Department of Soil & Crop Sciences

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The Turf Team

Drs. David Chalmers, Scott Senseman, Ed Runge and Monty Dozier at the Texas A&M Invitational Golf Tournament.

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Dr. Mark McFarland speaking at Stiles Farm Field Day.

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Dr. Bill Rooney standing with his bioenergy sorghum.

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AGRO 420 heading deep into the rainforest of Brazil.

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Dr. Hongbin Zhang's gene lab.

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Dr. Lloyd Rooney with students in the Cereal Quality Lab.

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Students enrolled in Soil & Crop class, AGRO 420, on study abroad trip.


The 20th Texas Plant Protection Association (TPPA) Conference was held in College Station during December 3-4, 2008. A student poster competition was held during the conference. Mr. Mohamed Ali, advised by Dr. Amir Ibrahim, won a monetary award and a plaque for the best student poster of the year. Ms. Anna Barrientos won the second place award. The same poster also was selected as the best presentation of students participating in the Division S-9 sessions of the joint 2008 SSSA/GSA meetings in Houston (details). Anna is advised by Drs. Youjun Deng and Joe Dixon. Ms. Arlene Pacheco was the third place winner and she is advised by Dr. Dirk Hays.

Other award winners from the Soil & Crop Sciences included the James Grichar for the Norman Borlaug Lifetime Achievement Award, Travis Janak for the M.S. graduate student award, and Nyland Falkenberg for the Ph.D. graduate student award.

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