
    GPO stock # publication: 003-010-00271-9
  • Revised 1993 Estimates
    BEA product ID # (pub.): IPN-0161
    BEA files: IDN-0039 (EXE) (ZIP)
  • Revised 1992 Estimates
    BEA files: IDN-0038 (EXE) (ZIP)
    GPO stock # publication: 003-010-00253-1
  • Revised 1991 Estimates
    BEA files: IDN-0037 (EXE) (ZIP)
    NTIS product # publication: PB94-196425
    NTIS domestic price/copy: $34.00
    NTIS foreign price/copy: $68.00
  • Revised 1990 Estimates
    BEA files: IDN-0036 (EXE) (ZIP)
    NTIS product # publication: PB94-102175
    NTIS domestic price/copy: $34.00
    NTIS foreign price/copy: $68.00
  • Revised 1989 Estimates
    BEA files: IDN-0035 (EXE) (ZIP)
    NTIS product # publication: PB93-127702
    NTIS domestic price/copy: $84.00
    NTIS foreign price/copy: $169.00
  • Revised 1988 Estimates
    BEA files: IDN-0034 (EXE) (ZIP)
    NTIS product # publication: PB92-101583
    NTIS domestic price/copy: $34.00
    NTIS foreign price/copy: $68.00
  • Revised 1987 Estimates
    BEA files: IDN-0033 (EXE) (ZIP)
    NTIS product # publication: PB90-258898
    NTIS domestic price/copy: $31.50
    NTIS foreign price/copy: $64.00
  • Revised 1986 Estimates
    BEA files: IDN-0032 (EXE) (ZIP)
    NTIS product # publication: PB90-114109
    NTIS domestic price/copy: $31.50
    NTIS foreign price/copy: $64.00
  • Revised 1985 Estimates
    BEA files: IDN-0031 (EXE) (ZIP)
    NTIS product # publication: PB89-121784
    NTIS domestic price/copy: $34.00
    NTIS foreign price/copy: $68.00
  • Revised 1984 Estimates
    BEA files: IDN-0030 (EXE) (ZIP)
    NTIS product # publication: PB88-100540
    NTIS domestic price/copy: $34.00
    NTIS foreign price/copy: $68.00
  • Revised 1983 Estimates
    BEA files: IDN-0029 (EXE) (ZIP)
    NTIS product # publication: PB87-131306
    NTIS domestic price/copy: $34.00
    NTIS foreign price/copy: $68.00
  • Revised 1982 Estimates
    NTIS product # publication: PB86-169117
    NTIS domestic price/copy: $86.50
    NTIS foreign price/copy: $174.00

NOTE: For 1982, 1989, 1994, and 1999, and for certain earlier years, see the information on benchmark surveys in section I.D.

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C. Capital Expenditures by Majority-Owned Foreign Affiliates of U.S. Companies

Through September 1994, when this series was discontinued, estimates were published twice yearly, usually in the March and September SCB's.

SCB issue, years covered, author, and comments

  • 9/94, 1993-94, Fahim-Nader
    The last article presenting the results of the capital expenditures survey, which has been discontinued.
  • 3/94, 1993-94, Fahim-Nader
  • 9/93, 1992-93, Fahim-Nader
  • 3/93, 1992-93, Fahim-Nader
    Estimates for 1983-91 also revised to reflect information from the 1989 benchmark survey.
  • 9/92, 1991-92, Fahim-Nader
  • 3/92, 1991-92, Fahim-Nader
  • 9/91, 1989-91, Fahim-Nader
    1989 estimates revised in connection with 1989 benchmark survey.
  • 3/91, 1990-91, Mataloni
  • 9/90, 1990-91, Mataloni
  • 3/90, 1989-90, Mataloni
    Examines patterns of foreign affiliate capital spending from 1977-89.
  • 9/89, 1989-90, Mataloni
  • 3/89, 1988-89, Quijano
  • 9/88, 1987-89, Quijano
  • 3/88, 1987-88, Herr
  • 9/87, 1986-88, Herr
  • 3/87, 1986-87, Herr
  • 10/86, 1985-87, Herr
    Estimates for 1982-84 rebenchmarked to 1982 benchmark survey.
  • 3/86, 1985-86, Lowe,
  • 9/85, 1984-86, Kozlow
  • 3/85, 1984-85, Kozlow
  • 9/84, 1983-85, Kozlow
  • 3/84, 1983-84, Kozlow
  • 9/83, 1982-84, Kozlow
  • 3/83, 1982-83, Kozlow
  • 9/82, 1981-83, Kozlow
  • 3/82, 1981-82, Kozlow
  • 10/81, 1980-82, Lowe
    Estimates for 1977-79 re-benchmarked to 1977 benchmark survey.
  • 3/81, 1980-81, Lowe
  • 9/80, 1979-81, Lowe
  • 3/80, 1979-80, Chung
  • 9/79, 1978-80, Chung
  • 3/79, 1978-79, Chung
  • 10/78, 1977-79, Lupo
  • 3/78, 1977-78, Galler
  • 9/77, 1976-78, Lupo
  • 3/77, 1976-77, Belli
  • 9/76, 1975-77, Chung
  • 3/76, 1975-76, Whichard
  • 9/75, 1974-76, Howenstine
    Estimates for 1971-73 revised.
  • 3/75, 1974-75, Chung
  • 9/74, 1973-75, Chung
    Estimates for 1967-72 revised.

