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Global Migration and Quarantine

Traveling with Pets, Importation of Animals and Animal Products into the United States

CDC regulations govern the importation of dogs, cats, turtles, monkeys, other animals, and animal products capable of causing human disease. Requirements for the importation of the most common pets are described below. Pets taken out of the United States are subject upon return, to the same regulations as those entering for the first time.

The CDC does not require general certificates of health for pets for entry into the United States. However, health certificates may be required for entry into some states, or may be required by airlines for pets. You should check with officials in your state of destination and with your airline prior to your travel date.

Restrictions on the importation of nonhuman primates, certain other animals, and certain animal products capable of causing more serious human disease are described under Restricted Animals, Agents, Hosts, and Vectors.

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