Stephen Corn's Publications - By Topic

Amphibian Conservation
Desert Tortoises
General Herpetology
Herpetological Techniques
Wildlife-Habitat Relationships in Pacific Northwest Forests

Amphibian Conservation

Guscio CG, Hossack BR, Eby LA, Corn PS. 2008. Post-breeding habitat use by adult boreal toads (Bufo boreas boreas) after wildfire in Glacier National Park, USA. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 3:55–62.

Hossack BR, Corn PS. 2008. Wildland fire and seasonal wetlands: effects on water temperature and selection of breeding sites by the boreal toad (Bufo boreas). Herpetological Conservation and Biology 3:46–54.

Adams MJ, Hossack, BR, Knapp RA, Corn PS, Diamond SA, Trenham PC, Fagre D. 2005. Distribution patterns of lentic-breeding amphibians in relation to ultraviolet radiation exposure in western North America. Ecosystems 8:488–500.

Boone MD, Corn PS, Donnelly MA, Little EE, Niewiarowski PH. 2003. Physical stressors. In: Linder G, Krest SK, Sparling DW, editors. Amphibian decline: an integrated analysis of multiple stressor effects. Pensacola, FL: Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. p 129–151.

Brooks PD, O=Reilly CM, Diamond SA, Campbell DH, Knapp RA, Bradford, DM, Corn PS, Hossack BR, Tonnessen KA. 2005. Spatial and temporal variability in the amount and source of dissolved organic carbon: implications for UV exposure in amphibian habitats. Ecosystems 8:478–487.

Bury RB, Corn PS, Dodd CK Jr, McDiarmid RW, Scott NJ Jr. 1995. Amphibians. In LaRoe ET, Farris GS, Puckett CE, Doran PD, Mac MJ, editors. Our living resources. A report to the nation on the distribution, abundance, and health of U.S. plants, animals, and ecosystems. Washington: USDI National Biological Service. p 124B126.

Campbell DH, Muths E, Turk JT, Corn PS. 2004. Sensitivity to acidification of subalpine ponds and lakes in northwestern Colorado. Hydrological Processes 18:2817–2834.

Carey C, Corn PS, Jones MS, Livo LJ, Muths E, Loeffler CW. 2005. Factors limiting the recovery of boreal toads (Bufo b. boreas). In: Lannoo M, editor. Amphibian declines: the conservation status of United States species. Berkeley: University of California Press. p 222–236.

Corn PS. 1994. What we know and don't know about amphibian declines in the West. In: Covington WW, DeBano LF, technical coordinators. Sustainable ecological systems: implementing an ecological approach to land management. Proceedings of a symposium 12B15 July 1993; Flagstaff, AZ. Fort Collins, CO: USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. General Technical Report RM-247. p. 59B67.

Corn PS. 1998. Effects of ultraviolet radiation on boreal toads in Colorado. Ecological Applications 8:18B26.

Corn PS. 2000. Amphibian declines: review of some current hypotheses. In: Sparling DW, Bishop CA, Linder G, editors. Ecotoxicology of amphibians and reptiles. Pensacola FL: Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. p 663B696.

Corn PS. 2001. Perspectives from the Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute: Amphibians and wilderness. International Journal of Wilderness 7(2):25.

Corn PS. 2003. Amphibian breeding and climate change: the importance of snow in the mountains. Conservation Biology 17:622B625.

Corn PS. 2003. Deteriorating status of western amphibians: can we generalize about causes? In: Linder G, Krest SK, Sparling DW, editors. Amphibian decline: an integrated analysis of multiple stressor effects. Pensacola, FL: Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. p 249–255.

Corn PS. 2003. Endangered toads in the Rockies. In: Taylor L, Martin K, Hik D, Ryall A, editors. Ecological and earth sciences in mountain areas. Banff, AB: The Banff Centre. p 43B51.

Corn PS. 2005. Climate change and amphibians. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 28:59–67.

Corn PS. 2007. Amphibians and disease: implications for conservation in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Yellowstone Science 15(2):11–16.

Corn PS, Adams MJ, Battaglin WA, Gallant AL, James DL, Knutson M, Langtimm CA, Sauer JR. 2005. Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative: concepts and implementation. Reston, VA: U.S. Geological Survey. Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5015. 23 p.

Corn PS, Bury RB, Hyde EJ. 2003. Conservation of North American stream amphibians. In: Semlitsch R, editor. Amphibian conservation. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press. p 24B36.

Corn PS, Fogleman JC. 1984. Extinction of montane populations of leopard frogs (Rana pipiens) in Colorado. Journal of Herpetology 18:147B152.

