AIPL Database Access for General Public

Bull Information Queries ¦ Cow Information Queries
Goat Information Queries

Other Information:    Additional Info ¦ AIPL Home Page

Bull Information Queries

Single Query Description

 single -- Get official bull evaluation (domestic or Interbull) by ID

Get official bull evaluation (domestic or Interbull) by ID

 single -- Get bull ID/evaluation by name

Get bull ID/evaluation by name

 single -- Get Interbull evaluation by bull ID

Get Interbull evaluation by bull ID

 single -- Get Interbull aliases

Get Interbull aliases

 single -- Get Interbull IDs from ID number

Get Interbull IDs from ID number

 single -- Get bull ID number (linked to evaluation) from NAAB ID code

Get bull ID number (linked to evaluation) from NAAB ID code

 single -- Get bull history by ID

Get bull history by ID

Cow Information Queries

Single Query Description

 single -- Get cow evaluation

Get cow evaluation

 single -- Get cow calving information

Get cow calving information

 single -- Derive standardized cow records from actual records entered

Derive standardized cow records from actual records entered

 single -- Compare calf birth date to cow calving date

Compare calf birth date to cow calving date

Goat Information Queries

Single Query Description

 single -- Get buck yield and type evaluations

Get buck yield and type evaluations

 single -- Get doe yield and type evaluations

Get doe yield and type evaluations

 single -- Get goat pedigree and yield information

Get goat pedigree and yield information

 single -- Get goat pedigree information (no yield)

Get goat pedigree information (no yield)

 single -- Get goat aliases

Get goat aliases

 single -- Get breed from goat ID

Get breed from goat ID

 single -- Get list of reported progeny by buck or doe

Get list of reported progeny by buck or doe

 single -- Get error records by goat ID

Get error records by goat ID

 single -- Get goat error records by herd

Get goat error records by herd

 single -- Get goat herd test-day information

Get goat herd test-day information

 single -- Get buck yield and type evaluations by name

Get buck yield and type evaluations by name

 single -- Get doe yield and type evaluations by name

Get doe yield and type evaluations by name

 single -- Get goat lactation records by herd

Get goat lactation records by herd

 single -- Get ID/pedigree by goat name

Get ID/pedigree by goat name

 single -- Get complete IDs from last 6 characters

Get complete IDs from last 6 characters

 single -- Get reproduction error records (format5) by goat ID

Get reproduction error records (format5) by goat ID

 single -- Compare goats birth date with dam's kidding

Compare goats birth date with dam's kidding

 single -- Get list of progeny by sire and dam ID's

Get list of progeny by sire and dam ID's

Additional Information

Genetic Evaluation Information