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USA Freedom Corps Partnering to Answer the President’s Call to Service

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Kristin McSwain
Director of AmeriCorps State/National


2007 AmeriCorps State and National Notice of Federal Funding Opportunity Available, Application Instructions, Continuation Deadlines, Continuation Expansions


Dear Colleagues,

2007 Notice of Federal Funding Opportunity and Application Instructions


We expect that eGrants will be open to accept applications in the next 2-3 weeks, and will send you another e-mail when that occurs. Also check our Communications Center here:

The State Admin/PDAT/Disability instructions will be released early in September.

The Corporation anticipates $88 million to support new and recompeting applicants and $90 million to support continuation grants for grantees entering their second and third year of AmeriCorps funding during FY 2007.

The maximum cost per MSY for new and recompeting State Competitive and National Direct applicants remains at $12,600. The maximum cost per MSY for new and recompeting EAPs increases to $600. The maximum cost per MSY for new and recompeting Professional Corps increases to $2,500. The minimum full-time living allowance is $11,100, and the maximum is $22,200. Please see Budget Instructions in the Application Instructions for the living allowance amounts and limits for various slot types.

State Commission Deadlines

The deadline for State Commissions to submit new, recompeting, and continuing subgrantee applications is January 25, 2007.

National Deadlines

The deadline for new, recompeting, and continuing National grantees is February 15, 2007. National continuations, which have been accepted on a rolling basis during 2006, will revert to an annual submission for the 2006-2007 program year.

There isincreasing emphasis on federal agencies to clearly demonstrate efficient utilization of funds. Congressional appropriators have raised concerns about the amounts of AmeriCorps unobligated funding carried over from year to year. The practice of rolling continuations, implemented in 2006, adds to the appearance of unobligated funding; therefore, as part of our management strategy, we are returning to a deadline aligned with the new and recompete deadline so we may consider all continuation requests at once.

A conference call on the transition from rolling to a fixed schedule for National continuations is scheduled for August 25 from 3:30 to 4:30 pm EST. Call in information will follow.

Continuation Expansions

Based on our anticipated appropriation, and the expected volume of new and recompeting applications in 2007, the Corporation expects to approve very few requests for expansion within continuation requests in fiscal year 2007. Preference will be given to expansions that include low cost MSYs and expansions of programs demonstrating outcomes that have exceeded their goals.

In addition, based on the number of new applications, we may support expansion requests that address the Corporation’s strategic initiatives:

  • Mobilizing more volunteers
  • Ensuring a brighter future for all of America’s youth
  • Engaging students in communities
  • Harnessing baby boomers’ experience

Continuation Budget Increase

In 2007, your continuation request may include an increase of up to 1% of your approved 2006 budget, except for EAPs, for which the cost per MSY has increased to $600; and Indian Tribes.

For State grantees, the Corporation will consider cost per MSY for continuation expansions at the program level, rather than aggregated by state. Each state must still adhere to its maximum average cost per MSY of $12,600.

For National Direct grantees the cost per MSY must remain at or below $12,600. For Professional Corps grantees, the cost per MSY must remain at or below $1,500 for continuations. The cost per MSY for EAP grantees may increase to $600.

If you have questions, please contact your Program Officer.


Kristin McSwain
Director of AmeriCorps State/National

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