October 5, 1998


TO: All Employees

SUBJECT: Making USDA Events Accessible

I have taken a personal interest in looking at all areas of the Department of Agriculture's (USDA) civil rights operations and improving services for our customers and employees. One of the things that has come to my attention is the need to ensure that all USDA programs and events are fully accessible to persons with disabilities. An accessible event includes providing sign-language interpreting services for people who cannot hear, obtaining materials in alternative formats for people who cannot see standard print, and providing facilities that are physically accessible. Managers and meeting planners will be held accountable for ensuring accessibility to USDA-wide events, ceremonies, training, and special programs.

In response to the forum on issues affecting persons with disabilities held on July 16, 1998, USDA, led by the Secretary's Advisory Committee for Employees with Disabilities, is taking an active role to ensure equal participation and benefit for all of our customers and employees.

The attached brochure provides guidance on how to obtain sign-language interpreting services, ensure accessibility, and obtain support for producing materials in alternative formats. Further assistance in planning accessible events is available through the USDA TARGET Center and the Interpreting Services Office. The TARGET Center is located in room 1006-S, and its telephone number is 690-0443 (voice and TDD). The Interpreting Services Office is located in room 1551-S, and its telephone number is 720-3515 (voice) or 720-7614 (TDD).

Compliance with USDA's accessible events policy will ensure equal participation and full access to communication by all USDA employees and customers.



Making USDA Events Accessible: A Guide on how to ensure that all USDA programs and events are fully accessible to persons with disabilities

October 1998

WELCOME TO employer of choice.

This brochure will assist you in making events accessible to people with disabilities. An accessible event includes providing sign-language interpreting services for people who cannot hear, obtaining materials in alternative formats for people who cannot see standard print, and providing facilities that are physically accessible. Managers and meeting planners are accountable for ensuring accessibility to USDA agency-wide events, ceremonies, training, or special programs.

Sign Language Interpretation: Schedule a sign language interpreter through the Interpreting Services Office as soon as the event date is confirmed. A sign language interpreter facilitates communication between deaf and hearing employees.

Scheduling interpreting services in advance of a meeting ensures that people who are deaf or hard of hearing receive the same message as people who can hear. Contact with the Interpreting Services Office should be maintained throughout the planning process and be included in all meeting planning checklists.

To obtain sign language interpreting services in USDA offices in the Washington, DC, metropolitan area, contact the Interpreting Services Office at (202) 720-3515 (voice), through Teletype/ Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TTY/TDD) at (202) 720-7614, or by FAX at (202) 690-0761. The Interpreting Services Office is located in Room 6446 of the South Building. Across the country, USDA offices have information available that describes how to obtain local interpreting services.

Provide the following information to the Interpreting Services Office: name and telephone number, date of the event, beginning and ending time, building and room number, nature of event, type of presentation media and written materials to be used (such as speeches, music, or handouts), name of the agency, and the name and number of deaf employees who will attend, if available. Coordinate all details with the Interpreting Services Office, such as lighting and placement arrangements, number of interpreters needed, and modes of communication requested. If microphones are used and a deaf person will be speaking, provide an extra microphone for the interpreter. Advance copies of the agenda and handouts, especially if technical in nature, may also be needed. If videos, slides, or computer-generated presentations are planned, lighting must be provided to enable the sign-language interpretation to be seen by the audience.

At least 2 full business days prior to the event date, reconfirm interpreting services. (Cancellation of interpreting services should be made at least 2 full business days prior to the event or as early as cancellation of the event is known.)

Facility Requirements: Meetings, conferences, and event locations should have the following accommodations:

* Adequate parking and ramp accessibility for persons with disabilities

* 38-inch-wide, easy-opening doors

* Conference room setups to ensure that wheelchair users can see the program

* Signs indicating facility locations must be marked in Braille and/or raised letters

* Accessible restrooms

* TTY/TDD machines

* Assistive listening devices.

Presentations: Presenters must format their materials to ensure effective communication with all members of the audience:

* Greet interpreters prior to starting program and provide copies of updated materials

* Ensure that any videotapes used are captioned

* Provide handouts in alternative formats

* Ensure use of easily visible overheads or slides with large-print copies for handouts

* Use microphones to ensure that participants can hear

* Read all overheads out loud and describe pictures or graphs

* Repeat audience questions with responses.

All Departmental publications must include a current non-discrimination statement. The statement is included in Departmental Regulation 4300-3, Equal Opportunity Public Notification Policy. It also appears on the last page of this document.

Note: When speaking about people with disabilities, always say Apeople@ first and then the word Adisability,@ such as people with, persons with, individuals with, or employees with disabilities.

Federal Information Relay Service (FIRS): GSA maintains the Federal Information Relay Service, which facilitates communications with people who are deaf, speech impaired, or hard of hearing. The FIRS phone number is 1-800-877-8339 (voice/TDD/ TTY).

The USDA Technology Accessible Resources Gives Employ-ment Today (TARGET) Center is at (202) 720-2600 (voice/TDD/TTY) in Room 1006 of the South Building or E-mail: The center provides assistance with:

* Assistive listening devices for people who are hard of hearing

* Temporary loan of TTY/TDDs, depending on available supply

* Producing handouts in alternative formats

* Advice on planning accessible events

* Resource information on service providers, accessible transportation, access to scooters, and accommodations for people with disabilities.

Printed Materials: Announcements must include the following statement:

APeople requiring accommodations, including sign language interpreters, should call (Point of contact, voice and TTY/TDD number or FIRS number) 1 or 2 weeks prior to date of the event.@

Printed materials should be available in alternative formats, such as large print (18-point or larger font) or Braille (text-only documents). When preparing materials for events, it is important to consider participants who require information in Braille, large print, electronic media, or audio cassette. Since charts, pictures, or tables are not accessible for people who are blind, describe them in words and retain an electronic plain text copy for conversion to alternative formats.

Compliance with USDA=s accessible events policy will ensure equal opportunity to participate for all USDA employees and customers.

For more information, contact the Interpreting Services Office at (202) 720-3515 (voice) and (202) 720-7614 (TTY/TDD) or by FAX at (202) 690-0761. The Interpreting Services Office is located in Room 6446 of the South Building. The Technology Accessible Resources Gives Employment Today (TARGET) Center is at (202) 720-2600 (voice/TTY/TDD) in Room 1006 of the South Building or E-mail:

This document is available on


The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or family status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (such as Braille, large print, diskette, or audiotape) should contact the USDA TARGET Center on (202) 720-2600 (voice/TDD/TTY).

To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights,Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 14th and Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964 (voice or TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.