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Society For Range Management 2004

TEAM Leafy Spurge Symposium

Program Schedule and Abstracts

January 27, 2004

Regional Findings


8:00-8:30 AM

Assessing area-wide biological control of leafy spurge in Montana and South Dakota

John T. Murphy*, Matthew S. Parker and Jack L. Butler


8:30-9:00 AM

Evaluation of biological control of leafy spurge in northeastern Wyoming

Amy P. Williams and David J. Kazmer*


9:00-9:30 AM

Soil seedbank and secondary succession relationship following control of leafy spurge using flea beetles

Donald R. Kirby*, John A. Kava, Dean A. Cline and Gerald L. Anderson


9:30-10:00 AM

Evaluating leafy spurge change over a ten-year period in Theodore Roosevelt National Park using multiple aerial imaging platforms

Gerald L. Anderson*, Raymond F. Kokaly, Steve N. Hager and Ralph R. Root


10:00-10:30  AM


Moderator: Bob Richard


10:30-11:00  AM

Effects of biological control on leafy spurge-infested rangeland

Luke W. Samuel*, Donald R. Kirby and Gerald L. Anderson


11:00-11:30  AM

Assessment of the extent and success of biological control agents for control of leafy spurge

Nancy M. Hodur, F. Larry Leistritz*, Dean A. Bangsund


11:30-12:00 NOON

Perceptions of leafy spurge and evaluation of the TEAM Leafy Spurge project by public land managers, local decision makers, and ranch operators

Nancy M. Hodur*, F. Larry Leistritz, Dean A. Bangsund


12:00-1:00 PM



Ecology and Control


1:00-1:20  PM

Effects of integrated chemical and biological methods for leafy spurge control on the western prairie fringed orchid

Ann M. Erickson, Rodney G. Lym* and Donald R. Kirby


1:20-1:40  PM

Ecological impacts of natural enemies of leafy spurge in four plant communities

Nik G. Wiman*, Robert M. Nowierski and David K. Weaver


1:40-2:00  PM

Impacts of grasshopper treatments on leafy spurge biological control agents

R. Nelson Foster*, K. Chris Reuter, L. Keith Winks, Terry E. Reule and Robert D. Richard


2:00-2:20  PM

A field evaluation of potential impact of leafy spurge biological controls on a non-target, native species

Stefanie D. Wacker* and Jack L. Butler


2:20-2:40  PM

Patterns of vegetation recovery following biological control of leafy spurge

Julie A. Laufmann and Jack L. Butler*


2:40-3:00  PM

Leafy Spurge: The search for new natural enemies

Gaetano Campobasso, Neal R. Spencer*, Gianni Terragitti and Margarita Yu. Dolgovskaya


3:00-3:20  PM


Moderator: Chad Prosser


3:20-3:40  PM

Effects of multi-species grazing and biocontrol on leafy spurge-infested rangeland using rotational grazing

Luke W. Samuel*, Kevin K. Sedivec, Jack D. Dahl, Lyndon L. Johnson and Timothy C. Faller


3:40-4:00 PM

Effects of herbicides on plant richness and biomass on leafy spurge infested rangeland

Chad W. Prosser* and Kevin K. Sedivek


4:00-4:20  PM

Integrated management of leafy spurge

James S. Jacobs* and Roger L. Sheley


4:20-4:40  PM

Nutritional composition of leafy spurge in North Dakota and Montana

Kevin K. Sedivek* and Chad W. Prosser


4:40-5:00  PM

Toward a decision support system for leafy spurge-infested plant communities

Matt J. Rinella*, Roger L. Sheley and Daniel Goodman


January 28, 2004

Remote Sensing


8:00-8:20  AM

Application of advanced remote sensing and modeling techniques for the detection and management of leafy spurge: Challenges and opportunities

Ralph R. Root*, Gerald L. Anderson, Steve N. Hager, Karl E. Brown, Kathleen B. Dudek,

Raymond F. Kokaly, Carol S. Mladinich, Susan F. Stitt and Monica Ruiz-Bustos


8:20-8:40  AM

Landscape assessment of leafy spurge at Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota: Modeling and mapping approach

Karl E. Brown* and Mohammed A. Kalkhan


8:40-9:00  AM

Mapping leafy spurge by identifying signatures of vegetation field spectra in Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (CASI) data

Raymond F. Kokaly*, Gerald L. Anderson, Ralph R. Root, Karl E. Brown,

Carol S. Mladinich, Steve N. Hager and Kathleen B. Dudek


9:00-9:20  AM

The use of Earth Observing-1 Hyperion data for mapping of leafy spurge

Ralph R. Root*, Pablo Zanco-Tejada, Carlos Pinilla, Susan Ustin,

Raymond F. Kokaly, Gerald L. Anderson, Steve N. Hager



Temporal monitoring of leafy spurge: An example using 1999 and 2001 Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) data over Theodore Roosevelt National Park

Kathleen B. Dudek*, Ralph R. Root, Raymond F. Kokaly, Gerald L. Anderson, Karl E. Brown,

Carol S. Mladinich, Susan F. Stitt, Steve N. Hager and Michael A. Lefsky


9:40-10:00  AM

The use of Landsat 7 ETM+ data for mapping leafy spurge

Carol S. Mladinich*, Monica Ruiz-Bustos, Susan F. Stitt, Ralph R. Root, Karl E. Brown,

Gerald L. Anderson, and Steve N. Hager


10:00-10:20 AM


Moderator: Gerry Anderson


10:20-10:40 AM

Comparison of hyperspectral and multispectral remote sensing for leafy spurge

Raymond Hunt* and Amy P. Williams


10:40-11:00 AM

Application of eCognition to enhance the classification process for mapping leafy spurge

Monica Ruiz-Bustos, Carol S. Mladinich*, Susan F. Stitt, Ralph R. Root,

Gerald L. Anderson and Steve N. Hager


11:00-11:20 AM

The use of Earth Observing-1 Advanced Land Imager (ALI) data for mapping leafy spurge

Susan F. Stitt*, Ralph R. Root, Karl E. Brown, Steve N. Hager, Carol S. Mladinich,

Gerald L. Anderson, Kathleen B. Dudek, and Raymond F. Kokaly


11:20-11:40 AM

Issues of ortho-rectification of multi-source imagery for the mapping of leafy spurge

Carol S. Mladinich*, Thomas Owens, Gerald L. Anderson, Steve N. Hager and Ralph R. Root


11:40-12:00 PM

The Ecological Areawide Management (TEAM) of Leafy Spurge

Gerald L. Anderson*, Chad W. Prosser and Robert D. Richard

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*Presenter of abstract