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D. Benchmark Surveys and Related Articles

Benchmark surveys are periodic surveys of the universe of U.S. direct investment abroad. In addition to the direct investment position and related flows of capital, income, and royalties and license fees, they cover a wide range of operating and financial data of U.S. parent companies and their foreign affiliates, such as balance sheets, income statements, external financing, employment and compensation of employees, trade in goods, and sales of goods and services. A special sample survey (or "mini-census") covering 1970 was conducted to update the 1966 benchmark survey data. Publications containing the detailed data from the benchmark surveys and 1970 mini-census are:

Publication Title, GPO stock #, BEA ID #, NTIS product #, and Pricing

  • U.S. Direct Investment Abroad: 1999 Benchmark Survey, Final Results
    • XLS (EXE) (ZIP) -- Includes methodology PDF
    • PDF (EXE) (ZIP)
      GPO 003-010-00296-4
  • U.S. Direct Investment Abroad: 1994 Benchmark Survey, Final Results
    GPO 003-010-00271-9, BEA IDN-0189 (EXE) (ZIP)
    Domestic: GPO $41.00 | Foreign: GPO $46.25
  • U.S. Direct Investment Abroad, 1989 Benchmark Survey Data, Final Results
    NTIS PB93-127702, BEA IDN-0035 (EXE) (ZIP)
    Domestic: NTIS $84.00 | Foreign: NTIS $169.00
  • U.S. Direct Investment Abroad, 1982 Benchmark Survey Data
    NTIS PB86-169117
    Domestic: NTIS $86.50 | Foreign: NTIS $174.00
  • U.S. Direct Investment Abroad, 1977
    NTIS PB82-130634
    Domestic: NTIS $96.00 | Foreign: NTIS $193.00
  • Special Survey of U.S. Multinational Companies, 1970
    NTIS COM-72-11392
    Domestic: NTIS $36.50 | Foreign: NTIS $74.00
  • U.S. Direct Investment Abroad, 1966--Final Data
    NTIS COM-75-10694
    Domestic: NTIS $67.50 | Foreign: NTIS $135.00

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Analytical SCB articles that draw on universe data from the benchmark surveys, or on matched sample data from the 1966 benchmark survey and the 1970 mini-census, are listed below.

SCB issue, title, author, comments

  • 11/06, Operations of U.S. Multinational Companies: Preliminary Results From the 2004 Benchmark Survey, Mataloni & Yorgason
    Summary of 2004 Benchmark data (preliminary).
  • 3/02, Operations of U.S. Multinational Companies: Preliminary Results from the 1999 Benchmark Survey, Mataloni &
    Summary of 1999 Benchmark data (preliminary).
  • 4/97, Real Gross Product of U.S. Companies' Majority-Owned Foreign Affiliates in Manufacturing, Mataloni
    SCB article presents estimates of real gross product of majority-owned foreign affiliates in manufacturing for 1982-94 and discusses the methodology used to produce the estimates. The methodology makes use of "purchasing-power-parity" exchange rates.
  • 12/96, Operations of U.S. Multinational Companies: Preliminary Results from the 1994 Benchmark Survey, Mataloni & Fahim-Nader
    Based on preliminary 1994 benchmark survey results.
  • 2/94, Gross Product of U.S. Multinational Companies, 1977-91, Mataloni & Goldberg
    Presents estimates of gross product of nonbank U.S. multinational companies based on benchmark and annual surveys of U.S. direct investment abroad.
  • 10/91, U.S. Direct Investment Abroad: 1989 Benchmark Survey Results, Lowe & Mataloni
    Based on preliminary 1989 benchmark survey results.
  • 5/86, U.S. Merchandise Trade Associated with U.S. Multinational Companies, Barker
    Based on 1982 benchmark survey data.
  • 12/85, 1982 Benchmark Survey of U.S. Direct Investment Abroad, Whichard & Shea
    Summary of 1982 benchmark survey data.
  • 2/83, Gross Product of U.S. Multinational Companies, 1977, Howenstine
    Based on 1977 data.
  • 4/82, Growth of U.S. Multinational Companies, 1966-77, Howenstine
    Based on 1966 and 1977 data.
  • 2/82, Employment and Employee Compensation of U.S. Multinational Companies, Whichard
    Based on 1977 data.
  • 10/81, Profile of U.S. Multinational Companies in 1977, Barker
    Based on 1977 data.
  • 4/81, 1977 Benchmark Survey of U.S. Direct Investment Abroad, International Investment Division
    Summary of 1977 benchmark survey data.
  • 8/78, Relationship Between Age and Rate of Return of Foreign Manufacturing Affiliates of U.S. Manufacturing Parent Companies, Lupo, Gilbert, & Liliestedt
    Based on 1966 data.
  • 2/77, Gross Product of Foreign Affiliates of U.S. Companies, Howenstine
    Based on l966-70 sample data; includes 1966 universe estimates for foreign affiliates.
  • 5/74, U.S. Multinational Companies: Profitability, Financial Leverage, and Effective Income Tax Rate, Leftwich
    Based on l966-70 sample data.
  • 10/73, Employment and Payroll Costs of U.S. Multinational Companies, Barker & Kraseman
    Based on 1966-70 sample data.
  • 1/73, Worldwide Sales by U.S. Multinational Companies, Lupo
    Based on 1966-70 sample data.
  • 12/72, U.S. Foreign Trade Associated with U.S. Multinational Companies, Barker
    Based on 1966-70 sample data.

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E. Other Publications and Articles on U.S. Direct Investment Abroad

Publication date, title, comments

  • 3/99, INTERNATIONAL DIRECT INVESTMENT: Studies by the Bureau of Economic Analysis
    The publication brings together a number of key studies by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) on U.S. direct investment abroad and foreign direct investment in the United States. The studies cover such topics as the characteristics of multinational companies, including their profitability, productivity, and sourcing patterns; measures of direct investment that are valued in current-period prices; and supplemental balance of payments frameworks that incorporate information on ownership from BEA's direct investment surveys. These studies were originally published in the Survey of Current Business, BEA's monthly journal. This publication also includes users' guides to BEA's statistics on direct investment and detailed methodologies from BEA's benchmark survey publications on foreign direct investment in the United States and U.S. direct investment abroad.
    Publication available from GPO, stock number 003-010-00278-6, price $26.00.

Sources and Uses of Funds:

SCB issue date, title, comments

  • 6/79, Sources and Uses of Funds of Majority-Owned Foreign Affiliates of U.S. Companies, 1973-76
    Staff paper, available from the International Investment Division.
  • 7/75, Sources and Uses of Funds for a Sample of Majority-Owned Foreign Affiliates of U.S. Companies, 1966-72
    SCB article by Mantel.
  • 11/70, Sources and Uses of Funds of Foreign Affiliates of U.S. Firms, 1967-68
    SCB article by Belli.