Corn PS, Hossack BR, Muths E, Patla DA, Peterson CR, Gallant AL. 2005. Status of amphibians on the Continental Divide: surveys on a transect from Montana to Colorado, USA. Alytes 22:85–94.

Corn PS, Jennings ML, Muths E. 1997. Survey and assessment of amphibian populations in Rocky Mountain National Park. Northwestern Naturalist 78:34B55.

Corn PS, Knapp RA. 2000. Fish Stocking in protected areas: summary of a workshop. In: Cole DN, McCool SF, Borrie WT, O=Loughlin J, compilers. Wilderness science in a time of change conferenceCVolume 5: Wilderness ecosystems, threats, and management. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. Proceedings RMRS-P-0-VOL-5. p 301B303.

Corn PS, Muths E. 2002. Variable breeding phenology affects the exposure of amphibian embryos to ultraviolet radiation. Ecology 83:2958B2963.

Corn PS, Muths E. 2004. Variable breeding phenology affects the exposure of amphibian embryos to ultraviolet radiation: reply. Ecology 85:1759–1763.

Corn PS, Muths E, Adams MJ, Dodd CK Jr. 2005. The U. S. Geological Survey’s Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative. Alytes 22:65–71.

Corn PS, Stolzenburg W, Bury RB. 1989. Acid precipitation studies in Colorado and Wyoming: interim report of surveys of montane amphibians and water chemistry. Washington: USDI Fish and Wildlife Service. Biological Report 80(40.26). 56 p.

Corn PS, Vertucci FA. 1992. Descriptive risk assessment of the effects of acidic deposition on Rocky Mountain amphibians. Journal of Herpetology 26: 361B369.

Diamond SA, Trenham PC, Adams MJ, Hossack, BR, Knapp RA, Stark SL, Bradford, DM, Corn PS, Czarnowski K, Brooks, PD, Fagre D, Breen B, Detenbeck NE, Tonnessen KA. 2005. Estimated ultraviolet radiation doses in wetlands in six national parks. Ecosystems 8:462–477.

Funk WC, Blouin MS, Corn PS, Maxell BA, Pilliod DS, Amish S, Allendorf FW. 2005. Population structure of Columbia spotted frogs (Rana luteiventris) is strongly affected by the landscape. Molecular Ecology 14:483–496.

Funk WC, Greene AE, Corn PS, Allendorf FW. 2005. High dispersal in a frog species suggests that it is vulnerable to habitat fragmentation. Biology Letters 1:13–16.

Hossack BR, Corn PS. 2007. Responses of pond-breeding amphibians to wildfire: short-term patterns in occupancy and colonization. Ecological Applications 17: in press.

Hossack BR, Corn PS, Fagre DB. 2006. Divergent patterns of abundance and age-class structure of headwater stream tadpoles in burned and unburned watersheds. Canadian Journal of Zoology 84:1482–1488.

Hossack BR, Diamond SA, Corn PS. 2006. Distribution of the boreal toad populations in relation to estimated UV-B dose in Glacier National Park, Montana, USA. Canadian Journal of Zoology 84:98–107.

Hossack BR, Pilliod DS, Corn PS. 2005. Lack of significant changes in the herpetofauna of Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota, since the 1920s. American Midland Naturalist 154:423–432.

Knapp RA, Corn PS, Schindler DE. 2001. The introduction of nonnative fish into wilderness lakes: good intentions, conflicting mandates, and unintended consequences. Ecosystems 4:275B278.

Muths E, Campbell DH, Corn PS. 2003. Hatching success in two species of amphibians in northern Colorado in relation to water chemistry and climate. Amphibia-Reptilia 24:27B36.

Muths E, Corn PS. 2000. Boreal toads. In: Reading RP, Miller BJ, editors. Endangered animals: a reference guide to conflicting issues. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. p 60B65.

Muths E, Corn PS, Pessier AP, Green DE. 2003. Evidence for disease�related amphibian decline in Colorado. Biological Conservation 110:357B365.

Muths E, Johnson TL, Corn PS. 2001. Experimental repatriation of boreal toad (Bufo boreas) eggs, metamorphs, and adults in Rocky Mountain National Park. Southwestern Naturalist 46:106B113.

Muths E, Jung RE, Bailey L, Adams MJ, Corn PS, Dodd CK Jr, Fellers GM, Sadinski WJ, Schwalbe CR, Walls SC, Fisher RN, Gallant AL, Battaglin WA , Green DE. 2005. The U.S. Department of Interior’s Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative: a successful start to a national program. Applied Herpetology 2:355–371.

