Success Stories of Educational Projects, 

Partnerships, Workshops, and Conferences


 Annual Newsletters 

      2000 Education Newsletter

      2001 Education Newsletter

      2002 Education Newsletter

      2003 Education Newsletter

      2004 Education Newsletter

 Educational and Scientific Conferences

      American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing - 2004

      Association for Educational Communications and Technology - 1999

      Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development - 2002

      Colorado Association of Science Teachers Conference - 2000

      Colorado Association of Science Teachers Conference - 2001

      Colorado Association of Science Teachers Conference - 2002

      Colorado Association of Science Teachers Conference - 2003

      Colorado Council for the Social Studies Conference - 2003

      Colorado Geographic Alliance Conference - 1995

      Colorado Geographic Alliance Conference - 1996

      Colorado Geographic Alliance Conference - 1998

      DLESE - Digital Library for Earth Systems Education Conference - 2003

      DLESE - Digital Library for Earth Systems Education - California Pilot Workshop - 2004

      ESRI Education User Conference - 2000

      ESRI Education User Conference - 2001

      ESRI Education User Conference - 2002

      ESRI Education User Conference - 2004

      GeoTech 10 - Dallas, Texas - 1998    

      GeoTech 11 - Dallas, Texas - 1999    

      GeoTech 13 - Dallas, Texas - 2001    

      GeoTech 14 - Dallas, Texas - 2002    

      GeoTech 15 - Dallas, Texas - 2003 

      GeoTech 16 - Dallas, Texas - 2004 

      GeoTech 17 - Dallas, Texas - 2005 

      GeoTech Colorado - 2001 

      GeoTech Colorado - 2002 

      GeoTech Colorado - 2004 

      GeoTech Colorado Western Slope - 2003 

      GeoTech Ohio - 2005 

      Geological Society of America- 1999 

      Geological Society of America- 2004 

      Minnesota GIS Conference for Educators - 2004

      National Council for Geographic Education Conference - 1998

      National Council for Geographic Education Conference - 1999  

      National Council for Geographic Education Conference - 2000 

      National Council for Geographic Education Conference - 2001 

      National Council for Geographic Education Conference - 2002 

      National Council for Geographic Education Conference - 2003 

      National Council for Geographic Education Conference - 2004 

      National Council for Geographic Education Conference - 2005 

      National Council for the Social Studies - Colorado Geographic Alliance Conference - 2000 

      National Council for the Social Studies Regional Conference - 2005 

      National Middle School Association Conference - 1998 

      National Science Teachers Convention - 2005 

      Watershed Conference - 1998 

      World 2000 Conference on Teaching World History and Geography - 2000 

      Wyoming Technology Conference and Interdisciplinary Conference - 2000 

 Native American Conferences and Workshops

      Institute for Tribal Education Professionals - 1999

      National Indian Education Association Conference - 2001

      National Indian Education Association Conference - 2002

      National Indian Education Association Conference - 2003

      National Indian Education Association Conference - 2005

      Sinte Gleska GIS Workshop for Tribal Professionals - June 2002

      Sinte Gleska GIS Workshop for Educators  - August 2002

      Standing Rock Sioux and Sitting Bull College - 2004

 Federal, State, Private Industry, and Local Government Workshops 

      Colorado GIS Community ArcGIS and NHD Course - Spring 2003

      Environmental Protection Agency - GIS Course - Spring 2005

      Environmental Protection Agency - GIS Course - Fall 2005

      National Park Service Lands Conference - 2002

      Petroleum Technology Transfer Council - 2004

      US Forest Service - GIS Class - 2004 

      USGS Mapping Applications Center GIS Workshop - 2001

      USGS Western Geographic Science Center GIS Workshop - 2002

      USGS National Training Center GIS Workshop - 2003

      USGS National Training Center GIS Workshop - 2005

      USGS Western Geographic Science Center GIS Workshop - 2003

 Educational Workshops and Special Events

      Bibliographic Center for Research - 2001

      Children's Water Festival - 2001

      Colorado Springs GIS - GPS Workshop - 2005

      Community Mapping GIS Workshop - 2000

      Community Mapping Program - 2001

      Conserving Biodiversity in the Denver Metropolitan Area - 2001

      Earthworks - University of Colorado Environmental Sciences - 2005

      Exploring the World with Digital Maps, Aerial Photographs, and Satellite Imagery - 2005