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Sales by Majority-Owned Foreign Affiliates of U.S. Companies:

Sales data were collected in an annual sample survey for 1966-76. For 1977 and 1982, they were collected in the 1977 and 1982 benchmark surveys (see section I.D.); they were not collected for 1978-81. Beginning with 1983, sales data have been collected annually as part of the annual survey of the operations of U.S. parent companies and their foreign affiliates (see section I.B.).
SCB issue, year covered, author, comments

  • 3/78, 1976, Chung
  • 2/77, 1975, Chung
  • 5/76, 1974, Chung
  • 8/75, 1973, Chung - Estimates for 1966-72 revised.

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Statistics on U.S. Multinational Companies:

SCB issue, title, comments

U.S. Intrafirm Trade in Goods:

SCB issue, title, comments

  • 2/97, U.S. Intrafirm Trade in Goods
    SCB article by Zeile examines trends and patterns in U.S. intrafirm trade in goods associated with U.S. and foreign multinational companies in 1977-94. Analyzes the relative importance of intrafirm trade in total U.S. trade in goods with major trading-partner countries in 1992.

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A. Direct Investment Position and Related Balance of Payments Flows

Preliminary annual estimates are published in the summer of the year following the year covered; revised estimates are published a year later. Written analyses of data for the most recent year are based on preliminary estimates. Prior to 1996, quarterly estimates of the flows (but not the position) were published, in limited detail, in the U.S. international transactions articles in the March, June, September, and December Survey of Current Business (SCB) issues. Beginning in 1996, these articles appeared in the April, July, October, and January SCB.

From 1985 to 1993, summary estimates of the position and a brief analysis of current developments appeared in the June SCB as part of the article on the U.S. international investment position (see section IV.A). In 1994 and 1995, these estimates and analyses appeared in a separate article in the June SCB. Detailed tables on the position and related capital and income flows appeared in the August SCB (July in 1993). In earlier years, both detailed tables and an analysis usually had appeared in the August SCB. Beginning in 1996, summary estimates of the position and analyses appeared in an article in the July SCB, and detailed tables on the position and related capital and income flows appeared in the September SCB.

Available on BEA's Web site: Data on the historical-cost position for 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 , 2006 , and 2007 as well as related annual and quarterly flows of capital and income for 1994-2008:Q2.

Also available: The 2006-2007 international investment position of the United States .

Past estimates for one or more years are revised each year, sometimes because the series have been "rebenchmarked" to a more recent benchmark survey, or census, of direct investment.

SCB issue, year covered, author, and comments

  • 7/08 & 9/08, 2007, Ibarra & Koncz
  • 7/07 & 9/07, 2006, Ibarra & Koncz
  • 7/06 & 9/06, 2005, Koncz & Yorgason
    Estimates for 2002-05 re-benchmarked to 2002 benchmark survey.
  • 7/05 & 9/05, 2004, Koncz & Yorgason
    Lowe prepared details of 9/05.
  • 7/04 & 9/04, 2003, Borga & Yorgason
    Lowe prepared details of 9/04.
  • 7/03 & 9/03, 2002, Borga
  • 7/02, & 9/02, 2001, Borga & Yorgason
  • 7/&9/01, 2000, Borga & Mataloni
  • 7/&9/00, 1999, Bargas
    Lowe prepared details of 9/00.
  • 7&9/99, 1998, Bargas & Troia
  • 7&9/98, 1997, Bargas
    Estimates for 1992-96 re-benchmarked to 1992 benchmark survey.
  • 7&9/97, 1996, Bargas
  • 7&9/96, 1995, Bargas
  • 6&8/95, 1994, Lowe
  • 6&8/94, 1993, Bargas
  • 6&7/93, 1992, Bargas
  • 6&8/92, 1991, Bezirganian
    Estimates for 1982 forward incorporate various methodological changes.
  • 6&8/91, 1990, Bezirganian
    Estimates for 1987-90 rebenchmarked to 1987 benchmark survey.
  • 6&8/90, 1989, Quijano & Bezirganian
  • 6&8/89, 1988, Quijano
  • 6&8/88, 1987, Quijano
  • 6&8/87, 1986, Whichard
  • 6&8/86, 1985, Howenstine
  • 6&8/85, 1984, Howenstine
  • 10/84, 1983, Belli
    Estimates for 1980-83 rebenchmarked to 1980 benchmark survey.
  • 8/83, 1982, Chung & Fouch
  • 8/82, 1981, Howenstine & Fouch
  • 8/81, 1980, Chung & Fouch
  • 8/80, 1979, Chung & Fouch
  • 8/79 pt.2, 1978, Fouch & Lupo
  • 8/78, 1977, Chung & Fouch
  • 10/77, 1976, Mantel
    Position for 1973, and all estimates for 1974-75, rebenchmarked to 1974 survey.
  • 8/76, 1975, Lupo & Fouch
  • 10/75, 1974, Mantel
    Includes 1971-72 final estimates and final 1973 flows.

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Data for this series are available electronically from BEA (see below). Please note that many of the tables that appeared in the August issues of the 1980-95 SCB do not appear electronically; also, several tables that are included in the 1987-99 files have not been published in the SCB. Finally, the data for 1980 and 1981 in the 1980-86 files have not been revised to incorporate methodological changes referred to above under the comments for SCB issues 6&8/92.

  • FDIUS: Balance of Payments and Direct Investment Position Estimates
    Note: Data for 2005-2007 in these zipped files have been superceded by revised data that can be accessed under "Country by Industry Detail"
    • Free Downloads, 2002-2007:   (EXE)  (ZIP)
    • Free Downloads, 1997-2001:   (EXE)  (ZIP)

FDIUS: Balance of Payments and Direct Investment Position Estimates, 1987-99, BEA product ID number IID03-15
Free Downloads:   (EXE)   (ZIP)

FDIUS: Balance of Payments and Direct Investment Position Estimates, 1980-86, BEA product ID number IDN-0066
Free Downloads:   (EXE)   (ZIP)  

Other Articles and Publications on Direct Investment Flows, Position, and Income:

Publication date, title, and comments

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B. Operations of U.S. Affiliates of Foreign Companies

Data are from benchmark and sample surveys of foreign direct investment in the United States. The surveys collects financial and operating data of the U.S. affiliates of foreign direct investors, such as balance sheets, income statements, employment and compensation of employees, trade in goods, and selected data by State. The first annual survey covered 1977. Benchmark surveys cover 1987, 1992, and 1997. Data are preliminary when first published; revised data are published a year later. Articles published before those listed below presented only reported sample data. Other than for benchmark years, the listed articles present universe estimates derived by linking the sample data reported in the annual survey to the preceding benchmark survey.

