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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Table C-9. Trending: Composite-level Average Percent Positive Response by Respondent Interaction with Patients

Patient Safety Culture Composites Respondent Interaction with Patients
direct interaction
direct interaction
97 Hospitals both years 92 Hospitals both years
13,063 Most Recent
3,179 Most Recent
12,254 Previous
35,122 Previous
1. Teamwork Within Units Most Recent 80% 82%
Previous 78% 81%
Change 2% 1%
2. Supervisor/Manager Expectations & Actions Promoting Patient Safety Most Recent 76% 76%
Previous 74% 76%
Change 2% 0%
3. Management Support for Patient Safety Most Recent 72% 78%
Previous 71% 77%
Change 1% 1%
4. Org Learning—Continuous Improvement Most Recent 74% 74%
Previous 71% 73%
Change 3% 1%
5. Overall Perceptions of Patient Safety Most Recent 68% 69%
Previous 65% 66%
Change 3% 3%
6. Feedback & Communication About Error Most Recent 63% 67%
Previous 61% 66%
Change 2% 1%
7. Communication Openness Most Recent 63% 64%
Previous 60% 64%
Change 3% 0%
8. Frequency of Events Reported Most Recent 63% 62%
Previous 61% 60%
Change 2% 2%
9. Teamwork Across Units Most Recent 61% 62%
Previous 60% 60%
Change 1% 2%
10. Staffing Most Recent 58% 56%
Previous 58% 53%
Change 0% 3%
11. Handoffs & Transitions Most Recent 51% 43%
Previous 49% 41%
Change 2% 2%
12. Nonpunitive Response to Error Most Recent 46% 51%
Previous 44% 48%
Change 2% 3%

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AHRQ Advancing Excellence in Health Care