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GIScience 2004 - Call for Participation

The conference below is something to think about and share with your
mapping liaisons and researchers. The last GIScience conference was at the
University of Colorado in 2002. This conference is not large but attracts
some of the leading GIS researchers in the world. I must confess that I
didn't understand some of the discussions, but you can hang out with some
really smart people. They need to hear from the GIS educators, so give it
some consideration.

For a report on a past GI Science conference that I attended, see:


Dr.  Joseph J. Kerski

Box 25046 - MS 507 

Denver, CO  80225-0046 USA 

Tel  303 202 4315

U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Geological Survey
Rocky Mountain Mapping Center
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Last modified:  16 Feburary 2004