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Occupational Safety and Health Administration

OSHA Press Release:

Chao To Sign Trade Center Partnership Agreement

Government, Unions, Contractors to Make Recovery Workers Safer

WASHINGTON- U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao and OSHA Administrator John L. Henshaw will join the City of New York, construction contractors and unions, to announce a new partnership initiative to protect the safety and health of thousands of workers involved in the World Trade Center emergency response effort.

They will sign a partnership agreement on Tuesday, Nov. 20, at noon in the Imperial Ballroom A, Sheraton Manhattan Hotel, 811 7th Avenue at 52nd Street, New York, at the Construction Industry Partnership’s Safety Conference and Luncheon.

The World Trade Center Partnership Agreement will formalize a commitment to safety and health among contractors, employees, employee representatives, and governmental agency representatives participating in the World Trade Center recovery operation.The agreement calls for the partners to exercise leadership in preventing occupational fatalities and serious injuries and illnesses for all workers involved in the recovery effort.

Partnership members participating in the ceremony are: the New York City Department of Design and Construction and Fire Department of New York; Building and Construction Trades Council of Greater New York; Building Trades Employer’s Association; Contractors Association of Greater New York; General Contractors Association; AMEC Construction Management, Inc.; Bovis Lend Lease LMB, Inc.; Tully Construction Co., Inc.; and Turner/Plaza Construction Joint Venture.

Event:Announcement of Partnership Initiative to Increase Safety and Health of World Trade Center Recovery Workers

Date:Tuesday, Nov. 20

Time: 12 p.m.

Location:Sheraton Manhattan Hotel

Imperial Ballroom A

811 7th Avenue at 52nd Street

New York

Contact:Donna Miles, (212) 337-2378

Frank Meilinger, (202) 693-1999

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