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Facility Updates

Brief summaries of significant accomplishments and activities in the infrastructure area of the ARM Climate Research Facility (ACRF) are provided on a bimonthly basis.

Breakthrough User Interface Delivers Statistical Views of Data
Oct 31, 2008
A new software interface developed for the ACRF Data Archive allows users, for the first time, to view and obtain "statistical views" of measurements collected by ARM as part of the data selection and access process. The new interface allows users to drill down from multi-year, yearly, and monthly statistical graphs, with results presented in [...]
Talk About Climate Change: Radiometer Moves from Arctic to South America
Oct 15, 2008
The VAMOS Ocean-Cloud-Atmospheric-Land Study, or VOCALS, is an international field program designed to improve the understanding of the physical and chemical processes central to the climate system of the Southeast Pacific. The intensive observational portion of the regional experiment takes place off the west coast of Chile between October and November 2008. During this [...]
Sensor Upgrades Improve Meteorological Systems at North Slope of Alaska Sites
Sep 30, 2008
At the ACRF North Slope of Alaska (NSA) sites, standard meteorological measurements such as wind speed, wind direction, air temperature, dew point, and humidity are obtained using conventional sensors mounted on 10- and 40-meter towers. Unfortunately, in freezing weather, ice develops on the wind vanes, cup anemometers, and aspirator inlets for the temperature and humidity [...]
Website Update Links Publications to Related Information
Sep 30, 2008
Publications are key indicators of research progress and results, and tracking them is critical for various reporting and records requirements. The ARM website's text-based tracking tool, in place since the mid-1990s, did a good job of storing publication data but was not able to connect publications with related subject areas on the website, which made [...]
Education and Outreach Activities in the Tropics Get a Tune-up
Sep 30, 2008
In August, Education and Outreach (EO) staff traveled to the ACRF Tropical Western Pacific (TWP) sites where they met with site operations staff and local educators to discuss outreach activities and materials at these remote sites. In particular, they reviewed the status and use of the climate education kiosks installed in the local communities during [...]
Global Earth Observations Portal Provides Gateway to ACRF Data
Sep 15, 2008
Data obtained at the ACRF sites are freely available to users worldwide through the ACRF Data Archive. In August, the ACRF added another entry point to its data collection by registering the ARM Program and Data Archive as components within the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). This web-based decision-support tool links together existing [...]