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Foreign Relations, Guatemala 1952-1954
Released by the Office of the Historian
Documents 206-254

206. Telegram From Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida to the Central Intelligence Agency/1/

[place not declassified], June 19, 1954, 0934Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 6, Folder 2. Secret. Repeated to the Director of Central Intelligence and to SHERWOOD.

4062. Ref: [telegram indicator not declassified] 650./2/

/2/Not printed. (Ibid., Box 13, Folder 7)

1. No authority to bomb at present, also army may swing our side soon.

2. Avoid attack and bypass Hank while having air show by fighters for benefit garrison.

3. If fear or dislike regime does not bring army over in day more forceful air support will have to be provided.

4. Try one day guerrilla tactics with air show. Meanwhile we are requesting authority for real air support to be ready if necessary. In meantime can assure you have realistic hope that army may turn against regime. Cannot afford risk this opportunity by bomb or other attack until make effort find out.

5. SHERWOOD: Order supply bombs moved to SOMERSET to be ready by dawn 20 June.

207. Telegram From the Central Intelligence Agency to Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida

Washington, June 19, 1954, 1557Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 93, Folder 21. Secret; Operational Immediate; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Drafted by Wisner.

05670. Refs A. [telegram indicator not declassified] 650;/2/ B. LINC 4061./3/

/2/See footnote 2, Document 206.

/3/Not printed. (Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 6, Folder 2)

1. Regret that we cannot at this time authorize the forms of air to ground action requested by ref A and recommended by ref B. This matter has been reconsidered in detail as of this morning with Ascham and Ordway full participation, and following is gist of reasoning as well as statement of certain conditions under which this decision might be relaxed or modified.

2. The use of air to ground action against WSBURNT military personnel and/or military vehicles would in our judgment have effect of engaging their honor and prestige and causing them to consolidate in opposition to Calligeris forces. We recognize possibility that through use of bombing against one or more garrisons, assaults with respect to these could be successful but call your attention to fact that these victories could be pyrrhic and illusory if they were to result in "loss of war" due to utter alienation and antagonizing of WSBURNT military. This is entirely apart from the extremely damaging effect which such action would have upon world including US domestic public opinion and the confirmation which it would give to main Toriello lines, viz "bombing" and "invasion".

3. Hence unless and until it becomes considerably more apparent than it now is as to what the position of WSBURNT army will be and whether or not there is any likelihood of its shifting over to Calligeris' side, these measures of attack must be avoided.

4. We are particularly anxious to make it clear to LINC that this is not an arbitrary or final judgment on the part of Hqs nor is it any evidence of cautious or negative attitude here. We are and will continue to be open minded with regard to this matter and will be receptive to renewals of recommendations from the field and LINC after enough time has passed to enable all of us to judge better the true situation with respect to the armed forces. It seems to us that it should be possible to determine with fair or approximate accuracy what move they will make, if any, within period of next 24 to 36 hours.

5. We repeat that neither you nor field should gain impression that Hqs is otherwise than in full and complete support of this operation and entirely prepared to take and/or authorize any actions necessary to the success of the venture and which appear to be reasonably calculated to achieve that end.

6. Recommend that in your instruction to the field you reflect the sense and flavor of the foregoing./4/

/4/A Department of State statement on June 19 indicated, among other things, that Ambassador Peurifoy had reported serious uprisings in Guatemalan cities and three overflights (one each on June 17, 18, and 19) but no bombings or strafings in the Guatemala City area. The Guatemalan Foreign Minister told Peurifoy, however, that two planes had bombed a house in Guatemala City and also strafed the National Palace. (Department of State Bulletin, June 28, 1954, pp. 981-982)

208. Telegram From the CIA Chief of Station in Guatemala to the Central Intelligence Agency/1/

Guatemala City, June 19, 1954, 2042Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 91, Folder 6. Secret; Operational Immediate; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Repeated to Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida.

906. From JMBLUG to Ascham.

1. There is no further use moralizing about or with [name not declassified]. We have gone as far as we can with talk. [name not declassified] is what he is. He has said what he needs. We may regret or dislike or disagree with his request but if we refuse it, we are abandoning what ever potential [name not declassified] may have and we can not afford that since Calligeris assets are too small.

2. [name not declassified] knows what effect bombs will have on the Latin temperament including his own. Aerial acrobatics are not the same thing.

3. Meanwhile the govt and Commies are arresting and killing. Martinez del Rosal got a bullet in the center of his forehead. They shot Perfecto Villegas and then ran a truck over him. Kaufman had his feet carbonized before he died.

4. While this goes on, we fail to bomb. This is what William James called "atrocious harmlessness".

5. If we bomb, that does not guarantee [name not declassified] will act but then we will have done our utmost. And there is no danger of a boomerang. At this stage, both friend and foe respect force alone.

6. We have already missed the moment to bomb, mainly last night. We still have a chance today and tomorrow.

7. Many people have been to see me saying one bomb on palace would do the job.

8. Bomb repeat Bomb.

209. Telegram From Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida to the Central Intelligence Agency

[place not declassified], June 19, 1954, 2220Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 6, Folder 2. Secret; Operational Immediate; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS.

4078. Re: GUAT 906./2/

/2/Document 208.

1. We believe issue is clear: are we going to stand by and see last hope of free people in WSBURNT submerged to depths of Communist oppression and atrocity until we send PBPRIME armed force against enemy as we surely must do sooner or later or are we going to authorize maximum use of our assets to take calculated risk of defection WSBURNT army?

2. Is it not more serious to fail to win having already gone so far than it is to win even though our enemies may try to tar US with intervention? Is not our intervention now under these circumstances far more palatable than by Marines? This is the same enemy we fought in Korea and may fight tomorrow in Indo-China. He knows no quarters and gives none. He is hiding behind Guats on his side and we on ours. He sent the Alfhem arms we sent token gear.

3. Our plans called for internal strength, the enemy ruthlessly eliminated or suppressed this hope. We tried forcing defection by propaganda and token force of armed irregulars. Unless we revert now to real determination to win, our clandestine propaganda effort of pretended strength will if not already become known for what it is. We have 300 men, some already deserting, the enemy's strength remains unimpaired.

4. Our basic plan although altered still remains feasible providing we use our one asset over the enemy--air power. Unless we show real strength within 24 hours we run great risk of Galvez turning against SYNCARP or WSBURNT attacking WSHOOFS. Osorio is still fence sitting because he has not received assurance ODYOKE is determined to see Calligeris succeed. [name not declassified] is facing the enemy's charges alone and offers his air force to bomb WSBURNT. He is willing go all the way to victory.

5. View above and ref msg LINCOLN respectfully requests Hqs move soonest to authorize following specific course of action:

A. Authority to conduct flak suppression attacks on AA in Adam or elsewhere where obstructing ground progress.

B. Authority to bomb Hank and other garrisons later if necessary as example of strength and determination of anti-Communists.

C. Authority to tell army that all who oppose anti-Communists and shoot at them to defend communism will be shot or bombed.

6. Must emphasize again decision must come soon before our mythical strength becomes known to enemy and air remains our only power.

210. Telegram From the CIA Chief Station in Guatemala to the Central Intelligence Agency

Guatemala City, June 19, 1954, 2345Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 91, Folder 6. Secret; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Repeated to Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida.

909. Re DIR 05547./2/ For Ascham from Page.

/2/Not found.

1. Effective 12 June K Program taken over by Guat Station. Page no longer in touch with either [name not declassified] or ESQUIRE. Bannister in direct contact [name not declassified] as of 15 June. Page not familiar contents GUAT 886./3/

/3/Dated June 18. (Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 11, Folder 4)

2. My estimate of situation, no longer based on controlled sources or access to official reports, is following: PBSUCCESS capabilities inside WSBURNT exceedingly limited and no match for combined strength law enforcement agencies, army and armed campesinos. Validity assumption underlying PBSUCCESS that local civilian insurrections will sweep garrisons into open revolt questionable, even if you take Calligeris claims regarding controlled inside assets at face value. Other intangible factors that may determine developments in provinces simply defy assessment.

3. I have on repeated occasions reported that this resolution will be won or lost in WSBURNT city and that the one determinant factor is the attitude of the Army High Command. If the Army High Command can be won over to our side ultimate success is a foregone conclusion. If it decides to back Arbenz, PBSUCCESS will not prevail. This is the principal consideration underlying K Program.

4. Our sole key to the Army High Command is [name not declassified]. I have the very greatest respect for him as a human being, an officer and a patriotic servant of his country. It is on his authority mainly that I originally proposed an air strike against military targets in the WSBURNT city area. I refuse to believe that [name not declassified] would be so swayed by self-seeking motives as to ignore counter productive effects with respect to the attitude of people WSBURNT. Although I specifically and repeatedly questioned him on that score he could not conceive of "adequate other forms of exhibiting strengths". Nor could SWALLOW with whom I raised that point.

5. It would be presumptuous to stake my judgment against yours in matters as portentous as those involved here. You of course know what is at stake for the U.S. if this endeavor fails. I can not assay the prospects of collecting backing for future unilateral intervention in WSBURNT. I am deeply perturbed by what failure will do not only to the many brave people who have staked their lives on American good faith and strength but also how it will affect our prestige in other Latin American countries.

6. I am convinced that the Guat Station in strict compliance with your directions will do its utmost to wrest success from a situation that to me looks serious. I am deeply impressed their utter dedication to that task.

211. Telegram From the Central Intelligence Agency to Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida

Washington, June 20, 1954, 0155Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 9, Folder 2. Secret; Operational Immediate; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Repeated to Sherwood for Somerset. Drafted by Bissell and cleared by Wisner.