Survey of Current Business Articles

SCB issue, year covered, author, and comments

  • 8/08, 2006, Anderson
  • 8/07, 2005, Anderson
  • 8/06, 2004, Anderson & Zeile
  • 8/05, 2003, Zeile
  • 8/04, 2002, Zeile
  • 8/03, 2001, Zeile
  • 8/02, 2000, Zeile
  • 8/01, 1999, Zeile
  • 8/00, 1998, Zeile
  • 8/99, 1997, Zeile
  • 6/98, 1996, Zeile
    The article is combined with the one on the acquisition and establishment of U.S. businesses by foreign direct investors in 1997.
  • 6/97, 1995, Zeile
    The article is combined with the one on the acquisition and establishment of U.S. businesses by foreign direct investors in 1996.
  • 7/96, 1994, Zeile
    The article is combined with the one on the acquisition and establishment of U.S. businesses by foreign direct investors in 1995.
  • 5/95, 1993, Zeile
    The article is combined with the one on the acquisition and establishment of U.S. businesses by foreign direct investors in 1994.
  • 7/94, 1992, Zeile
  • 5/93, 1991, Bezirganian
  • 5/92, 1990, Bezirganian
  • 7/91, 1989, Bezirganian
  • 7/90, 1988, Howenstine
  • 7/89, 1987, Howenstine
  • 5/88, 1986, Howenstine
  • 5/87, 1985, Howenstine
  • 10/86, 1984, Shea
  • 11/85, 1983, Howenstine
  • 12/84, 1982, Howenstine
  • 11/83, 1981, Howenstine

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NOTE: For 1977-80 data, see the sub-section below on Other Articles or Publications on the Operations of U.S. Affiliates.

For 1987, 1992, 1997, and 2002, and for certain earlier years, see the information on Benchmark Surveys in section II.E.

Space constraints prevent publication of full details in the SCB articles. Supplementary tables--currently about 70 for each year--are available as separate publications. The publications for 1981-90 are available from NTIS, see below for product numbers and per copy domestic and foreign prices. (Click on NTIS for shipping and handling fees.) The 1991 and 1993-94 publications are available from BEA. The 1995-96 and 1998 publications are available from GPO; (see GPO for current prices). Estimates for years 1977-86, 1988-91, 1993-96, and 1998-2000 may be obtained from BEA as a free download (for 1987, 1992, 1997, and 2002, see section II.E.). BEA product ID and GPO stock numbers for the publications, and BEA ID numbers for the downloadable files, are shown below.

NOTE: The main title of the FDIUS publications is: Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Operations of U.S. Affiliates of Foreign Companies with the following subtitles. (For information on How to Order for purchasing go to first section.)

Comprehensive financial and operating data


  • Preliminary 2006 Estimates
    • Uncompressed PDF format
    • Compressed Format
  • Revised 2005 Estimates
    • Uncompressed PDF Format
    • Compressed Format
  • Revised 2004 Estimates
  • Revised 2003 Estimates
  • Final Results for the 2002 Benchmark Survey
  • Revised 2001 Estimates
  • Revised 2000 Estimates
  • Revised 1999 Estimates
  • Revised 1998 Estimates
    • XLS (EXE) (ZIP)
    • PDF (EXE) (ZIP)
      GPO stock # publication : 003-010-00292-1
  • Final 1997 Estimates
    • XLS (EXE) (ZIP)
    • PDF (EXE) (ZIP)
      GPO stock # publication: 003-010-00289-1
  • Revised 1996 Estimates
    BEA product ID # (files): IDN-0233 (EXE) (ZIP)
    GPO stock # publication: 003-010-00279-4
  • Revised 1995 Estimates
    BEA product ID # (files): IDN-0200 (EXE) (ZIP)
    GPO stock # publication: 003-010-00274-3 (No longer available.)
  • Revised 1994 Estimates
    BEA product ID # (pub.): IPN-0234
    BEA product ID # (files): IDN-0061 (EXE) (ZIP)
  • Revised 1993 Estimates
    BEA product ID # (pub.): IPN-0202
    BEA product ID # (files): IDN-0059 (EXE) (ZIP)
  • Revised 1992 Estimates
    BEA product ID # (pub.): IPN-0202
    BEA product ID # (files): IDN-0058 (EXE) (ZIP)
    GPO stock # publication: 003-010-0259-0
  • Revised 1991 Estimates
    BEA product ID # (pub.): IPN-0063
    BEA product ID # (files): IDN-0057 (EXE) (ZIP)
  • Revised 1990 Estimates
    BEA product ID # (files): IDN-0056 (EXE) (ZIP)
    NTIS product # publication: PB93-216224
    NTIS domestic price/copy: $34.00
    NTIS foreign price/copy: $68.00
  • Revised 1989 Estimates
    BEA product ID # (files): IDN-0055 (EXE) (ZIP)
    NTIS product # publication: PB93-108934
    NTIS domestic price/copy: $34.00
    NTIS foreign price/copy: $68.00
  • Revised 1988 Estimates
    BEA product ID # (files): IDN-0054 (EXE) (ZIP)
    NTIS product # publication: PB92-113844
    NTIS domestic price/copy: $34.00
    NTIS foreign price/copy: $68.00
  • Revised 1987 Estimates
    BEA product ID # (files): IDN-0053 (EXE) (ZIP)
    NTIS product # publication: PB91-108316
    NTIS domestic price/copy: $67.50
    NTIS foreign price/copy: $135.00
  • Revised 1986 Estimates
    BEA product ID # (files): IDN-0052 (EXE) (ZIP)
    NTIS product # publication: PB90-114083
    NTIS domestic price/copy: $31.50
    NTIS foreign price/copy: $64.00
  • Revised 1985 Estimates
    BEA product ID # (pub.)
    BEA product ID # (files): IDN-0051 (EXE) (ZIP)
    NTIS product # publication: PB89-121768
    NTIS domestic price/copy: $31.50
    NTIS foreign price/copy: $64.00
  • Revised 1984 Estimates
    BEA product ID # (files): IDN-0050 (EXE) (ZIP)
    NTIS product # publication: PB88-100565
    NTIS domestic price/copy: $31.50
    NTIS foreign price/copy: $64.00
  • Revised 1983 Estimates
    BEA product ID # (files): IDN-0049 (EXE) (ZIP)
    NTIS product # publication: PB87-125019
    NTIS domestic price/copy: $31.50
    NTIS foreign price/copy: $64.00
  • Revised 1982 Estimates
    BEA product ID # (files): IDN-0048 (EXE) (ZIP)
    NTIS product # publication: PB86-161908
    NTIS domestic price/copy: $31.50
    NTIS foreign price/copy: $64.00
  • Revised 1981 Estimates
    BEA product ID # (files): IDN-0047 (EXE) (ZIP)
    NTIS product # publication: PB96-170386
    NTIS domestic price/copy: $27.00
    NTIS foreign price/copy: $54.00
  • Revised 1980 Estimates
    BEA product ID # (files): IDN-0046 (EXE) (ZIP)
    NTIS product # publication: 1977-80 in 1 vol.(see below)
  • Revised 1979 Estimates
    BEA product ID # (files): IDN-0045 (EXE) (ZIP)
    NTIS product # publication: 1977-80 in 1 vol.(see below)
  • Revised 1978 Estimates
    BEA product ID # (files): IDN-0044 (EXE) (ZIP)
    NTIS product # publication: 1977-80 in 1 vol.(see below)
  • Revised 1977 Estimates
    BEA product ID # (files): IDN-0043 (EXE) (ZIP)
    NTIS product # publication: 1977-80 in 1 vol.(see below)

