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Postdoctoral research scientist Adriana Ortiz-Lopez uses a spectrophotometer to examine the different pigments contained in canola seed extracts while plant physiologist John Whitmarsh prepares a new sample for analysis. Grassed waterways carry runoff from crop fields safely. A cucumber beetle Woman testing microorganisms for converting soybean oil.
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ARS/MWA Award Programs
(Specific information will be provided when the program is announced.)

Name of Program Purpose Due Date Ceremony
ARS Science Hall of Fame To annually recognize one or more outstanding ARS scientists who have retired, or are eligible to retire, who have made major impact on agricultural research. Scientists who are deceased may be nominated and recognized posthumously. May September
ARS Technology Transfer To annually recognize individuals/teams who have done outstanding work in transferring technology to outside users.June February

ARS Scientist of the Year

SENIOR Scientist
1 ARS Distinguished Scientist
7 Area Senior Scientists

1 Herbert Rothbart Outstanding Early Career Scientist
7 Area Early Career Scientists

To annually recognize the creative efforts, scientific leadership and the major research accomplishments of ARS research scientists. Contributions of these scientists help position ARS in the forefront of agricultural research.

To recognize sustained research productivity, impact on science and technology, and scientific leadership where personal technology expertise is used to guide, lead, or influence the research efforts of other scientists. Development of other scientists-cooperating, counseling, or extending help, particularly to younger scientists as contrasted to own career.

To recognize impact of at least one major contribution or one with potential for major impact on science and technology; internal and/or external collaborations; partnerships with industry, stakeholders, and customers. Must have begun ARS career within the last 7 years and have completed highest degree within last 10 years (cutoff May 1 of year nominated). Note: The individual selected as the ARS Herbert L. Rothbart Outstanding Early Career Scientist will be eligible for a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists & Engineers.

June February
MWA Award Programs

Direct Research Support
  • Support
  • Wage Grade

Indirect Research Support

  • Administrative Support
  • Office Support (MWA Secretary of the Year)

Equal Opportunity Award

Safety, Health and Environmental Award

The purpose of both the Direct and Indirect Research Support Awards is to annually recognize the outstanding achievements and creative efforts of Midwest Area individuals/groups in the support categories who have significantly contributed to the mission of the Agricultural Research Service.

The purpose is to annually recognize MWA employees for special achievements in promoting equal opportunity in all facets of ARS programs through actions that clearly exceed the responsibilities of their positions or assignments.

The purpose is to annually recognize MWA employees for special achievements in promoting employee and/or environmental safety and health in all facets of ARS programs through actions that clearly exceed the responsibilities of their positions or assignments.
ARS Office Professional of the Year To annually recognize the outstanding achievements and creative efforts of ARS office support professionals.

All nominations of ARS secretarial, clerical, and office support employees, regardless of eligibility w/i their Area are eligible. Winners of Area programs may be forwarded for Agency level competition.

July February
Administrative and Financial Management Support Awards for Excellence To annually recognize outstanding achievements which have increased efficiency in the administrative support activities of ARS. July February
USDA Secretary's Honor Awards To annually recognize outstanding contributions to agriculture; to the consumers of agricultural products; and to the ability of the Department to serve rural America. The Honor Awards are the most prestigious awards that the Department can give. Employees at all grade levels and private citizens are eligible to receive these awards. October June


ARS Scientist of the Year Program:
ARS-wide Winners (Cash Awards and Research Support will be funded by Headquarters)
    Cash Award Research Support
1 Distinguished Senior Research Scientist $5,000 $40,000
3 Outstanding Senior Research Scientists $4,000 $25,000
1 Herbert L. Rothbart Outstanding Early Career Research Scientist* $4,000 $25,000
*Recipient receives an additional $25,000 in the following FY as a result of winning the Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers - this award will be funded by Headquarters.

Area Winners (Cash awards will be funded by Headquarters. Research support will be funded by the Areas.)
    Cash Award Research Support
7 Area Senior Research Scientists $4,000 $20,000
7 Area Early Career Research Scientists $3,000 $15,000

ARS Technology Transfer Award Program: (Cash Awards funded by OTT)
    Cash Award
2 Outstanding Effort $4,000
1-6 Superior Effort $3,000

ARS Office Support Professional of the Year: (Cash Award funded by Headquarters)
  Cash Award
1 $4,000

AFM Support Awards for Excellence: (Cash Awards funded by AFM)
    Cash Award
1 Gold $4,000
1 Silver $3,000
2 Bronze $2,000
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current page last modified on June 23, 2005