05705. Refs: A. LINC 4071; B. LINC 4078; C. DIR 05706; D. DIR 05707; E. GUAT 906./2/

/2/Reference A is not printed. (Ibid., Box 6, Folder 2) References B, D, and E are printed as Documents 209, 213, and 208, respectively. Reference C, telegram 5706 from the CIA to the Station in Guatemala, June 20, requested additional information, in light of various proposals to bomb targets in Guatemala, "for realistic assessment abilities of SYNCARP pilots. Specifically ascertain extent their bombing experience and date most recent actual experience." (Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 6, Folder 2)

1. Refs C and D give reasons why we unwilling authorize bombing on 20 June on basis all info now available to us as well as considerations urged refs A, B, and E.

2. Ref B suggests you now inclined place main reliance not on inducing defection WSBURNT army but upon its intimidation or actual defeat through air to ground action supported by shock forces. If so you presumably have in mind attacks on number of military installations. This still seems to us more likely to consolidate army's loyalty to regime and we still believe defection of army is best chance.

3. In ref E, JMBLUG clearly has in mind different kind of target selected with view to intimidation and creation sense of crisis, but we are unclear as stated ref D what specific targets would meet this specification and avoid other objections.

4. In view of widely differing views on appropriate and effective targets request your recommendations this point after receipt reply to ref D.

5. Apologize direct dispatch refs C and D to field. Believe necessary in view extreme urgency final decision.

212. Telegram From Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida to the Central Intelligence Agency

[place not declassified], June 20, 1954, 0555Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 6, Folder 2. Secret; Operational Immediate; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS.

4093. Re: DIR 5706./2/

/2/See footnote 2, Document 211.

1. Ref msg forwarded to Somerset as directed, however, owing to possible delay in reply and fact information requested is largely available at LINCOLN, the following is hereby provided.

2. Ref para 1: As to targets, LINCOLN does not contemplate employment of tactics requiring instrument controlled or guided bombing, on contrary, from outset of air support plan only low level skip or dive bombing with attendant pinpoint accuracy considered feasible to fulfill all foreseeable requirements. LINCOLN has at no time supported or even considered favorably field (including JMBLUG) requests for bombing national palace, racetrack or other non military targets. Only military garrisons and storage tanks are presently considered primary essential targets and of these only Hank is desired for immediate action in event ultimatum to commander is ineffective.

3. Ref para 2:

A. When air support plan drawn up every emphasis was placed upon selection of combat experienced ODYOKE service trained pilots. In other words, only best and most combat proven pilots were to be selected of the 32 or more candidates interviewed by Brodfrost.

B. Lead pilot, [name not declassified], CMDR, USNR; flew with [less than 1 line of source text not declassified], became an ace during [less than 1 line of source text not declassified]; joined us, became an ace with 12 kills in Pacific, wing CMDR on [less than 1 line of source text not declassified]; considered one of the finest tactical naval air planners. All verified from naval records.

C. [name not declassified] selected [name not declassified] as his wingman. His qualifications are: LT (SG) USN active reserve, combat experience with navy in Pacific WW 2; completed advanced naval pilots course on night target pinpointing day before reporting to SYNCARP. Highly recommended by [name not declassified].

D. [name not declassified] USAF, flew 50 missions over Japan from Iwo Jima. Has over 1560 hours in F 47 and over 5,000 hrs in total. Checked out by Brodfrost who rated him tops.

E. Re bombsights, ODUNIT provided combat ready A/C.

F. Flak only reported light to accurate over Adam 20 and possibly 40 mm. Minor damage sustained one A/C. See following SHERWOOD cables for specific details: 286 (IN 19798), 291 (IN 19939), and 295 (IN 20028)./3/ Sufficient flak encountered over Adam to warrant consideration as hazardous to dangerous but not serious thus far.

/3/None printed. (Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 93, Folder 17; Box 12, Folder 3; and Box 93, Folder 14, respectively)

213. Telegram From the Central Intelligence Agency to the CIA Station in Guatemala/1/

Washington, June 20, 1954, 0156Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 9, Folder 2. Secret; Operational Immediate; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Drafted by Bissell and cleared by Wisner. Repeated to PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida.

05707. Refs A. GUAT 906;/2/ B. GUAT 908./3/

/2/Document 208.

/3/Not printed. (Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 11, Folder 5)

1. We are ready authorize use of bombs moment we are convinced would substantially increase likelihood of success without disastrous damage interests of PBPRIME.

2. You already familiar our views concerning damage likely to be done our cause by ill directed or premature attacks. We fear bombing of military installations more likely to solidify army against the rebellion than to induce defection and we are convinced attacks against civilian targets, which would shed blood of innocent people, would fit perfectly into Communist propaganda line and tend to alienate all elements of population.

3. As to effect of bombing on [name not declassified] decision, we will not repeat argument that his plea for bombing is irrational now that capability to deliver has been convincingly demonstrated. Agree question is not whether his request is rational or moral but whether granting it will actually induce him to move. Must rely heavily your judgment on this point but disturbed report ref B that you have had no contact [name not declassified] since 1500 hours 18 June.

4. Ref A does not recommend any specific target. Implies palace might be decisive target but this seems to us open to second objection para 2 above. Earlier suggestion of racetrack might avoid both objections para 2 above but by same token bombing would not directly affect capabilities of regime. Would facilitate our further consideration final decision this issue if you would recommend specific targets.

5. Pending receipt your recommendations and further assessment capabilities for accurate bombing must withhold authorization.

214. Memorandum Prepared in the Central Intelligence Agency

Washington, June 20, 1954.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 154, Folder 1. Secret. The memorandum bears no drafting information or addressee, but according to a June 29 note, it was a memorandum from Bissell to Allen Dulles. (Ibid.)

1. As of the morning of 20 June the outcome of the efforts to overthrow the regime of President Arbenz of Guatemala remains very much in doubt. The controlling factor in the situation is still considered to be the position of the Guatemalan armed forces, and thus far this group has not given any clear indication of whether it will move, and if so, in which way. If the Guatemalan army should move within the next few days against the Arbenz regime, it is considered to have the capacity to overthrow it. On the other hand if it remains loyal and if most of the military elements commit themselves to vigorous action against the forces of Castillo Armas the latter will be defeated and a probability of uprisings from among other elements of the population is considered highly unlikely.

2. The position of the top-ranking officers is constantly shifting with daily rises and falls in their attitudes. This group has long proclaimed its strong anti-Communist feelings and its ultimate intention of doing anything to rid the government of Communist influences. Various officers have declared themselves as willing to take action against the regime given just a little more time or just a little more encouragement./2/ It is probable that the rising pressure of events will compel this group to declare its position, one way or the other, at any time from now on--although the possible result could be split in the ranks. There are unconfirmed reports/3/ as of Saturday night/4/ to the effect that Colonel Diaz, the Chief of Staff, and some 40 officers had applied for asylum in various foreign embassies in Guatemala City, but these embassies have not yet confirmed this report.

/2/A hand-drawn box surrounds the word "encouragement" and "justification" is written in the margin.

/3/A line drawn from the word "reports" points to the word "rumors" written in the margin.

/4/June 19.

3. There were new defections on Saturday from the Guatemalan Airforce, one pilot flying out with his plane and several others obtaining asylum in the Salvadorian Embassy. The Guatemalan Airforce has thus far failed to produce any interception effort against the overflights against the Armas planes. However very heavy anti-aircraft fire is reported.

4. There is thus far no evidence to confirm the charges and propaganda of the Guatemalan regime of bombing attacks upon Guatemala. On the contrary there are eyewitness accounts of clumsy efforts to fabricate evidence of aerial bombardment (the home of Colonel Mendoza--one of the defecting airforce officers, was set on fire by the police). It is probable that some of the damage to oil storage facilities and other installations, attributed by the Guatemalan Government as well as by Castillo Armas, to bombing attacks is in fact the result of sabotage efforts on the part of Armas agents or other resistance elements.

5. There is considerable evidence of a determination on the part of the Guatemalan Government to mobilize and arm Communist-controlled student youth and labor (agriculture) organizations. At the same time there is evidence of a hasty attempt to mobilize additional strength for the army.

6. There are strong indications of mounting tension between the army and the Guardia Civil--the Communist-influenced police organization.

7. We cannot confirm that either Puerto Barrios or San Jose has fallen to the Armas forces, but it is clear that there have been uprisings in these and other cities. A bridge on the key railroad line between Guatemala City and Puerto Barrios is reliably reported to have been damaged near Gualan.

Description of the Armas Movement

8. The action of Colonel Castillo Armas is not in any sense a conventional military operation. He is dependent for his success not upon the size and strength of the military forces at his disposal but rather upon the possibility that his entry into action will touch off a general uprising against the Guatemalan regime. The forces of Armas entering Guatemala from Honduras are estimated to number about 300 men. These have now been joined by others from inside the country to make a total in excess of 600 armed men. (The majority of this number is equipped with rifles, sub-machine guns and 50 mm mortars. These weapons are non-U.S. manufacture.) Armas himself is expected to leave his command post in Honduras today and join one element of his forces near Jutiapa by plane, but thus far there is no word that an airfield has become available. From the command post which he proposes to establish at this location, he will endeavor to coordinate the activities of his other scattered groups throughout the country.

9. The entire effort is thus more dependent upon psychological impact rather than actual military strength, although it is upon the ability of the Armas effort to create and maintain for a short time the impression of very substantial military strength that the success of this particular effort primarily depends. The use of a small number of airplanes and the massive use of radio broadcasting are designed to build up and give main support to the impression of Armas' strength as well as to spread the impression of the regime's weakness.

10. From the foregoing description of the effort it will be seen how important are the aspects of deception and timing. If the effort does not succeed in arousing the other latent forces of resistance within the next period of approximately twenty-four hours, it will probably begin to lose strength.

215. Telegram From the Central Intelligence Agency to Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida

Washington, June 20, 1954, 0626Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 9, Folder 2. Secret; Priority; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Drafted by Wisner.

05712. 1. This will confirm Whiting/Playdon/Lynade conversation of 0140 20 June. The authorization granted is as follows:

A. Authority to conduct flak suppression attacks on AA in Adam. It is understood in this connection that the positions to be attacked will be those most removed from barracks, buildings and any large concentrations of personnel.

