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Radiative Transfer Model Intercomparison Project Data Now Available
Oct 29, 2008
The ARM Climate Research Facility Data Archive has published the Radiative Transfer Model Intercomparison Project (RTMIP) data set, compiled by Bill Collins. This data set compares the radiation models embedded in the Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Models used in the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. These radiation models were [...]
Second Version of Long-Term Climate Modeling Best Estimate Data Released
Jul 23, 2008
With major improvements in the cloud fraction, cloud liquid water path (LWP), precipitable water vapor (PWV), and surface radiative fluxes, a new version of the "Climate Modeling Best Estimate" (CMBE) is now available from the ARM Climate Research Facility (ACRF) Archive. This data set, specifically tailored for use in evaluating global climate models, includes long-term [...]
Black Forest, Germany, WACR- ARSCL Evaluation Products Now Available
Jun 30, 2008
Observations from the 95 GHz W-band ARM Cloud Radar (WACR), Micropulse Lidar, and ceilometer have been combined using the new WACR-Active Remote Sensing of Clouds (WACR-ARSCL) value-added process (VAP) (Kollias and Miller, 2007) to produce cloud boundaries and time-height profiles of cloud location, radar moments, and linear depolarization ratio fields for the ARM Mobile Facility [...]
Announcing the Release of the Radiative Flux Analysis PI Product
May 15, 2008
Developed by Dr. Chuck Long, Radiative Flux Analysis PI Product data are now available from the ARM Climate Research Facility Archive. The current release includes data for all of the ARM fixed sites (except Darwin, which requires manual processing because of the monsoon season) plus data for the AMF deployments at Pt. Reyes and [...]
New ARM PI product—Merged MMCR and WSR-88D Data Sets
Mar 06, 2008
A new ARM Principal Investigator (PI) product—Merged MMCR and WSR-88D Datasets (PI:X. Dong)—is now available at the ARM Archive. This data set merges Millimeter Wavelength Cloud Radar (MMCR) reflectivity data with National Weather Service precipitation radar (WSR-88D) observations to provide improved radar reflectivity profiles in situations where the MMCR signla is attenuated. These data [...]
Long-Term Best Estimate Data Available for Climate Modelers
Feb 12, 2008
To better serve the needs of climate model development, the ARM Climate Research Facility (ACRF) has devoted significant effort to assemble a "climate modeling best estimate" (CMBE) of the highest quality cloud and radiation measurements. This data set, specifically tailored for use in evaluating of global climate models, includes long-term best estimates from selected ACRF [...]