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NOTE: For other years, including 1987, 1992, and 1997, see the information on benchmark surveys in section II.E.

Other Publications or Articles on the Operations of U.S. Affiliates

SCB issue or publication date, title, and comments

  • 3/00, An Examination of the Low Rates of Return of Foreign-Owned U.S. Companies
    In 1988-97, the average rate of return on assets (ROA) of foreign-owned nonfinancial companies, at 5.1 percent, was 2.2 percentage points below that of U.S.-owned companies; over the period, the ROA gap narrowed to about 1 percentage point in 1997. Among several factors that may help explain the lower ROA of foreign-owned companies, age and market share were found to be significant, and industry mix and shifting of profits outside the United States using transfer prices were found to be relatively insignificant. These findings are based on newly developed estimates of the rate of return for foreign-owned U.S. nonfinancial companies that are disaggregated by industry and valued in current-period prices.
  • 3/99, INTERNATIONAL DIRECT INVESTMENT: Studies by the Bureau of Economic Analysis
    The publication brings together a number of key studies by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) on U.S. direct investment abroad and foreign direct investment in the United States. The studies cover such topics as the characteristics of multinational companies, including their profitability, productivity, and sourcing patterns; measures of direct investment that are valued in current-period prices; and supplemental balance of payments frameworks that incorporate information on ownership from BEA's direct investment surveys. These studies were originally published in the Survey of Current Business, BEA's monthly journal. This publication also includes users' guides to BEA's statistics on direct investment and detailed methodologies from BEA's benchmark survey publications on foreign direct investment in the United States and U.S. direct investment abroad.
    Publication available from GPO, stock number 003-010-00278-6, price $26.00.
  • 4/98, The Domestic Orientation of Production and Sales by U.S. Manufacturing Affiliates of Foreign Companies
    SCB article by Zeile compares the domestic content of output of U.S. manufacturing affiliates of foreign companies with that of other U.S. manufacturing companies. The article also examines the extent to which U.S. manufacturing affiliates rely on foreign sources for their intermediate inputs and whether the affiliates' production is intended for U.S. or foreign markets.
  • 2/97, U.S. Intrafirm Trade in Goods
    SCB article by Zeile examines trends and patterns in U.S. intrafirm trade in goods associated with U.S. and foreign multinational companies in 1977-94. Analyzes the relative importance of intrafirm trade in total U.S. trade in goods with major trading-partner countries in 1992.
  • 10/93, Merchandise Trade of U.S. Affiliates of Foreign Companies
    SCB article by Zeile examines BEA's data on U.S.-affiliate trade in goods for 1977-91. It compares the trade in goods of U.S. affiliates with that of all U.S. businesses and analyzes trade patterns by investing country.
  • 11/92, Gross Product of U.S. Affiliates of Foreign Direct Investors, 1987-90
    Tables published in SCB article. Presents estimates of gross product of U.S. affiliates for 1987-90 (1987 data replace those in the 6/90 SCB article mentioned below).
  • 6/90, Gross Product of U.S. Affiliates of Foreign Companies, 1977-87
    SCB article by Lowe presents estimates of gross product of U.S. affiliates of foreign companies for 1977-87. Analyzes patterns of growth by industry of affiliate and country of ultimate beneficial owner and compares affiliate data to all-U.S.-business data. 1987 data later revised (see above).
  • 2/90, A Guide to BEA Statistics on Foreign Direct Investment in the United States
    SCB article by Quijano.
  • 7/85, Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Operations of U.S. Affiliates, 1977-80
    Publication presents universe estimates for 1977-79 and revised benchmark survey data for 1980 on the operations of U.S. affiliates of foreign direct investors. Available from NTIS, product number PB85-240604, domestic price $51.00, foreign price $103.00, per paper copy. (Click on NTIS for shipping and handling fees.) Also available electronically from BEA (see above).

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C. Establishment Data from BEA-Census Link

Detailed establishment data for U.S. affiliates of foreign companies obtained from a project that links Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) enterprise, or company, data on foreign direct investment in the United States with the Census Bureau's establishment data for all U.S. companies. The data are presented by detailed industry, by country of ultimate beneficial owner, and by State.