B. Authority to bomb Hank. It is understood that this will not be done until after fullest warnings possible have been given, and adequate opportunity provided for garrison to evacuate.

A and B above constitute the full extent of authorization granted and you must be explicitly specific in your instructions to SHERWOOD in order that there is no opportunity for misunderstanding and no chance that your instructions will be given any broader interpretation. Essential to be avoided that your authorization will be construed by either command personnel or pilots as permitting any air-ground action against other types of targets or other localities.

2. DIR 05706 (OUT 55618),/2/ para 5: we understand that you will comply and that you consider this can be done with minimum delay and distraction.

/2/See footnote 2, Document 211.

216. Telegram From Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida to the Central Intelligence Agency/1/

[place not declassified], June 21, 1954, 0648Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 6, Folder 3. Secret; Operational Immediate; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS.

4131. 1. Feel may be useful to provide our general views:

A. Conflict still in two parts, first, strict military Calligeris phase, second, hope of army defection prompted by high level take over from regime.

B. First phase as yet wholly untested. Regime has chosen to permit initial movement unopposed. Small towns therefore have been taken without shot. Some volunteers have joined Calligeris but he has also suffered some defections so his forces are pitifully small.

C. Regime planning soon to start active opposition with Hank probably representing a significant moment in this phase. Calligeris victory which can only occur with authorized air action plus poor opposition or failure to defend prove great incentive both to Calligeris forces and for defection and internal resistance support. Chances of success are however slight considering small attacking forces plus prepared defenses.

D. Meanwhile no evidence of army take over in capital has appeared though there is still circumstantial evidence that army is split and not solidly behind regime.

E. Assuming either victory or defeat at Hank without substantial army defection or take over we will be faced with the necessity of providing Calligeris with all possible support.

2. In light above we believe:

A. Must be in position give all possible support military action not only to aid its success but to prove to army that a foe of some power is involved. This includes the authority to give such air support as the military requirements demand.

B. Make air strikes against important targets such as POL storage at Adam and Bond as well as such possibilities as rail bridges, ammo dumps, etc. These have dual purpose of weakening opposition as well as possibly providing the proof allegedly required by [name not declassified] and army.

3. To extent that WSBURNT territory is taken by Calligeris possibility of controlling air strips increases and landing arms or taking off for missions though something of a formality due lack fuel, matériel, etc, can occur.

A. Conclusion. A strictly military type situation has materialized and it must be treated as such or complete defeat accepted. We urge former and request authority on a broad rather than piecemeal basis to take actions set forth in paras 2 A and B above as situation requires. Such authority may not achieve success but lack of same in our opinion will probably mean total defeat in about 48 hours. This conclusion has been forced on us by refusal to date of army to act against regime.

5. Above request not based on feeling that LINC views differ from those of Hqs but on inevitable time lags resulting from communications. Reversals once they begin will only be prevented if at all by quickest possible counter action.

217. Telegram From the Central Intelligence Agency to the CIA Station in Guatemala

Washington, June 21, 1954, 0657Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 9, Folder 2. Secret; Priority; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Drafted by Wisner.

05726. For JMBLUG from Ascham and Whiting. Refs: A. GUAT 919; B. LINC 4197 [4097]; C. GUAT 906./2/

/2/Reference A was not found; reference B is ibid., Box 6, Folder 2; reference C is printed as Document 208.

1. We should have informed you last night of important revision in thinking here which was reflected briefly but completely in ref B message to Station. This represented the best judgment of all concerned here after most exhaustive examination of matter and this positive shift was strongly influenced by your views.

2. We have just finished further extensive review of matter following receipt your ref A and after discussion with LINC which agrees completely with our conclusions, we have decided authorize strafing attack against major petroleum storage facilities Adam but no bombs for Adam area. Also you should know our decision authorizing bombing of Hank matter scheduled for tomorrow afternoon still stands and Station should be fully prepared to make best possible exploitation with [name not declassified] of flak suppression at Adam air field, strafing attack on Adam oil tanks, and bombing of Hank. Surely combination of these three items should provide sufficient persuasion to anyone who says that he must have show of aerial force (bomb) to make him move.

3. We trust you will not think we have taken lightly or acted in disregard of your most serious injunctions to us. We have given this our very best thought and have of course been forced to take into account broader considerations as seen from ZRMETAL including the terrible press our side is getting, plus the intensive interest focused on WSBURNT situation, culminating in proceedings of this afternoon. (For one thing we have been partially but only partially influenced by desirability of avoiding making honest man out of your pal Willie before eyes of so many correspondents and foreign diplomats. With respect to latter would any of these be willing support your true version of facts on bombings with their respective home press and UN representatives?)

4. For Station: Have you yet seen or heard tell of [name not declassified] since Friday?/3/ If not do you have any prospects of another meeting?

/3/June 18.

218. Telegram From Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida to the Central Intelligence Agency/1/

[place not declassified], June 21, 1954, 1655Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 6, Folder 3. Secret; Operational Immediate; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS.

4140. 1. International politics are not for us but perhaps the following thoughts from our position close to some of the facts may be helpful. Also issues concern PBSUCCESS.

A. The international explosion touched off by WSBURNT can be of tremendous value in crystallizing Commie/noncommie issue particularly if noncommie elements hold firm.

B. As record now stands noncommies are in good shape whether before UN or OAS. WSBURNT has made probable false charges

(1) U.S. pilots shot down in Mexico.
(2) Airlifted MDAP arms used.
(3) Foreign invasion.
(4) Numerous bombings and strafings.

This issue in addition to being false when made is irrelevant since granting Calligeris the weapons his use of them should be debated with him.

C. Despite noncommie strength on above issues there are others which in our opinion need strengthening or might weaken or even destroy fabric noncommie position.

(1) Probable aspects of support extraterritorial to WSBURNT. Obviously WSHOOFS and KMFLUSH are the major issues. Sooner or later the Commie attack will begin fixing on known details.

(2) President WSHOOFS appears weak man beset by turbulent political situation in which untrustworthy friends and hungry foes are present. Should he fail to stand firm he is in a position to do serious damage.

(3) KMFLUSH also presents problems. President is involved to eyeballs but we believe for perfectly practical reasons. Being called names is of no moment to him. To be in a position to negotiate benefits from PBPRIME is of great moment to him.

(4) Being aircraft base [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] we think can and will refuse entry investigating group without better supported charges than now exist and will aggressively support all other delaying actions. In return he will however expect what he considers reasonable PBPRIME backing and aid. Failing that he might turn on PBPRIME which would be serious.

2. [1-1/2 lines of source text not declassified] Believe preliminary steps could and should start now on an official basis maintaining fiction of no PBPRIME connection PBSUCCESS. Ambassadorial approaches could be made to Presidents in KMFLUSH and WSHOOFS to discuss UN/OAS issues. At same time KMFLUSH/WSHOOFS Ambassadors PBPRIME could be called for high level interview to discuss same issues.

3. This treatment we believe would be recognized as evidence of backing and what is necessary to obtain joint positions should be discoverable without any need for discussing relations to PBSUCCESS. Joint positions must be achieved both for UN/OAS as well as basis continued support PBSUCCESS.

4. In addition to above essential that for diplomatic battle the hole created by non-participation DTFROGS should be filled. Do not know what can be done with present ODACID team but every effort to gain support would be justified. If considered useful Reelfoot can be sent to Hqs to be available for any action this connection.

5. Finally should fight WSBURNT in UN exclusively and solely on issues now drawn without permitting other problems to be introduced.

A. Preference WSBURNT for UN over OAS jurisdictionally improper and clear proof of own weakness and need for aid outside hemisphere from Soviet.

B. Soviet position direct confirmation of A.

6. Die is cast and events may move fast. Thus feel lining up team essential and real chance to win victory over WSBURNT regardless failure Calligeris. While a failure to stay united with present allies in diplomatic battle can effectively destroy Calligeris victory.

219. Telegram From the Central Intelligence Agency to Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida

Washington, June 22, 1954, 0004Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 9, Folder 2. Secret; Priority; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Drafted by Wisner.

05853. Refs: A. LINC 4131; B. SGUATRES 001; C. DIR 05712; D. LINC 4143; E. SHERWOOD 315./2/

/2/References A and C are printed as Documents 216 and 215, respectively. References B and D have not been found. Reference E is in the Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 12, Folder 4.

1. We sympathetic your desire ref A para 3A for authority on broad rather than piecemeal basis within limits approved policy but broad authority must rest on clear agreed strategic concept.

2. We agree as argued ref A para 2A and ref B para 8 that it is necessary demonstrate reality of airpower controlled by Calligeris but capabilities wholly inadequate actually to defeat WSBURNT army all over the country. Accordingly purpose must be to demonstrate power in manner best calculated to impress army and impair its morale. Since impossible inflict crippling damage, little point trying cause large number casualties which might only foreclose defection. With this purpose in mind we do not agree with ref A para 3A that "a strictly military type situation has materialized."

3. In accordance foregoing strategic concept we have now authorized following air-ground action:

A. Flak suppression in Adam (ref C para 1A) and wherever required for defense of aircraft operating in support of ground forces.

B. Strafing of oil tanks in Adam.

C. (In response to ref D) fullest air support of attack on Hank including bombing.

4. Assume operation against Hank given highest priority today. Believe successful outcome here could be decisive importance and convinced news of effective air-ground action will quickly become known [name not declassified] and other WSBURNT military leaders in Adam and will serve as demonstration to them of power and determination.

5. With bulk of WSBURNT forces apparently moved out of capital we inclined to believe most effective targets from standpoint morale of army will also be away from Adam. Moreover UN cease-fire resolution, proposal for OAS or UN peace observation commission, and presence of press and diplomatic corps all lead us to conclude heavy political price would be paid for any bombing of Adam. According unwilling authorize at present despite ref E.