Muths E, Scherer RD, Corn PS, Lambert BR. 2006. Estimation of the probability of male toads to return to the breeding site. Ecology 87:1048–1056.

Odum RA, Corn PS. 2005. Bufo baxteri Porter, 1968. Wyoming toad. In: Lannoo M, editor. Amphibian declines: the conservation status of United States species. Berkeley: University of California Press. p 390–392.

Pilliod DS, Bury RB, Hyde EJ, Pearl, CA, Corn PS. 2003 Fire and amphibians in North America. Forest Ecology and Management 178:163B181.

Scherer RD, Muths E, Noon BR, Corn PS. 2005. An evaluation of weather and disease as causes of decline in two populations of boreal toads. Ecological Applications 15:2150–2160.

Vertucci FA, Corn S. 1994. Acidification and salamander recruitment: reply. BioScience 44(3):126, cover 3. [letter]

Vertucci FA, Corn PS. 1996. Evaluation of episodic acidification and amphibian declines in the Rocky Mountains. Ecological Applications 6:449B457.

Desert Tortoises

Anderson DR, Burnham KP, Lubow BC, Thomas L, Corn PS, Medica PA, Marlow RW. 2001. Field trials of line transect methods applied to estimation of desert tortoise abundance. Journal of Wildlife Management 65:583B597.

Bury RB, Corn PS. 1995. Have desert tortoises undergone a long�term decline in abundance? Wildlife Society Bulletin 23:41B47.

Bury RB, Esque TC, Corn PS. 1994. Conservation of desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii): genetics and protection of isolated populations. In Beaman KR, editor. Proceedings of 1987B1991 symposia. Palm Springs, CA: The Desert Tortoise Council. p 59B66.

Corn PS. 1994. Displacement of desert tortoises: overview of a study at the Apex Heavy Industrial Use Zone, Clark County, Nevada. In: Beaman KR, editor. Proceedings of 1987B1991 symposia. Palm Springs, CA: The Desert Tortoise Council. p 295B303.

Corn PS. 1994. Recent trends in desert tortoise populations in the Mojave Desert. In: Bury RB, Germano DJ, editors. Biology of North American tortoises. Washington: USDI National Biological Survey. Fish and Wildlife Research 13. p 85B93.

Field KJ, Tracy CR, Medica PA, Marlow RW, Corn PS. 2007. Return to the wild: translocation as a tool in conservation of the Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii). Biological Conservation 136:232–245.

General Herpetology

Corn PS. 1981. Field evidence for a relationship between color and developmental rate in the northern leopard frog (Rana pipiens). Herpetologica 37:155B160.

Corn PS. 1986. Genetic and developmental studies of albino chorus frogs (Pseudacris triseriata). Journal of Heredity 77:164B168.

Corn PS, Bury RB. 1986. Morphological variation and zoogeography of racers (Coluber constrictor) in the central Rocky Mountain region. Herpetologica 42:254B260.

Corn PS, Gingerich LJ. 1987. Geographical distribution: Phrynosoma douglassii brevirostre. Herpetological Review 18:20.

Corn PS, Livo LJ. 1989. Leopard frog and wood frog reproduction in Colorado and Wyoming. Northwestern Naturalist 70:1B9.

Corn PS. 1993. Bufo boreas (boreal toad). Predation. Herpetological Review 24:57.

Corn PS, Peterson CR. 1996. Prairie legaciesCamphibians and reptiles. In: Samson FB, Knopf FL, editors. Prairie Conservation: Preserving North America's Most Endangered Ecosystem. Covelo, CA: Island Press. p 125B134.

Fogleman JC, Corn PS, Pettus D. 1980. The genetic basis of a dorsal color polymorphism in Rana pipiens. Journal of Heredity 71:439B440.

Jones LLC, Corn PS. 1989. Third specimen of a metamorphosed Cope's giant salamander (Dicamptodon copei). Northwestern Naturalist 70:37B38.

Jones LLC, Bury RB, Corn PS. 1990. Field observation of the development of a clutch of Pacific giant salamander (Dicamptodon tenebrosus) eggs. Northwestern Naturalist 71:93B94.

Karraker NE, Pilliod DS, Adams MJ, Bull EL, Corn PS, Diller LV, Dupuis LA, Hayes MP, Hossack BR, Hodgson GR, Hyde EJ, Lohman K, Norman BR, Ollivier LM, Pearl CA, Peterson CR. 2006. Taxonomic and geographic variation in oviposition by tailed frogs (Ascaphus spp.). Northwestern Naturalist 87:87–97.
Muths E, Corn PS. 1997. Basking by boreal toads (Bufo boreas boreas) during the breeding season. Journal of Herpetology 31:426B428.