      Del Mar Community College - GIS-TECH NSF Project - 2005 

      Front Range Community College - 2002 

      GeoTech Ohio National GIS Institute for Educators - 2005 

      GIS Day 1999

      GIS Day 2001

      GIS Day 2002

      GIS Day - Geography Awareness Week 2003

      GIS Day - Geography Awareness Week 2004

      GIS Education Meeting 2004

      Indiana University of Pennsylvania Geography Workshops - 2000

      Iowa Geographic Alliance Institute - 1999

      International GIS Institute for Educators - Boulder, Colorado - 2002

      Missouri Botanical Garden - 2001

      Mountain Studies Institute - 2004

      MyWorld GIS Workshop - 2004

      My Community - Our Earth Institute - Maui Digital Bus - 2005

      National Academy of Sciences - Thinking Spatially Workshop - 2001

      National Geography Bee - Jefferson County Schools, Colorado - 2003 - 2004

      National Geography Bee - Jefferson County Schools, Colorado - 2004 - 2005

      National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education (NITLE) Summit - 2005

      Nebraska Geographic Alliance Institute - 1997

      New Zealand GIS Institute - 2005

      NITLE Summit - National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education - 2005

      North Carolina State University - 2004

      North Carolina School of Mathematics and Science - 2004

      North Carolina School of Mathematics and Science - 2005

      Pennsylvania Educational Technology for Geography - 2001

      Physics Educators - GIS in Physics - 2005

      Science Olympiad - 2000

      Science Olympiad - 2003

      Science Olympiad - 2004

      South Dakota GIS K-12 Workshop - 2004

      Technology in Education and GeoTech Colorado - 2003

      Technology in Education - 2004

      Texas - College Station - GIS Workshop - 2001

      University of Arizona - Sherrill Scholar Program - 2000

      University of Arizona - Sherrill Scholar Program - 2001

      University of Arizona - Sherrill Scholar Program - 2002

      University of Northern Colorado - Preservice Workshop - 2005

      UTEP GIS Workshop and Career Fair - 2001

      UTEP GIS Workshop- 2002

      University of Wisconsin - Spatial Thinking - 2003 

      USGS-ESRI-COGA GIS Assessment and Training Workshop - 2002

      USGS GIS Conference - 2004

      VISIT - Virtual Immersion in Science Inquiry for Teachers Workshop - 2001

      Wildfire Mapping - Mountain Ridge Middle School - 2004

 Geography Conferences

      Association of American Geographers - 1997

      Association of American Geographers - 1999

      Association of American Geographers - 2001

      Association of American Geographers - 2002

      Association of American Geographers - 2003 

      Association of American Geographers - 2004 

      Association of American Geographers - 2005 

      Geographical Association - Brighton UK - 2001

      Geographical Association and GIS Workshop- Manchester UK - 2002

      Geographical Association and Intl Geographical Union - UK - 2003  

      Geographical Association  - Canterbury UK - 2004  

      New Zealand Geographical Society and GIS Institutes - 2003  

 GIS Conferences

      Business Geographics Conference 1998

      ESRI User Conference 1999

      ESRI User Conference 2000

      ESRI User Conference 2001

      ESRI User Conference - 2002

      ESRI User Conference - 2004

      Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry Conference - 2001

      GIS In the Rockies Conference - 1999

      GIS In the Rockies Conference - 2000

      GIS In the Rockies Conference - 2002

      GIS In the Rockies Conference - 2003

      GIS In the Rockies Conference - 2004

      GIS In the Rockies Conference - 2005

      Intermountain (ID-UT-MT-WY) GIS Conference - 1999

      Intermountain (ID-UT-MT-WY) GIS Conference - 2004

      International Conference on Geographic Information Science - 2000

      Nebraska GIS/LIS Conference - 2005

      Texas GIS Forum - 2001

      Texas GIS Forum - 2002

      Texas GIS Forum - 2003 

 Interpretive Conferences

      George Wright Society Conference - 2001

      National Association of Interpretation - 2002

      National Association of Interpretation - 2003

      National Association of Interpretation - 2004

 Legislative Conferences

      National Council for State Legislatures - 2002

 Planning Conferences

      American Planning Association - 2003

 Open Houses, Fairs, Visits, and Exhibits

      Colorado State Fair - 1999

      Colorado State Fair - 2000

      Denver Museum of Nature and Science - 1999

      Jefferson County Public Libraries - 2000

      Denmark Ministry of Education Visit to Colorado - 2003

      Jefferson County Public Library Space Science Exhibit - 2004

      USGS Research Center - Fort Collins, Colorado - 2002

      Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Colorado - 2003

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USGS Education


Education Success Stories


Read first hand accounts and view photographs of some of the projects, partnerships, institutes, workshops, courses, open houses, fairs, and conferences in which the USGS education program has been involved, at left.

For more information about these activities, contact:   

Joseph Kerski 



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U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Geological Survey
URL: /public/outreach/success.html
Last modified:  26 September 2005