6. In order enable us give you broad enough authorization to permit forward planning and avoid delays request you supply list of possible targets (which need not be in great detail) with indication types of air-ground action contemplated, within strategic concept para 2 above. We will endeavor give you maximum authority.

220. Telegram From the Central Intelligence Agency to the CIA Station in Guatemala

Washington, June 22, 1954, 0315Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 9, Folder 2. Top Secret; Priority; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Drafted by Allen Dulles and cleared by Frank Wisner. Repeated to PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida.

05857. For JMBLUG from Ascham.

1. Whiting and I have given most careful attention to your messages, particularly GUAT 906 (IN 19969) and GUAT 919 (IN 20161)./2/ We have sincere respect for your judgment and our failure to act on specific recommendation was due to overriding considerations. In the type of operations which we conduct there are certain limitations. We do not take action with grave foreign policy implications except as agent for the policy makers.

/2/Telegram 906 is Document 208; telegram 919 was not found.

2. We share your appraisal of Calligeris' assets and we recognized this from the beginning. The purpose of the Calligeris action was primarily to make a show of strength which would give army the opportunity which [name not declassified] and others indicated they needed. We feel this has been done. In fact the repercussions of Calligeris' action to date have been greater than we had anticipated. We felt particular action recommended would play into hands of Arbenz and co. and be merely another stunt. The fact that the Guat case has been largely developed in the UN and through the press on the false basis of bombing and strafing at Guat city, which clearly disprovable, tends to bear this out.

3. We cannot put the foreign posture of the country at the mercy of the demand of one army officer who refuses to accept other evidence which should be far more persuasive than one bomb for which follow-up potential did not exist. Here our judgment may or may not have been correct but circumstances of situation left us little alternative.

4. The developing situation, however, may create future opportunities where bombing of oil storage tanks or some clear military objective at Adam could be considered, although have some doubts as to over-all wisdom of this step. We will be glad to get your views.

5. Unless substantial elements of the army show signs of coming over the Calligeris effort may well be crushed although we do not propose to discount this effort as yet or fail to give him all practical aid within our power. For some time we have been apprehensive that high army leaders did not look upon Calligeris with great favor as a potential future leader and may prefer someone within their own ranks now in the country. If so, our next move should be to exert all possible influence to persuade the army that their next target must be Arbenz himself if they are themselves to survive and not be reduced to the status of an organization controlled by Communist commissars while more "trustworthy" Communist elements obtain the arms and favors of the Arbenz government: and that if the army acts it, not Calligeris, will rule the country. Please give us your thoughts on this.

6. For Chief of Station: Please pass your comments along with those of JMBLUG.

221. Telegram From the Central Intelligence Agency to the CIA Station in Guatemala

Washington, June 22, 1954, 1937Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 9, Folder 2. Secret; Priority; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Drafted by Wisner. Repeated to PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida.

05920. JMBLUG from Whiting.

1. US press which for first three days was upside down and giving unbelievable support to the two Toriello principal themes, viz. "bombing" and "invasion", has begun to report more objectively and factually. World press, including certain very influential British papers, still giving out very damaging and inaccurate lines. Situation not helped by reporting of British ChargŽ Guat, one of whose telegrams to Foreign Office I saw yesterday quoting Toriello at length and then giving his own independent confirmation of bombing Guat City. He did not indicate your presence at meeting or any part your challenge to Toriello re bombing evidence. I remonstrated with Embassy about this and perhaps something will result.

2. In view of new Toriello appeal for UN action today,/2/ consider it would be helpful if you could encourage your diplomatic colleagues report factually about absence bombing and especially fabrication of evidence and other Toriello lies. This of particular importance concerning your Latin American colleagues but also French and British, latter of whom you might remind of our generous and costly (to US) support of British on their recent trouble British Guiana.

/2/On June 19 the Guatemalan Government requested both the UN Security Council and the Inter-American Peace Committee (IAPC), an organ of the Organization of American States, to convene emergency meetings and take necessary measures to stop alleged aggression against Guatemalan territory by Honduras and Nicaragua. See Foreign Relations, 1952-1954, vol. IV, p. 1174 (Document 68). On June 22 Toriello sent a message to the UN Secretary General requesting that the United Nations carry out its resolution urging all members to refrain from aiding rebels in Guatemala. The text was printed in The New York Times, June 23, 1954, p. 2.

222. Telegram From the CIA Station in Guatemala to Operation PBUSCCESS Headquarters in Florida/1/

Guatemala City, June 22, 1954, 2004Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 11, Folder 5. Secret; Priority; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Repeated to the Director of Central Intelligence.

929. Ref LINC 4165./2/

/2/Dated June 22. (Ibid., Box 6, Folder 3)

1. No indication ref true at this moment.

2. Reports from ESCONSON 2 and 7 indicated Commies and Commie dominated workers claim they intend attack embassies of unfriendly govts and especially PBPRIME embassy where expect seize documentation proving ODYOKE-Calligeris collaboration.

3. Strafing attack morning 22 June described by competent PBPRIME observer as pathetic. One small oil tank on outskirts of city hit but fire out in 20 minutes. Flak not suppressed. Plane apparently did not come lower than thousand feet at anytime. ESAGE, ESPERANCE.

4. Public impression is that attacks show incredible weakness, lack of decision, and fainthearted effort. Calligeris efforts widely described as farce. Anti Commie anti govt morale near vanishing point. ESPERANCE, ESQUIRE, ESTIMATOR, ESCONSON.

5. One lone plane attacking half heartedly at this stage of game gives impression weakness. If Adam targets to be attacked, suggest some show real strength. Display this morning far more damaging our cause than to govt and Commies. Govt widely accusing ODYOKE of being involved in this insurrection and the people believe this to be so. Weakness and lack of decision is attributed to ODYOKE and will be reflected in attitude of people and especially of Commies and pro govt irregulars toward lives and property of PBPRIME residents in WSBURNT. Only force and decision will be respected. Words are useless.

223. Dispatch From the CIA Chief of Station in [place not declassified] to Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida

[document indicator not declassified]-673

[place not declassified], June 22, 1954.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-010125A, Box 125, Folder 4. Secret; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Received June 24. Repeated to the Chief of the Western Hemisphere Division.

--Memo by ODACID Chief in re: General Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes

1. The text below represents a memorandum dated 18 June 1954 from the local ODACID Chief:

"The Honduran Ambassador told me President Osorio is somewhat cold to General Ydigoras Fuentes. He said that nevertheless, he and the Foreign Minister, Robert Canessa, are working on the President to obtain his backing for Ydigoras as they believe the latter to have sufficient popular support within Guatemala to head a possible government and to be the legal successor to the Presidency because Ydigoras polled a large number of votes despite the fact that he had to make a presidential campaign while in hiding.

"The Chief of Protocol, Ambassador Alvarez Vidaurre, said he personally believed Ydigoras to be intelligent and enterprising but that there were many people here who felt that he was more of a talker than a doer."

Franklin D. Mallek

224. Telegram From the Central Intelligence Agency to CIA Stations in [3 places not declassified]

Washington, June 23, 1954, 0152Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 9, Folder 3. Secret; Routine; RYBAT; JMSWAG. Drafted by [name not declassified] and cleared by Wisner. Repeated to PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida.

06043. RE: PULL 8203./2/

/2/Dated June 21. (Ibid., Box 16, Folder 24)

1. Following is KUGOWN line as per ref request:

A. Guillermo Toriello, Guat Forn Min, has lied repeatedly in claims of aerial bombardment of Guat. It is positively established that no bombs have fallen upon Guatemala City nor have any bombs fallen elsewhere in Guat according to all our info through 21 June. Hence in his announcements 18-19 June he has made up story out of whole cloth and in addition Guat Government has in clumsy fashion tried to fabricate evidence and has been caught setting fire to houses.

B. Toriello also lied about invasion. Guat struggle no invasion. Liberation forces are made up of small group Guat patriots who have resisted communism and who organized themselves and have entered the nation to participate in and aid nation-wide revolt against Soviet foreign aggression personified by Commie take over in Guat. Official Guat Radio (TGW) itself stated, 19 June, "We call foreigners those who up to yesterday called themselves Guats." Radio, "Voice of Liberation" stated, "We are ones who carry true banner national sovereignty. As on 15 September 1821, we freed ourselves from Spanish throne, today we consummating independence--freedom from hammer and sickle."

C. Guat Govt continues reign terror as indicated DIR 05067 (OUT 54341)/3/ para 1 and Carlos Montenegro Paniagua stated 3 June that Guat "needs no concentration camps since we (Commie farmers group--Confederacion Nacional Campesinos de Guat) will chop off heads all anti-Commies" when trouble arises. Arbenz when challenged about his statement declined repudiate and has thus adopted as own. Farmers and Indians continue be armed by Commie govt and being incited acts of terror throughout Guat countryside.

/3/Dated June 16. (Ibid., Box 9, Folder 2)

D. Guat wanted hearing in U.N. due Soviet support and opportunity get out prop to peoples not familiar with Guat situation. Cite USSR recent support Guat.

2. Is suggested that attribution above can be based on wire service stories or "overheard on shortwave."

225. Telegram From the CIA Station in Guatemala to Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida

Guatemala City, June 23, 1954, 0302Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 11, Folder 5. Secret; Operational Immediate; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Repeated to the Director of Central Intelligence.

933. 1. Morning 22 June air attack against Shell Co gas tank caused some 30 holes and loss of approx 60,000 gallons. Salvaged gas being transferred other tanks. Repairs will take two weeks. Source says attack on other tanks would eliminate capital gas supply. Source JMBLUG-2 from [name not declassified], Shell manager.

2. Do not use above figures on SHERWOOD.

226. Telegram From the CIA Station in Guatemala to Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida

Guatemala City, June 23, 1954, 0302Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 11, Folder 5. Secret; Operational Immediate; PBSUCCESS; RYBAT. Repeated to the Director of Central Intelligence.

