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United States Attorney's Office
Northern District of Texas

Map of Texas with northern district in blue.

Established in 1879, the United States Attorney's Office for the Northern District of Texas has prosecutive responsibility over 100 counties in the northern and western areas of Texas, encompassing 95,895 square miles and a population in excess of seven million. The United States Attorney is the Chief Federal Law Enforcement Officer of the United States within this jurisdiction. The 100 counties are divided into seven divisions with the headquarters office located in Dallas. There are staffed branch offices in Fort Worth, Lubbock and Amarillo and unstaffed branch offices in San Angelo, Wichita Falls and Abilene.

Approximately one-half of the Assistant United States Attorneys (AUSAs) in the District are assigned to the Dallas office; one-fourth are assigned to the Fort Worth Office; and the remainder are divided between the Lubbock and Amarillo offices. There are also several Special AUSAs who work throughout the District and have specific prosecutorial responsibility in certain program areas.

AUSAs in the criminal section evaluate federal law enforcement agencies’ investigative reports and determine whether prosecution should be undertaken. The prosecutors present information to grand juries and represent the U.S. in federal criminal trials.

AUSAs working in the civil section defend the U.S. in suits brought against the government. These cases include claims based on contracts, quasi-contracts, specific statutes, federal regulations, employment discrimination, immigration matters, and torts. They include suits to review orders of administrative agencies, to enjoin official acts, to challenge the constitutionality of federal statutes and regulations, to obtain monetary damages, and to determine many other types of federal rights and interests. In addition, AUSAs in the civil section also represent the U.S. as a plaintiff in affirmative civil litigation.

Support staff personnel throughout the District provide support for criminal and civil litigation, perform administrative duties and foster enhanced community relations. The majority of our administrative staff, including the Personnel, Procurement, Budget, Systems and Support Services sections, are located in the Dallas office.