SCB issue or publication date, title, and comments

  • 6/07, Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Establishment Data for 2002
    Data are shown for the number, employment, payroll, and shipments or sales of foreign-owned U.S. establishments. For manufacturing establishments, data are presented on a number of additional items, including value added, employee benefits, hourly wage rates of production workers, and expenditures for plant and equipment.
  • 3/03, Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Establishment Data for 1997
    Data are shown for the number, employment, payroll, and shipments or sales of foreign-owned U.S. establishments. For manufacturing establishments, data are presented on a number of additional items, including value added, employee benefits, hourly wage rates of production workers, and expenditures for plant and equipment. Publication available from GPO, $48.00, stock number 003-010-00295-6.
    Electronic files available from BEA. Zipped spreadsheet (XLS) files IID03-03 (EXE) (ZIP). Zipped PDF files IID03-04 (EXE) (ZIP).
    Methodology | PDF
  • 5/99, Regional Patterns in the Location of Foreign-Owned U.S. Manufacturing Establishments , Zeile, Shannon, & Johnson
    SCB article analyzes the employment of foreign-owned manufacturing establishments by BEA economic area. Particular attention is given to regional patterns for "greenfield" establishments set up by foreign direct investors in 1987-92.
  • 6/97, Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Establishment Data for 1992
    Data are shown for the number, employment, payroll, and shipments or sales of foreign-owned U.S. establishments. For manufacturing establishments, data are presented on a number of additional items, including value added, employee benefits, hourly wage rates of production workers, and expenditures for plant and equipment. Publication available from GPO, $35.00, stock number 003-010-00265-4.
    Electronic files available from BEA, BEA ID number IDN-0077 (EXE) (ZIP).
    Methodology | PDF
  • 3/96, Differences in Foreign-Owned U.S. Manufacturing Establishments by Country of Owner
    SCB article by Howenstine & Shannon is the second in a series of articles that examine the characteristics of foreign-owned U.S. manufacturing establishments, based on 1991 data from BEA-Census link.
  • 1/94, Characteristics of Foreign-Owned U.S. Manufacturing Establishments
    SCB article by Howenstine & Zeile is the first in a series of articles that examine the characteristics of foreign-owned U.S. manufacturing establishments, based on 1990 data from BEA-Census link.
  • 10/92, Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Establishment Data for 1987
    SCB article by Howenstine and Zeile provides summary data and analysis.
  • 6/92, Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Establishment Data for 1987
    Data are shown for the number, employment, payroll, and shipments or sales of foreign-owned U.S. establishments. They are broken down by industry (over 800 industries covering all major industry divisions of the Standard Industrial Classification), by State, and by country of investor. Publication available from BEA, $36.00, BEA product ID number IPN-0068.
    Electronic files also available from BEA, BEA ID number IDN-0072 (EXE) (ZIP).
  • Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Establishment Data for Manufacturing:
    Data are shown for the number of foreign-owned U.S. manufacturing plants and measures of their operations, including value added, shipments, employment, total compensation of employees, employee benefits, hourly wage rates of production workers, cost of materials and energy used, inventories by stage of fabrication.
    Methodology available on BEA's Web site
    • 9/94, 1991
      Publication available from BEA, $14.00, BEA product ID number IPN-0190.
      Electronic files available from BEA, BEA ID number IDN-0076 (EXE) (ZIP).
    • 8/93, 1990
      Publication available from BEA, $14.00, BEA product ID number IPN-0071.
      Electronic files available from BEA, BEA ID number IDN-0075 (EXE) (ZIP).
    • 9/93, 1989
      Publication available from BEA, $13.00, BEA product ID number IPN-0070.
      Electronic files available from BEA, BEA ID number IDN-0074 (EXE) (ZIP).
    • 5/94, 1988
      Publication available from BEA, $13.00, BEA product ID number IPN-0069.
      Electronic files available from BEA, BEA ID number IDN-0073 (EXE) (ZIP).

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D. U.S. Business Enterprises Acquired or Established by Foreign Direct Investors

Data are from an annual survey of U.S. businesses newly acquired or established by foreign direct investors during the year. The first survey covered 1979. Data are preliminary when first published; revised data are published a year later.

Survey of Current Business Articles

SCB issue, year covered, author, comments

  • 6/08, 2007, Ku-Graf
    This article presents new investments of U.S. business enterprises acquired or established by foreign direct investors in 2007.
  • 6/07, 2006, McNeil
    This article presents new investments of U.S. business enterprises acquired or established by foreign direct investors in 2006.
  • 6/06, 2005, McNeil
    This article presents new investments of U.S. business enterprises acquired or established by foreign direct investors in 2005.
  • 6/05, 2004, Anderson
    This article presents new investments of U.S. business enterprises acquired or established by foreign direct investors in 2004.
  • 6/04, 2003, Anderson
    This article presents new investments of U.S. business enterprises acquired or established by foreign direct investors in 2003.
  • 6/03, 2002, Anderson
    This article presents new investments of U.S. business enterprises acquired or established by foreign direct investors in 2002.
  • 6/02, 2001, Anderson
    This article presents new investments of U.S. business enterprises acquired or established by foreign direct investors in 2001.
  • 6/01, 2000, Howenstine
    This article presents new investments of U.S. business enterprises acquired or established by foreign direct investors in 2000.
  • 6/00, 1999, Howenstine & Troia
    This article presents new investments of U.S. business enterprises acquired or established by foreign direct investors for 1999 under both the US SIC and NAICS.
  • 6/99, 1998, Fahim-Nader
    This article is separate from the overall operations of U.S. affiliates of foreign companies in 1997 and presents data for 1998.
  • 6/98, 1997, Fahim-Nader
    The article is combined with the one on the overall operations of U.S. affiliates of foreign companies in 1996.
  • 6/97, 1996, Fahim-Nader
    The article is combined with the one on the overall operations of U.S. affiliates of foreign companies in 1995.
  • 7/96, 1995, Fahim-Nader
    The article is combined with the one on the overall operations of U.S. affiliates of foreign companies in 1994.
  • 5/95, 1994, Fahim-Nader
    The article is combined with the one on the overall operations of U.S. affiliates of foreign companies in 1993.
  • 5/94, 1993, Fahim-Nader
  • 5/93, 1992, Fahim-Nader
  • 5/92, 1991, Fahim-Nader
  • 5/91, 1990, Fahim-Nader
    First estimates to incorporate an adjustment for late reports.
  • 5/90, 1989, Bezirganian
  • 5/89, 1988, Herr
  • 5/88, 1987, Herr
  • 5/87, 1986, Herr
  • 5/86, 1985, Shea
  • 5/85, 1984, Shea
  • 5/84, 1983, Belli
  • 6/83, 1982, Belli
  • 6/82, 1981, Belli
  • 8/81, 1980, Belli
  • 1/81, 1979, Belli

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Space constraints prevent publication of full details in the SCB articles. Supplementary tables are available as free downloadable compressed files for years beginning with 1980 (click on link below).