932. 1. Bannister talked 1530 hours afternoon 22 June with sergeant WSBURNT army who stationed with 150 men and 2 camouflaged tanks along old aqueduct located 13 Avenue and Calle de las Conchas in south of city. They had 8 mgs.

2. Sergeant said he and men were terrified at possibility air bombardment and added that his commander, whose name he could not give though saying he a jefe rather than an officer, had stated army might have to turn against Arbenz. (Jefe is applied to officers of major up in rank).

3. Sergeant stated communications from Base Militar to palace now cut, that many soldiers were injured in strafing attack and that he "can not take more of that". He refused to give his name, unit, or other information except that he from Base Militar.

4. Also stated troops stationed along Barranca around cemetery and along Barranca to north of Matamoros.

5. Impression given by sergeant and two soldiers that they scared to death and would welcome opportunity to fold up.

227. Telegram From the CIA Station in Guatemala to the Central Intelligence Agency

Guatemala City, June 23, 1954, 0749Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 11, Folder 5. Secret; Operational Immediate; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Repeated to PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida.

935. From JMBLUG to Whiting. Re: DIR 05857./2/

/2/Document 220.

1. I restate for perspective that a real show of force on 18 June could have tumbled govt.

2. Events over the weekend have left two alternatives:

A. Protracted struggle, which we eventually win.

B. Defeat.

3. I fear that concern for saving face in the UN, press and elsewhere may lead to the infinitely graver loss of face attendant on defeat. The "foreign posture of the country" in Latin America will be irreparably damaged by defeat in WSBURNT. If we win, nobody will listen to the Communist orders.

4. The issue now is how to wage the protracted struggle:

A. Give all support to Calligeris. We cannot afford destruction of his forces; better that they evade the enemy than be beaten. Calligeris still has three possibilities: at a maximum, he will win; or, he may trigger the army to revolt; at a minimum, he will simply keep tension alive. SUMAC has stated to me that the govt cannot stand prolonged tension. He repeated this one hour ago.

B. Step up the air offensive against the army, to induce defection or else crush it.

C. Step up the air offensive against the capital, to stir [name not declassified] remaining troops, encourage friends, frighten foes.

D. Replace the lost F-47 and procure as many other fighters as possible.

E. If neither Calligeris nor the army win, continue air attack on the capital until STANDEL cracks.

5. The question between STANDEL and us is only this: who will capitulate last?

228. Telegram From the CIA Station in Guatemala to the Central Intelligence Agency

Guatemala City, June 23, 1954, 2324Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 11, Folder 5. Secret; Operational Immediate; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Repeated to PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida.

941. For Whiting from JMBLUG.

Would you please discuss with Holland and advise through your channels or instruct through Department, depending on decision reached, the following problem:

1. I cannot conscientiously order the evacuation of Americans from this post at the present time since, while I feel the situation is dangerous, it has not reached the point of chaos or disorder in the city.

2. However, it is generally agreed here that if Americans were evacuated it would be the greatest blow which the government could receive in the psychological field. At my last two meetings with Toreillo, he has become greatly upset each time I have mentioned evacuation./2/

/2/In telegram 1088 from Guatemala City, June 23, Peurifoy reported on a meeting with Toriello: "Toriello looked startled and, as previously, urged me not to take such a step which, he said, 'would do us great harm.'" See Foreign Relations, 1952-1954, vol. IV, pp. 1180-1182 (Document 74).

3. Not so important but a factor to be considered is that I am being criticized by civilians for not doing anything about their welfare. It might be that Department will wish to instruct me to evacuate those Americans who wish to go and those in official family who are not essential. I would appreciate guidance.

229. Telegram From the CIA Station in Guatemala to Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida

Guatemala City, June 24, 1954, 0845Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 91, Folder 6. Secret; Operational Immediate; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Repeated to the Director of Central Intelligence.

944. 1. May be only our own emotional pendulum, but believe govt, which panicked 18 June, recovered 21 June, getting groggy again. PBPRIME newsmen say govt reps they deal with show renewed fear, jumpiness. SUMAC Chief of Protocol told press "there is too much fighting going on at Zacapa", echoing SUMAC view govt cannot stand prolonged tension. Newsmen beginning feel anti-govt forces will win if they combine hanging on in north with dramatic acts in capital.

2. Govt not telling people anything. Army communiquŽs mostly propaganda, contain few facts, political not military in style.

3. Feel it significant govt has not tried stage mass rallies. STANDEL, Commies apparently fear take any action precisely among the masses whose support they claim. Also no real evidence workers being armed.

4. Have searched without result for signs Commies might be planning desperate, last-ditch stand. Possibility remains, but at present appears more likely alleged die hards will claim they never red when tide has turned.

5. General impression is one of spongy, shapeless, gutless govt people. Among these blind, myopic one-eyed man can be boss.

6. Where as dramatic strike against capital would have been less useful in last few days, believe time for it, in view forgoing, rapidly coming again. With wounded returning, rumors about front will thrive. If favorable to us, we should reinforce them with air strikes; if unfavorable, we should counter them. Suggest 24 or 25 June.

7. Know this hard to believe, but people sitting here like kids watching for 4th July firecrackers to go off. The popular imagination is fascinated by the idea of bombs. To people, bombs will signify force majeure, turn of tide they do not understand PBPRIME sophistication, humane concern. Recommend we speak to these kids in kids language--with a big bang.

230. Telegram From the CIA Station in [place not declassified] to Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida

[place not declassified], June 24, 1954,1059Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-010125A, Box 148, Folder 2. Secret; Routine; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Repeated to the Director of Central Intelligence.

1100. Re: DIR 02987./2/

/2/Not printed. (Ibid., Box 8, Folder 7)

Osorio told Ambassador following 23 June:

A. Does not trust ERRATIC and has never seen him although ERRATIC has claimed Osorio support.

B. ERRATIC attempted on several occasions to arrange interview with him.

C. Osorio not supporting Calligeris.

D. Calligeris and ERRATIC individually too ambitious and ERRATIC should throw in his support with Calligeris.

231. Telegram From Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida to the Central Intelligence Agency

[place not declassified], June 24, 1954, 1700Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 45, Folder 3. Secret; Routine; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS.

4275. 1. Apart from claim U.S. hostility against Arbenz regime mainly caused UFCO (see para 1, a LINC 4176 IN 20869)/2/ Commie argument that "invaders" and "Yankee imperialists" anxious to wipe out agrarian reform appears to be most dangerous not only for Guat consumption, but for effect wherever in world agrarian reform questions vitally important, including Latin America, Asia, Africa, even certain European countries (Italy). Black treatment agrarian question by SHERWOOD reported HULA 983./3/

/2/Dated June 22. (Ibid., Box 6, Folder 3)

/3/Dated June 13. (Ibid., Box 140, Folder 13)

2. Recommend therefore you suggest to State Dept immediate countermeasures, starting with solemn U.S. Govt statement (perhaps joint declaration Sec State, Sec Agriculture) endorsing principles agrarian reform movements everywhere, in line with U.S. farm policy, traditional desire to see underdeveloped countries becoming self-supporting.

3. Such policy statement to be followed quickly by State Dept release summarizing past, current U.S. support granted agrarian reforms many foreign countries, including Marshall Plan, Point Four Program, FAO, training foreign farm specialists in U.S., etc.

4. Simultaneously U.S. delegate U.N. Security Council, or other well placed govt spokesman, possibly with reference to documents suggested paras 2 and 3 above, but without delay, to present criticism of Arbenz reforms, drawing parallel to Chinese "agrarian reformers", emphasizing reform itself internal affair Guat people, we exclusively concerned with safeguarding Western Hemisphere against Communist conspiracy.

5. Criticism of Guat reforms considered essential to alienate liberal sympathies for Arbenz reform regime abroad, experts should be able furnish supporting facts. Off hand suggestions (true, not black):

A. Campaign against illiteracy bogged down since "cultural missions" sent countryside made Commie propaganda instead,

B. Penniless recipients of land must become indebted govt-controlled agrarian bank to buy farm implements, have to join Commie organizations (CNCG) to become eligible,

C. Roadbuilding essential to utilize land: building program slow since govt spends money propaganda, armaments (Atlantic highway workers recently eight weeks without pay, had to strike to be paid).

6. State Dept might consider above recommendations, consulting area experts countries enumerated para 1 above, for more precise evaluation impact Guat agrarian reform story there and appropriate adjustment U.S. counteraction.

232. Telegram From the Central Intelligence Agency to the CIA Station in Guatemala

Washington, June 24, 1954, 1807Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 9, Folder 23. Secret; Operational Immediate; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Drafted by Bissell.

06271. Ref: LINC 4262./2/

/2/Dated June 24. (Ibid., Box 6, Folder 4)

1. Considering authorization bomb Matamoros Fortress or Adam petroleum storage on basis LINC recommendation and previously expressed views of JMBLUG and KUBARK reps. Wish to be sure JMBLUG still believes bombing of selected targets Adam area would be highly effective as contribution to overthrow of Arbenz regime and desirable move taking into account obvious political risks and current appeal by WSBURNT government to UN Security Council alleging threat of bombing of "open cities".

2. Reply Oper Immediate.

233. Telegram From the Central Intelligence Agency to Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida

Washington, June 24, 1954, 2330Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 9, Folder 23. Secret; Immediate. Drafted by Bissell.

06395. Ref: A. LINCOLN 4263;/2/ B. LINCOLN 4262./3/

/2/Not printed. (Ibid., Box 6, Folder 4)

/3/See footnote 2, Document 232.

