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Breakthrough User Interface Delivers Statistical Views of Data
Oct 31, 2008 [ Facility Updates ]
A new software interface developed for the ACRF Data Archive allows users, for the first time, to view and obtain "statistical views" of measurements collected by ARM as part of the data selection and access process. The new interface allows users to drill down from multi-year, yearly, and monthly statistical graphs, with results presented in [...]
Radiative Transfer Model Intercomparison Project Data Now Available
Oct 29, 2008 [ Data Announcements ]
The ARM Climate Research Facility Data Archive has published the Radiative Transfer Model Intercomparison Project (RTMIP) data set, compiled by Bill Collins. This data set compares the radiation models embedded in the Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Models used in the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. These radiation models were [...]
Field Campaigns for 2010 Range from the Arctic to the Azores
Oct 23, 2008 [ Feature Stories and Releases ]
The Department of Energy recently announced the selection of major ACRF field campaigns that will take place in 2010. Studies led by prinicipal investigators Rob Wood, Hans Verlinde, and Jay Mace will examine marine, mixed-phase, and cirrus clouds in the Azores, Alaska, the Great Plains, and Colorado. For more information, read the DOE press release.
Using Copulas to Model Complex Clouds
Oct 20, 2008 [ Research Highlights ]
The realistic prediction of cloud cover and cloud properties by global climate models (GCMs) is a well-known limiting factor in the accuracy of today's climate predictions. Cloud prediction by GCMs is made difficult by the fact that the scale of cloud variability is often much smaller than the grid resolutions that are computationally available to [...]
Talk About Climate Change: Radiometer Moves from Arctic to South America
Oct 15, 2008 [ Facility Updates ]
The VAMOS Ocean-Cloud-Atmospheric-Land Study, or VOCALS, is an international field program designed to improve the understanding of the physical and chemical processes central to the climate system of the Southeast Pacific. The intensive observational portion of the regional experiment takes place off the west coast of Chile between October and November 2008. During this [...]
Preliminary Agenda Now Available for AVP Instrumentation Workshop
Oct 09, 2008 [ Events ]
A preliminary agenda is now available for the upcoming  3-day workshop on aircraft instrumentation sponsored by the Department of Energy’s Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Aerial Vehicles Program (AVP).  The workshop will be hosted at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, 14-16 of October 2008.  To learn more about the workshop, see the August 13 post. Tuesday 14 [...]
Continuous Clear-sky LW from Surface Measurements
Sep 30, 2008 [ Research Highlights ]
An important energy driver of the Earth-atmosphere system is the radiative exchange at the surface. One of the major influences on the amount of radiative energy reaching the surface is the effect of clouds, which in general tend to decrease the downwelling shortwave (SW) irradiance and increase the downwelling longwave (LW) irradiance relative to the [...]
Radiative Forcing by Long-lived Greenhouse Gases: Calculations with the AER Models
Sep 23, 2008 [ Research Highlights ]
A primary component of recent climate change is the radiative forcing caused by the increasing amounts of the radiatively active greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Between 1750 and 2005, the radiative forcing at the top of the atmosphere due to increases in carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and halocarbons has totaled over +2.6 W m-2. [...]
Vertical Variation of Cloud Droplet Size Using Ship and Space-borne R/S Data
Sep 11, 2008 [ Research Highlights ]
Low level stratiform liquid water clouds have a significant influence on the earth’s climate due to their strong shortwave radiative forcing. Such clouds cover large regions of the earth’s oceans [Klein and Hartmann 1993]. The shortwave optical depth of liquid water clouds depends upon both the bulk condensate amount and the size of the cloud [...]