Comprehensive data

U.S. Business Enterprises Acquired or Established by Foreign Direct Investors

Preliminary estimates for 2007 and revised estimates for 2006 for U.S. Businesses Acquired or Established by Foreign Direct Investors are available on this Web site. Supplementary tables with additional detail for preliminary 2006 and revised 2005 estimates are available below.

Supplementary tables

  • 1998-2006 revised and 2007 preliminary
    PDF (EXE) (ZIP)
    XLS (EXE) (ZIP)
    Comments: Data are presented under NAICS.
  • 1992-97 revised
    BEA ID#: IDN-0262 (EXE) (ZIP)
    Comments: Data are under US SIC up to 1997.
  • 1980-91 revised
    BEA ID#: IDN-0078   (EXE) (ZIP)

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E. Benchmark Surveys and Related Articles

Benchmark surveys are periodic surveys of the universe of foreign direct investment in the United States. In addition to the direct investment position and related capital and income flows, they cover a wide range of operating and financial data of U.S. affiliates of foreign direct investors, such as balance sheets, income statements, external financing, employment and compensation of employees, trade in goods, and selected data by State.

Revised financial and operating data from the 2002 benchmark survey are presented in XLS format in Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Revised Financial and Operating Data from the 2002 Benchmark Survey: Compressed XLS files (ZIP) | Compressed Self-Extracting XLS files (EXE).

Methodology and final data from the 2002 benchmark survey are presented in Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Final Results from the 2002 Benchmark Survey: Compressed PDF Document (ZIP) | Compressed Self-Extracting PDF Document (EXE)  

Methodology and final data from the 1997 benchmark survey are presented in Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Final Results from the 1997 Benchmark Survey: PDF Document | Data tables in XLS format (EXE) (ZIP).

Final data from the 1992 benchmark survey are presented in Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: 1992 Benchmark Survey, Final Results. The publication is available from GPO, stock number 003-010-00259-0, price $25.00.
The data are also available as electronic files from BEA, BEA ID number IDN-0058 (EXE) (ZIP). Methodology available on BEA's Web site.

Final data from the 1987 benchmark survey are presented in Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: 1987 Benchmark Survey, Final Results | Compressed Self-Extracting PDF Document. The publication is available from NTIS, product number PB91-108316, domestic price $67.50, foreign price $135.00. (Click on NTIS for shipping and handling fees.) The data are also available as electronic files from BEA, BEA ID number IDN-0053 (EXE) (ZIP).

Data from the 1980 benchmark survey are presented in Foreign Direct Investment in the United States, 1980, available from NTIS, product number PB84-117969, domestic price $67.50, foreign price $135.00. (Click on NTIS for shipping and handling fees.)

Analytical articles that draw on data from the benchmark surveys are:

SCB issue, year covered, author, and comments

  • 8/04, Operations of U.S. Affiliates of Foreign Companies: Preliminary Results from the 2002 Benchmark Survey, Zeile
  • 8/99, Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Preliminary Results from the 1997 Benchmark Survey, Zeile
    Summary of 1997 benchmark survey data (preliminary).
  • 7/94, Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: 1992 Benchmark Survey Results, Zeile
    Summary of 1992 benchmark survey data (preliminary).
  • 7/89, U.S. Affiliates of Foreign Companies: 1987 Benchmark Survey Results, Howenstine
    Summary of 1987 benchmark survey data (preliminary).
  • 10/83, Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Highlights from the 1980 Benchmark Survey, Belli
    Summary of 1980 benchmark survey data.
  • 1/79, Gross Product of U.S. Affiliates of Foreign Companies, Howenstine
    Based on 1974 data.
  • 12/78, Employment and Employee Compensation of U.S. Affiliates of Foreign Companies, 1974, Whichard
  • 5/76, Benchmark Survey of Foreign Direct Investment in the United States, 1974, International Investment Division
    Summary of 1974 benchmark survey data.

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Beginning with 1990, an article in the September issue of the SCB has presented detailed data on cross-border services transactions and on sales of services by majority-owned foreign affiliates of U.S. companies and by majority-owned U.S. affiliates of foreign companies. In addition to the articles and publications listed below, from June 1990 onward, the quarterly articles on U.S. international transactions include a table on U.S. private services transactions.

NOTE: Beginning with 1996, the article on detailed data on cross-border services transactions and on sales of services by majority-owned foreign affiliates of U.S. companies and by majority-owned U.S. affiliates of foreign companies appeared in the October SCB.

Publication date or SCB issue, title, author, and comments

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Free Downloadable Data: "U.S. International Services: Cross-Border Trade and Sales Through Affiliates, 1986-2005," with estimates of cross-border transactions for 1986-2006 and of transactions by majority-owned affiliates for 1989-2005.

NOTE: An article on trends in services transactions, "Services Transactions in the U.S. International Accounts, 1970-80," by Anthony DiLullo, appeared in the November 1981 issue of the Survey.

Other Articles and Publications on U.S. International Sales and Purchases of Services:

Publication date, title, comments

  • 3/98, U.S. International Transactions in Private Services: A Guide to the Surveys Conducted by the Bureau of Economic Analysis
    Provides comprehensive information on BEA's 11 surveys of services transactions between U.S. residents and unaffiliated foreigners. The Guide presents general information about the classification, definitions, and release schedules of all of the surveys. It also provides details for each survey on the transactions covered, the frequency of the surveys, the numbers of respondents, and the methods that BEA uses to prepare the estimates. The publication is free of charge. Single copies may be obtained by writing to: Research Branch (BE-50), International Investment Division, Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC 20230

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A. The International Investment Position of the United States

From June 1985 through June 1993 SCB, the articles on the U.S. international investment position include separate, brief analyses of the direct investment positions (measured at historical cost) for U.S. direct investment abroad and foreign direct investment in the United States. In 1994 and 1995, these analyses appear in a separate article in the June SCB (see section I.A and section II.A). The article in the June 1995 issue includes aggregate current cost and market value estimates of the direct investment positions for 1982-94.