1. We now prepared authorize bombing specific targets in Adam area/4/ since you and JMBLUG feel this now the most effective move to achieve success. Targets should be selected with a view to having desired effect on army and regime morale with minimum political cost to PBPRIME./5/

/4/Targets had already been bombed in other parts of the country earlier on June 24; this authorization was specifically for Guatemala City. (Telegram 951 from Guatemala City to PBSUCCESS Headquarters, June 24; Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 91, Folder 6)

/5/At the same time the CIA authorized the use of fighters with non-Guatemalan fighter pilots for tactical support missions: "We give this approval reluctantly in view grave security risks inevitably involved and attach greatest importance to phasing out these pilots just as soon as others can be recruited." (Telegram 06394 to PBSUCCESS Headquarters, June 24; ibid.)

2. In order meet this condition targets must be:

A. Recognized as legitimate military objectives;

B. So located and of such a character that attack would involve absolute minimum risk numerous civilian casualties, and minimum risk large scale casualties to troops not currently engaged in active operation against rebels;

C. Clearly identifiable.

3. Your proposed target Fortress Matamoros would seem to meet these conditions if [name not declassified] information is correct and reliable that this structure now used for storage arms and ammo and if large number of troops not quartered there.

4. Other appropriate target for your consideration: Petroleum storage in Adam. Judging from air photo, tanks are fairly remote from residential areas. Direct hit would produce spectacular results. Destruction petroleum reserves in Adam combined with subsequent attacks storage at Bond and Ike would have paralyzing effect on economic and military activities in WSBURNT.

5. As between the two targets, our preference is for Matamoros if sure about its use as arsenal since this is clearly military target and destruction would have minimum effect on civilians. If information about utilization doubtful, recommend petroleum storage.

6. You are hereby granted authority attack either target or both. Whichever selected, vitally important avoid wide miss resulting in heavy civilian casualties. Accordingly, pilot should be ordered take no chances if visibility poor.

7. Believe will be desirable, if attacks successful and effective, to follow up with leaflet drop emphasizing:

A. That only military targets were attacked;

B. Targets chosen to minimize even military casualties;

C. Usual line that liberation forces opposing regime, not army and that army can prevent regrettable damage to military installations by helping to liberate the country.

234. Telegram From the Central Intelligence Agency to Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida

Washington, June 24, 1954, 2330Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 9, Folder 3. Secret; Priority; Immediate. Drafted by Bissell.

06396. Ref: A. LINCOLN 4161; B. LINCOLN 4164;/2/ C. Director 05857./3/

/2/References A and B both dated June 22. (Ibid., Box 6, Folder 3)

/3/Document 220.

1. We have been working with ODACID on plans for consolidation phase to determine circumstances under which PBPRIME would recognize a rebel government or would offer military or economic aid to a new regime. No authoritative conclusions yet reached and none likely to be until there is firmer indication revolt sufficiently successful at least produce situation in which rebels control considerable territory and sufficient forces to give them at least an even chance of overthrowing regime. In view fluid and preliminary nature ODACID views believe no useful guidance can be given you and understand no present ODACID plans for communicating on this matter with JMBLUG or SKILLET.

2. As to immediate decisions, generally concur your instructions ref A on question desirability establishment new regime and announcement names of government members, believe must weigh two opposing considerations:

A. Early action desirable in order increase air of legitimacy of rebellion and make semi-official support possible sooner if movement successful.

B. Main danger this action that it will alienate army officers who either dislike Calligeris or simply prefer themselves control new regime.

3. On balance we conclude unwise announce provisional government now for reason given ref A par 1A and because effect of such action on army unevaluated. Meanwhile if traffic can stand it suggest message to Bannister, Page, and JMBLUG inquiring if they believe establishment provisional government now would reduce chances of action against Arbenz by army officers.

4. Regardless action by Calligeris believe desirable if contact re-established [name not declassified] by Page or Bannister to point out that if army moves decisively against Arbenz it rather than Calligeris will rule the country and to state that SKIMMER would support regime established by army even if it excluded Calligeris entirely. Well aware danger playing both groups simultaneously and naturally would greatly prefer outcome in which [name not declassified] and Calligeris combined forces. Nevertheless if sizable part of the army will really move it will be a stronger force than anything Calligeris has, except air power which we could control in a pinch. Line here proposed was suggested last sentence par 5 ref C.

5. If you agree para 4 above you may wish send appropriate instructions WSBURNT.

235. Telegram From Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida to the CIA Station in [place not declassified]

[place not declassified], June 25, 1954, 0802Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 6, Folder 5. Secret; Priority; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Repeated to the Director of Central Intelligence.

4309. Ref: [telegram indicator not declassified] 1102./2/

/2/Not found.

1. Through whatever source you consider most appropriate request you get word to erratic if he has any sincere desire to rid WSBURNT of communism the best thing he can do is to encourage his people to infiltrate into Esquipulas and report to Calligeris for combat duty.

ERRATIC himself should be encouraged publicly to offer his services to Calligeris putting aside all past grievances, chips are down. Now is the moment for all anti-Communists to fight shoulder to shoulder. If he willing fine. If only half hearted or still personally ambitious tell him to keep to his hamburger stand.

236. Circular Telegram From the United States Information Agency to Certain Posts

Washington, June 25, 1954, 6:31 p.m.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 82, Folder 5. Confidential. Drafted by Stephen Baldanza (IOP/A), cleared by Edmund Murphy (IOP/A), and approved by Ralph Hinton (IOP/A). Sent to Mexico City, Havana, Rio de Janeiro, Montevideo, Buenos Aires, Santiago, Quito, and Panama.

389. The following is intended for placement in radio or press without attribution to USIS.

Title: Kremlin Coordination of Guatemalan Moves

Evidence that the Guatemalan incident is a carefully considered and precisely coordinated Communist thrust at the Americas continues to mount.

The evidence that top-flight agents of the Kremlin are guiding all acts both in the field and on the diplomatic front can be found in the fact that events have a way of waiting on other events before they occur, plus the fact that this interlocking of a grand design is not local, but coordinated in all the Republics. This kind of an operation is beyond the scope of any national Communist group.

Here are some examples:

Not only do the Communists form and finance the Societies of the Friends of Guatemala, they work them like the pawns on a chess board. The entire lecture circuit from Santiago to Mexico City is coordinated; a vote in one society is instantly echoed in another; the wording of resolutions, although seemingly sponsored by men and people thousands of miles away from each other, is often absolutely identical. All these things are the mark of the experienced agent, rather than the political amateur.

The same skilled hand can be found on still a higher level, the diplomatic level. Guatemala's insistence on bringing an American problem before the United Nations' Security Council is the right of any nation with any problem, but the skill she has displayed in keeping the problem away from the body most capable of handling it--the Organization of American States--shows that there is an overall plan in this department too. Despite the carefully laid plan, it was forced into the open when the Soviet delegate Tsarapkin cast the Soviet veto against transferring the Guatemalan charge to the OAS.

Yesterday, Americans were treated to a view of the apparatus at work from top to bottom:

Guatemala bypassed the OAS.

The Soviet Union approved her bypassing.

The Security Council wanted the OAS.

The Soviet Union cast a veto to see that OAS did not get the problem.

That's only in the past; now look at the pattern working yesterday:

Guatemala presses for still another meeting of the Security Council.

Even as she presses, pickets are marching in front of the UN headquarters, carrying placards for Guatemala. The pickets organized by the American Peace Crusade, a Communist-front organization.

Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge agrees that Guatemala should have another meeting of the Security Council.

Then comes the one slip of the day--the one which displays the coordination behind all these Communist moves:

After--a few minutes after--Ambassador Lodge had sent out the call for the new meeting of the Security Council, Soviet delegate Tsarapkin put in his own demand for a Council meeting "without delay."

Just a few minutes time and there would have been no need of the Tsarapkin demand; just a few minutes time and the world would not have got this first-hand picture of how closely-knit the overall plan is.

The hand within the glove had peeped out for just a second, and for a second time--first the veto, and now the demand that the situation be kept within reach of further Soviet vetoes.


237. Telegram From the United States Information Agency to Certain Posts

Washington, June 26, 1954, 6:39 p.m.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 8, Folder 5. Secret. Drafted by E. Murphy (IOP/A); cleared by Allen Haden (IOP), Charles Hurtado (IPS), and Philip Raine (ARA/P); and approved by R. Hinton (IOP/A). Sent to London, Rome, Paris, Bonn, Vienna, Cairo, New Delhi, Manila, Tokyo, Oslo, Rangoon, Stockholm, Madrid, and all missions in the American Republics.

392. Infoguide: Developments Guatemala Situation

Fast developing events on Guatemalan problem provide opportunity seize psychological offensive which urgent in view Commie massive propaganda campaign this issue world-wide. Posts urged promote fullest exploitation OAS actions reflecting insistence action within OAS Charter and Rio Treaty to settle Western Hemisphere disputes, in accordance Art 52 of UN Charter which specifically recognizes authority regional organizations. Show this action as countering recent Russian tactics designed to weaken both OAS and UN and maintain Commie foothold in Western Hemisphere. Appeal by Guatemala to UNSC members and Molotov's reply of June 25 can be used as further evidence role of Arbenz Govt which is pawn in Moscow's game. OAS letter, released to press today, is signed by ten members of OAS and expresses recognition of problem of Commie penetration for what it is, and announces intent to call hurried meeting of the OAS to settle once and for all, not only immediate problem of "threat to peace" but also more basic Commie problem alluded to. This letter should be heavily played as indication member States of OAS are in exactly same frame of mind as US Senate in its Resolution of June 25 ref to Caracas Declaration Solidarity and Reaffirming US support for action by OAS. Interpretation should be that Soviet has failed in attempt to pin rebellion of Guatemalans on US as act of aggression, and conduct of U.S. Govt in negotiations with Guatemala on expropriation UNIFRUIT properties may be reviewed in low key to show U.S. actions as proper and limited to aspect of compensation perfectly appropriate for Govt negotiation under international law, with emphasis on fact that Soviet veto on proposed constructive action by OAS not only revealed mailed fist under glove manipulating Guatemalan affairs, but also rallied peoples of Western Hemisphere to repulse most sinister imperialism and most overt intervention in Western Hemisphere in recorded history.