Herpetological Techniques

Bury RB, Corn PS. 1987. Evaluation of pitfall trapping in northwestern forests: arrays of traps with drift fences. Journal of Wildlife Management 51:112B119.

Bury RB, Corn PS. 1991.Sampling methods for amphibians in streams in the Pacific Northwest. Portland, OR: USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station. General Technical Report PNW-GTR-275. 29 p.

Corn PS. 1994. Straight�line drift fences and pitfall traps. In: Heyer WR, Donnelly MA, McDiarmid RW, Hayek LC, Foster MS, editors. Measuring and monitoring biological diversity: standard methods for amphibians. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press. p 109B117.

Corn PS, Bury RB. 1990. Sampling methods for terrestrial amphibians and reptiles. Portland, OR: USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station. General Technical Report PNW-GTR-256. 34 p.

Corn PS, Muths E, Iko WM. 2000. A comparison in Colorado of three methods to monitor breeding amphibians. Northwestern Naturalist. 81:22B30.

Muths E, Corn PS, Stanley TR. 2000. Use of oxytetracycline in batch�marking post�metamorphic boreal toads. Herpetological Review 31:28B32.

Wildlife-Habitat Relationships in Pacific Northwest Forests

Bury RB, Corn PS. 1988. Douglas-fir forests in the Oregon and Washington Cascades: abundance of terrestrial herpetofauna related to stand age and moisture. In: Szaro RC, Severson KE, Patton DR, editors. Management of amphibians, reptiles, and small mammals in North America. Ft Collins, CO: USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. General Technical Report RM-166. p 11B22.

Bury RB, Corn PS. 1988. Responses of aquatic and streamside amphibians to timber harvest: a review. In: Raedeke KJ, editor. Streamside management: riparian wildlife and forestry interactions. Seattle: University of Washington Institute of Forest Resources. Contribution 59. p 165B181.

Bury RB, Corn PS, Aubry KB. 1991. Regional comparisons of terrestrial amphibian communities in Oregon and Washington. In: Ruggiero LF, Aubry KB, Carey AB, Huff MH, technical coordinators. Wildlife and vegetation of unmanaged Douglas�fir forests. Portland, OR: USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station. General Technical Report PNW�GTR�285. p 341B350.

Bury RB, Corn PS, Aubry KB, Gilbert FF, Jones LLC. 1991. Aquatic amphibian communities in Oregon and Washington. In: Ruggiero LF, Aubry KB, Carey AB, Huff MH, technical coordinators. Wildlife and vegetation of unmanaged Douglas�fir forests. Portland, OR: USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station. General Technical Report PNW�GTR�285. p 353B362.

Corn PS, Bury RB. 1986. Habitat use and terrestrial activity by red tree voles (Arborimus longicaudus) in Oregon. Journal of Mammalogy 67:404B406.

Corn PS, Bury RB. 1988. Distribution of the voles Arborimus longicaudus and Phenacomys intermedius in the central Oregon Cascades. Journal of Mammalogy 69:427B429.

Corn PS, Bury RB. 1989. Logging in western Oregon: responses of headwater habitats and stream amphibians. Forest Ecology and Management 29:39B57.

Corn PS, Bury RB. 1991. Small mammal communities in the Oregon Coast Range. In: Ruggiero LF, Aubry KB, Carey AB, Huff MH, technical coordinators. Wildlife and vegetation of unmanaged Douglas�fir forests. Portland, OR: USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station. General Technical Report PNW�GTR�285. p 241B254.

Corn PS, Bury RB. 1991. Terrestrial amphibian communities in the Oregon Coast Range. In: Ruggiero LF, Aubry KB, Carey AB, Huff MH, technical coordinators. Wildlife and vegetation of unmanaged Douglas�fir forests. Portland, OR: USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station. General Technical Report PNW�GTR�285. p 305B317.

Corn PS, Bury RB, Spies TA. 1988. Douglas-fir forests in the Oregon and Washington Cascades: is the abundance of small mammals related to stand age and moisture? In: Szaro RC, Severson KE, Patton DR, editors. Management of amphibians, reptiles, and small mammals in North America. Ft Collins, CO: USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. General Technical Report RM-166. p 340B352.


Kaufmann MR, Graham RT, Boyce DA Jr, Moir WH, Perry L, Reynolds RT, Bassett RL, Mehlhop P, Edminster CB, Block WM, Corn PS. 1994. An ecological basis for ecosystem management. Fort Collins, CO: USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Research Station. General Technical Report RM-246. 22 p.