NOTE (1): Beginning with 1996, the articles that used to appear in the June issue of the SCB appeared in the July issue.

NOTE (2): The May 1991 SCB article, "Valuation of the U.S. Net International Investment Position," by Landefeld & Lawson, reviews the issues surrounding the valuation of the U.S. net international investment position and presents revalued estimates for direct investment, for U.S. gold reserves, and for the international investment position. The article describes two alternative methods for valuing direct investment in prices of the current period, presents estimates of the direct investment totals for 1982-89 that are prepared using these methods, and compares these estimates with BEA's existing historical-cost estimates and with current-value estimates from several earlier studies. Beginning with the article published in June 1991, the articles listed below show estimates of the position valued at current cost and market value only.

NOTE (3): (HTML) Table for the 2006-2007 international investment position of the United States is now available.

SCB issue, year covered, author, comments

  • 7/08, 2007, Nguyen
  • 7/07, 2006, Nguyen
  • 7/06, 2005, Nguyen
  • 7/05, 2004, Nguyen
  • 7/04, 2003, Abaroa
  • 7/03, 2002, Nguyen
  • 7/02, 2001, Nguyen
  • 7/01, 2000, King
  • 7/00, 1999, Scholl
  • 7/99, 1998, Scholl
  • 7/98, 1997, Scholl
  • 7/97, 1996, Scholl
  • 7/96, 1995, Scholl
  • 6/95, 1994, Scholl
  • 6/94, 1993, Scholl
  • 6/93, 1992, Scholl
  • 6/92, 1991, Scholl
  • 6/91, 1990, Scholl
  • 6/90, 1989, Scholl
  • 6/89, 1988, Scholl
  • 6/88, 1987, Scholl
  • 6/87, 1986, Scholl
  • 6/86, 1985, Scholl
  • 6/85, 1984, Scholl
  • 6/84, 1983, Scholl
  • 8/83, 1982, Scholl
  • 8/82, 1981, Scholl
  • 8/81, 1980, Scholl
  • 8/80, 1979, Scholl
  • 8/79, 1978, Scholl (article is in Pt. 2 of this issue)
  • 8/78, 1977, Scholl
  • 10/77, 1976, Scholl
  • 8/76, 1975, Scholl
  • 10/75, 1974, Scholl

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B. U.S. International Transactions

A discussion of the prior quarter's balance of payments transactions appears in the March, June, September, and December SCB issues. Beginning in 1996, these articles appeared in the April, July, October, and January SCB.
Other analytical SCB articles include:

SCB issue, title, authors

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C. Other Related Publications or Articles

Publication date, title, comments

  • 3/99, INTERNATIONAL DIRECT INVESTMENT: Studies by the Bureau of Economic Analysis
    The publication brings together a number of key studies by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) on U.S. direct investment abroad and foreign direct investment in the United States. The studies cover such topics as the characteristics of multinational companies, including their profitability, productivity, and sourcing patterns; measures of direct investment that are valued in current-period prices; and supplemental balance of payments frameworks that incorporate information on ownership from BEA's direct investment surveys. These studies were originally published in the Survey of Current Business, BEA's monthly journal. This publication also includes users' guides to BEA's statistics on direct investment and detailed methodologies from BEA's benchmark survey publications on foreign direct investment in the United States and U.S. direct investment abroad. Publication available from GPO, stock number 003-010-00278-6, price $26.00.

SCB issue date, title, authors


(II) International Investment Division

(BP) Balance of Payments Division

U.S. Direct Investment Abroad:

Subject, division, and contact

  • Benchmark Survey: Patricia C. Walker - (202) 606-5566
  • Annual Survey, II, James Shin - (202) 606-5566
  • Quarterly and Annual Balance of Payments: Data, II, Mark W. New - (202) 606-5566
  • Quarterly and Annual Balance of Payments: Analysis, II, Marilyn Ibarra - (202) 606-9932
  • U.S. Multinational Corporations, Analysis of Activities, II, Raymond J. Mataloni - (202) 606-9867

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Foreign Direct Investment in the United States:

Subject, division, and contact

  • Benchmark and Annual Surveys: Data, II, Charles R. Gravitz - (202) 606-9874
  • Benchmark and Annual Surveys: Analysis, II, William J. Zeile - (202) 606-9893
  • Quarterly and Annual Balance of Payments: Data, II, Gregory G. Fouch - (202) 606-5577
  • Quarterly and Annual Balance of Payments: Analysis, II, Jennifer Koncz - (202) 606-9842
  • New Investment Survey: Data, II, Dorrett E. Williams - (202) 606-5577
  • New Investment Survey: Analysis, II, Thomas Anderson - (202) 606-9879
  • Establishment-level (Linked) Data, II, Thomas Anderson - (202) 606-9879

Services: U.S. Transactions with Unaffiliated Foreigners:

Subject, division, and contact

  • Benchmark and Quarterly Financial Services Surveys, II, Faith Brannam - (202) 606-9813
  • Benchmark, Annual, and Quarterly Services Surveys, II, Chris Emond - (202) 606-9826
  • Analysis, BPD, Michael A. Mann - (202) 606-9573

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Services: Sales by Affiliates

Division and contact

  • II, Maria Borga - (202) 606-9853

Balance of Payments:

Subject, division, and contact

  • Balance of Payments, BP, Christopher L. Bach - (202) 606-9545
  • Current Account Analysis, BP, STAFF - (202) 606-9558
  • Current Account Transactions, BP, Michael A. Mann - (202) 606-9573
  • Financial Account Transactions, BP, Christopher A. Gohrband - (202) 606-9564
  • Foreign Military Sales, BP, Michael A. Mann - (202) 606-9573
  • Government Transactions, BP, Christopher L. Bach - (202) 606-9545
  • International Transportation, BP, Edward F. Dozier - (202) 606-9559
  • International Travel, BP, Joan E. Bolyard - (202) 606-9550
  • Merchandise Trade, BP, Staff - (202) 606-3384
  • Private Remittances and Other Transfers, BP, Michael A. Mann - (202) 606-9573
  • Special Studies, BP, John W. Rutter - (202) 606-9587

BEA Public Information Office:

  • (202) 606-9900

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Last updated: Friday, October 17, 2008