Refer to USIA CA-852 of June 21, 1954, and Joint Circtel 507 of June 25 (not sent all posts)./2/ Wireless File continues carry suitable materials with built-in guidance and some background materials will be repeated for areas other than Latam.

/2/Neither printed; circular airgram 852 is ibid., Box 72, Folder 8; circular telegram 507 was not found.


238. Telegram From the Central Intelligence Agency to Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida

Washington, June 26, 1954, 2353Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 9, Folder 3. Secret; Priority; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Drafted by Wisner.

06731. Ascham sends congratulations all hands PBSUCCESS with regard to heartening gains and improvement in situation of last forty-eight hours. He particularly wishes that SHERWOOD team be commended and also that SOMERSET take action commend in the name of Calligeris the pilots whose professional performance and careful attention to requirements have been outstanding.

239. Telegram From the Central Intelligence Agency to the CIA Station in Guatemala

Washington, June 26, 1954, 2358Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 9, Folder 3. Secret; Priority; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Drafted by Wisner. Repeated to PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida.

06734. JMBLUG from Whiting.

1. From defector WSBURNT Embassy here we are advised that govt appears very shaky and that there is great confusion. He strongly recommends early announcement of evacuation US citizens from Guatemala as measure having profound adverse effect on regime stability.

2. In light of this information which supports your original views, we feel you should make statement re evacuation plans soonest advising us when this done and also text your statement so can be released to press here. We doubt censorship will let pass text of statement you make. We do not know precise terms your instructions or guidance from ODACID this subject but understand initiative left with you. However, it remains our view this should be done on basis you stating that govt is arranging facilities and will assist those depart who wish go now. The actual working out of details of departures and arrangements less important than shock effect of announcement so no reason delay announcement to this effect. And if ODACID wants order general evacuation later let that come on in due course.

3. Because of operational difficulties and extra load on communications which it would create, we recommend against massive airlift evacuation operation.

240. Telegram From the Central Intelligence Agency to Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 9, Folder 3. Secret; Priority; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Drafted by [name not declassified] and released by [name not declassified] at Wisner's direction.

Washington, June 27, 1954, 0027Z.

06737. Recommend one more adverse reference to UFCO by SHERWOOD. Reports arriving here that since UFCO not attacked by RUFUS he must be UFCO man. Believe you have proper line for this already; viz. new regime will not put up with UFCO if it persists reactionary outmoded tactics and unsatisfactory labor relations.

241. Telegram From the CIA Station in Guatemala to Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida

Guatemala City, June 27, 1954, 0314Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 11, Folder 5. Secret; Operational Immediate; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Repeated to the Director of Central Intelligence.

977. Re: GUAT 973 (IN 22611) para 1E./2/

/2/Not printed. (Ibid., Box 10, Folder 2)

1. As situation stands, STANDEL seems dominate army friends and opportunists and paralyze anti-red officers. Doubtful ref petition, if materializes, will stir army leaders or impress STANDEL.

2. Army capacity to act vs STANDEL much diminished by move to field.

3. STANDEL apparently planning hold out at least till army defeated, possibly longer. But indications are good part of army would quit fighting if no longer bound by STANDEL authority.

4. If foregoing true, would appear leave us two alternatives:

A. Destroy army in field and march on capital.

B. [1 line of source text not declassified] possibly follow up with airborne invasion of capital while army away.

5. Do not know front situation or Calligeris capabilities, [2 lines of source text not declassified].

242. Telegram From PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida to the CIA Station in [place not declassified]

[place not declassified], June 27, 1954, 0907Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 148, Folder 2. Secret; Priority; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Repeated to the Director of Central Intelligence.

4421. For Ontrich. Following received from [place not declassified]:

"ERRATIC refuses join Calligeris as he states invasion plan being followed contrary his recommendations and convictions. Further, does not see how he could help at Esquipulas at present.

Is recommending to followers in DTFROGS they proceed via WSHOOFS to aid Calligeris.

Is sending [name not declassified] to WSHOOFS soon to contact Calligeris organization. [name not declassified] just arrived from WSBURNT with intel info. [1 line of source text not declassified]"

243. Memorandum From [name not declassified] of the Central Intelligence Agency to J.C. Esterline of the Central Intelligence Agency

Washington, June 27, 1954.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 154, Folder 2. No classification marking.

Proposal to Burn [name not declassified]

GUAT 973/2/ indicates that [name not declassified] will not be of any advantage to PBS since he apparently is willing to move only when Calligeris has already won. It also increases my personal suspicion that he may be playing us for suckers and really be helping Arbenz.

/2/See footnote 2, Document 241.

2. In view of his small value and of the possibility that he may be using us, I recommend that an operation be run against [name not declassified] to make him desperate. This can be accomplished by having someone--not known to him to be connected with PBS or US--tell him he knows about some recent meeting or meetings [name not declassified] has had with PBS representatives and threaten to expose him to Arbenz if he does not deliver $50,000 within 24 hours.

3. The above recommendation is made in ignorance of possible station capabilities in this regard, and of course, other possibilities would probably suggest themselves to Guat Station.

4. The result should be beneficial to PBS by clarifying whether [name not declassified] is on our side or not by seeing who he goes to. If he is unconcerned by the threat, he is not really our man. If he is made desperate he may act where previously he has waited for someone else. He may make a bold bid to move the army to his control, assassinate Arbenz, or take asylum. Any of these courses would be good, because in the last case he would not be in a position to complicate things when the Callegeris forces are successful.

[name not declassified]

244. Telegram From the CIA Station in Guatemala to Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida

Guatemala City, June 27, 1954, 2131Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 11, Folder 5. Secret; Operational Immediate; PBSUCCESS. Repeated to the Director of Central Intelligence.

981. 1. JMBLUG enroute at this moment 1245 hours local time for conference with STANDEL 1 and general staff following telephone call from STANDEL 1 and SUMAC who have intimated they wish to turn govt over to Junta. Obvious govt situation desperate despite communiquŽ to effect that govt will fight house by house until end.

2. Since army has shown no guts in past do not believe they can be expected to show courage now.

3. Believe govt on point of surrendering.

4. Have briefed JMBLUG that govt must agree to following points act or deny statements issued by Calligeris:

A. Arrest Communist and other leaders responsible for situation.
B. Declaration martial law.
C. Cessation of hostilities.

245. Telegram From the Central Intelligence Agency to the CIA Station in [place not declassified]

Washington, June 27, 1954, 2251Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 9, Folder 3. Secret; Priority; Urgent. Drafted by Wisner.

06753. Please deliver the following message from [name not declassified] to [name and place not declassified].

"1. Very distressed on return here to note serious distortion of Guatemalan developments in US and foreign press. This distortion made worse by apparent inability or unwillingness grasp true significance these developments plus effects of iron clad press (both foreign and domestic) censorship by Guat Gov't. Time cover story this week excellent but almost unique job.

"2. Among distressing reports was an Agence France Presse cable which completely missed the boat and was heavily picked up in Europe chiefly Scandinavia.

"3. Because of former association and continued unofficial access to facts and great personal concern over how this whole thing looked in the newspapers, I have done some checking.

"4. If you consider advisable would appreciate your conveying following as message from me to Fernand Moulier which he can feel free to use in AFP provided no personal or official attribution.

"5. The Guatemalan situation is not a banana republic fracas. It is an actual Guatemalan uprising against a Communist regime and Communist apparatus which is definitely linked to Moscow. That link is not a casual ideological or intellectual link--it is an operational link with the plays being called from Moscow both direct and via Mexico literally on an hourly basis.

"6. The fact that the revolt apparently started outside Guatemala proper and thereby handed the Communists the word 'invasion' on a silver platter is a grave over-simplification. The people involved are in absolute fact Guatemalans who happen to have had to seek sanctuary in fear of their lives outside Guatemalan borders and always wanted return.

"7. The 'invasion' label has been further emphasized by the apparent loyalty to Arbenz regime of Guatemalan army. The fact is that defections inside Guatemala have been large scale. So much so that the relatively small band with which Armas crossed the border is now three-to-four times its original size, entirely due to defections within Guatemala. The Guatemalan air force has virtually defected in toto, which accounts for what should have been an intriguing journalistic fact; namely, that no Guatemalan regime planes have been in action against the Armas forces.

"8. Arbenz regime statement that churches have been bombed is completely false. Falsity established by actual eyewitness testimony.

"9. Also false is Arbenz statement that Guatemala City has been bombed. A barracks on outskirts used as an arsenal was bombed but destruction of Mendoza House within Guatemala City, which was used by Arbenz as evidence bombing, was according to several eyewitnesses and neighbors arsoned by regime police in order provide an exhibit.

"10. The United Fruit Co. simply does not figure in this thing at all. In fact expect Armas to make public soon his private determination not to allow Fruit Company get away with traditional reactionary policies labor and otherwise.

"11. The 2000 ton shipment of Czechoslovak arms shipped via Swedish freighter out of Stettin, with false documents, was no invention. This ten million dollar consignment of arms actually landed in Guatemala and was taken over by Arbenz and represents, in relation to the size of the regime military forces, a colossal shipment completely unbalancing the armament equilibrium of that area. This by no means only such procurement of arms by Guatemala.

"12. Arbenz is using part of these weapons to arm Communist-led civilian terror commandos who have received secret instructions to prepare for wholesale civilian massacres when the signal is given. In the meantime Arbenz has publicly announced that he will execute ten hostages for every bomb dropped.

"13. Finally, and to repeat, this is a very serious business. The stakes are not the dividends of the United Fruit Company. The stakes are whether or not imperial Communism shall have a tactical command post in Central America within a few miles of the Panama Canal and in position undermine neighboring states. Instead of yelling about Yankee imperialism and invasion the free world should be grateful that a handful of brave but maybe pathetically comical exiles got the pitch and decided to do something about it."

246. Telegram From Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida to the CIA Station in Guatemala

[place not declassified], June 28, 1954, 0520Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 6, Folder 6. Secret; Immediate; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Repeated to the Director of Central Intelligence.

4458. 1. Urge you exercise every means to have [name not declassified] remove STANDEL-1 before noon 28 June failing this prevail upon STANDEL-1 to accept Calligeris cease fire conditions.

2. FYI. There remains no choice but fight unless STANDEL-1 comes out immediately against communism accepting terms announced and call cease fire for forming new govt with Calligeris./2/ To do otherwise would be to surrender our present advantages and possibly fall victim of Arbenz Communist intrigue.

/2/See Document 251.

247. Telegram From Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida to the Mission Broadcasting Station/1/

[place not declassified], June 28, 1954, 0558Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 6, Folder 6. Secret; Operational Immediate; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Repeated to [name not declassified] and the Director of Central Intelligence.

4459. For Langevin and Cadick.

1. Arbenz is out but Diaz/2/ refuses to accept Calligeris's terms. Only 500 regular army and 2500 untrained reserves in Adam.

/2/The CIA believed that Diaz was a "veteran trained Communist, graduate Commie military agent school Prague, Czechoslovakia preparing Moscow activities throughout Latin America." (Telegram 4478 from PBSUCCESS Headquarters to various Stations, June 28; ibid.)

2. Immediately inform public what has happened and that if cease and terms LINC 4362 (IN 22435)/3/ not complied with immediately SYNCARP will launch all out bombing attack and assault and destroy all those not joining anti-Communist forces. Communism must go and Diaz must agree to terms or army of liberation will continue its victorious march to Adam and fight Communists to last one.

/3/Dated June 26. (Ibid., Folder 5)

3. Appeal to people that Communist Arbenz has resigned, first victory won and everyone should now join side of liberation movement for a greater WSBURNT. The government is obviously crumbling and further bloodshed futile. Prepare leaflets for troops in field.

4. Tell Diaz bombings to start noon 28 June and will not stop until liberation army occupies palace or Diaz agrees to terms announced.

5. Target but don't announce for noon 28 June is Matamoros again and knock out brief pilots from Langevin's staff or [name not declassified]. Put on maximum air show. Strafe all AA batteries.

6. SHERWOOD to keep steady strong appeal that anti-Communists are victorious and Diaz must agree cease fire before hundreds of innocent army men die in lost cause. Only way to stop bloodshed is to drive communism out. No other solution acceptable.

248. Telegram From Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida to the CIA Station in Guatemala

[place not declassified], June 28, 1954, 0634Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 6, Folder 6. Secret; Operational Immediate; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Repeated to the Director of Central Intelligence and the Station Chief in [place not declassified].

4462. For Ontrich.

1. Dir urgently recommends Calligeris [less than 1 line of source text not declassified] emphatically declare independence from UFCO and allay labor fears liberation regime might return to Ubico/2/ methods. Discuss this immediately with [name not declassified], urging him (a) make press statement immediately emphasizing this labor thesis and statement for occasion, (b) prepare appropriate statement for Calligeris to be made suitable moment, as soon as possible, possibly to be included into Calligeris general statement of policy.

/2/Jorge Ubico, President of Guatemala, 1931-1944.

2. Such statements should emphasize:

A. Present labor union leadershiphall usurped by Commies, tied in with Moscow-led WFTU, CTAL. These Commie leaders must go.

B. Future labor unions will be protected against Commie infiltration and against intimidation or other restrictions by either domestic or foreign employers. Free union elections, collective bargaining, other basic labor rights guaranteed.

C. Liberation govt will protect interests entire people against any predatory financial powers, whether domestic or foreign. Unlike Commies who used UFCO only as propaganda stick, not finding any solution, new govt will reduce role foreign capital in line with country's economic interests, eliminating all traces obsolete colonialism. Reference to "new colonialism" in Commie satellites exploiting them for Russia.

3. Advise immediately LINC, Dir, result your talk with [name not declassified], report further action taken by him.

249. Telegram From Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida to the Central Intelligence Agency

[place not declassified], June 28, 1954, 0816Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 6, Folder 6. Secret; Operational Immediate; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Repeated to Guatemala.

4467. Re: GUAT 984;/2/ GUAT 986./3/

/2/Not printed. (Ibid., Box 11, Folder 5)

/3/Document 250.

1. Urge favorable reply soonest JMBLUG's acceptance offer of good offices to mediate situation as it affords such obvious advantage it should not be passed up particularly with possibility OAS team appearing on scene 28 June.

2. LINC also believes every effort should be made to follow up this maneuver as rapidly as possible with show of strength and does not concur with JMBLUG's suggestion we let up on bombing Adam. June 28 could be decisive date therefore both SHERWOOD and Somerset have been directed to increase not let up the pressure.

3. Conditions of cease-fire established in LINC 4362 (IN 22435)/4/ are reasonable and minimal. Removal of Arbenz already partial step and others should be undertaken soonest. If JMBLUG mediates he could say he has heard Calligeris terms on radio and would like to receive STANDEL-1's terms if a cease fire is to be arranged.

/4/See footnote 3, Document 249.

4. Transmittal of msgs to Calligeris could be accomplished overtly as public knows he maintains residence in Tegu.

5. Needless to say Lincoln fully concurs with JMBLUG's unwillingness to see Calligeris discarded at this time.

250. Telegram From the CIA Station in Guatemala to the Central Intelligence Agency

Guatemala City, June 28, 1954, 0618Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 11, Folder 5. Secret; Operational Immediate; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Repeated to PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida.

986. From JMBLUG to Ascham and Whiting.

1. As result all day meeting with STANDEL 1 and General Staff, it has been determined that STANDEL 1 will assume presidency tonight. Then have agreed to move immediately on seizing Commie leaders and sending them out of country. They have refused to deal with Calligeris and sought good offices of PBPRIME to bring about cease fire on both sides.

2. It is my opinion that once STANDEL is out tonight, they should be forced to deal with Calligeris. I personally do not wish to become part of another Mihailovich-Tito deal. It seems to me that those who had the courage and guts to bring about this situation should not be sold down the river. While we might for temporary period attempt to stop bombing Adam, I believe attacks should continue in north until such a meeting arranged.

3. I do not trust the army leaders either on anti-communism or on keeping faith with PBPRIME. They are collaborators with communism and must pay penalty in form Calligeris assumption of presidency.

4. Our first victory has been won but not the battle. Please consult Holland on this matter in conjunction with my formal reports to him. In other words, force negotiations. If necessary, have Holland send me such instructions.

251. Telegram From Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida to the CIA Station in Guatemala

[place not declassified], June 28, 1954, 0918Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 6, Folder 6. Secret; Operational Immediate; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Repeated to the Director of Central Intelligence.

4470. Ref: A. SLINC 4458;/2/ B. DIR 06769;/3/ C. SLINC 4467 (IN 22836)./4/

/2/Document 247.

/3/Apparently wrong ref. See DIR 06759 (OUT 57820)." [Footnote in the source text. Telegram 6759 is in the Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 9, Folder 3.]

/4/Document 252.

1. LINC recognizes possible conflict in your receiving orders from two places nevertheless believe action taken on ref A will not conflict too seriously with ref B.

2. Ref C was sent before receiving STANDEL-1's speech which failed to mention his removal of Communists as reported in GUAT 986 (IN 22794)./5/ Thinking here was based on your having a crack in the door to put foot in which could be exploited. Second thought is that SWALLOW should mediate but this not too good as he would have to follow Osorio who is not our man.

/5/Document 250.

3. LINC believes [name not declassified] is better choice than SMILAX to replace STANDEL-1 as closer to being agreeable to recognition of Calligeris which is important to our objectives.

4. On theory full advantage should be taken of first enemy weakness LINC has directed air strikes for Adam afternoon 28 June on TGW transmitter bldg, Matamoros and flak suppression. Anticipate this show of strength will provide substance to any consideration of Calligeris's position.

252. Memorandum of Telephone Conversation Between Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and Director of Central Intelligence Allen Dulles

Washington, June 28, 1954, 9:39 a.m.

/1/Source: Eisenhower Library, John Foster Dulles Papers, General Telephone Conversations, Box 2, A67-28. No classification marking. Transcribed by Phyllis Bernau.


The Sec. asked if there is anything new, and AWD said there are a lot of messages
--with several very good ones from Peurifoy. AWD doesn't like Diaz--he was put in by Arbenz./2/ They are maneuvering to get him out and get a better army officer in. They are trying to keep our own forces intact and not get too deeply engaged. They are sending out propaganda to the effect that officers in the field better go home quick or they will be taken. They have superior forces--the other side--and our side must use more air power. There may be a bombing attack on the radio. The bombing has been excellent and effective. AWD said he is looking into the British ship matter./3/ No authority was given for this. However, we can't say it. AWD said he will try to make it appear that Arbenz' boys thought this might get us involved.

/2/Among other reasons, the CIA was critical of D’az for allowing Arbenz to make a farewell broadcast in which he blamed the United States for the crisis and said "US aviators and other mercenaries had unleashed fire and death on civilians." (Telegram 1125 from Guatemala City, June 28, 1954; Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 175, Folder 1)

/3/On June 27 the rebel air force mistakenly sank a British freighter carrying coffee and cotton. See Gleijeses, Shattered Hope, p. 340.

253. Telegram From the Central Intelligence Agency to Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida/1/

Washington, June 28, 1954, 1558Z.

/1/Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 11, Folder 5. Secret; Operational Immediate; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Drafted by Bissell.

06765. LINCOLN is instructed by Ascham that all instructions to field particularly to SGUAT which have significant bearing upon political strategy and upon way in which political negotiations and maneuvers are to be conducted be cleared with headquarters prior to transmission. Believe LINCOLN will appreciate necessity for this in view strong ODYOKE policy implications and absolute requirement for ODACID assistance, backstopping, and parallel action. Please confirm. In case of emergency need for urgent decision clear with headquarters by telephone.

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